Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 274 The exiled Sea Lizard Princess!


A huge, ferocious-looking sea monster fell down with a huge amount of golden blood splattering all over its body.

Beside it was Nim, who was gnashing his teeth and a huge crack appeared on his body made of ice crystals. He was half-kneeling on the sea, holding down the spreading scars with one hand and breathing heavily.

"Finally, beat it!"

Countless seawater flowed down his arm and overflowed into his whole body, and then was extremely compressed into ice crystals, healing the injury. However, judging from the speed, it would take a lot of time to completely repair it.


Suddenly, a sharp claw squeezed out from his wound and fell into the sea water. However, the monster he killed did not have its power forcibly extracted from the lord's bloodline in the body, but a gentle force emerged from it. The golden light penetrated into his chest.

"Although he has been getting stronger, it is not enough. Why is he so strong?!"

Nim was quite unwilling and looked up not far away. He spent all his strength and even hurt both sides to defeat this monster, but Lu En on the other side didn't even use the powerful trident. Navigate between two monsters with ease.

Nim really couldn't figure out how Lu En did it?

He understood the logic, but just couldn't figure it out.

Sometimes he even had the illusion that Luen was the real Nightmare Child and he was just an illegitimate child.

Bang bang!

While he was repairing his injuries and thinking wildly, Lu En had quickly dealt with the two sea monsters, holding the essence extracted from the lord's bloodline in his hands, and letting the food spirit refine it.

With the improvement of attributes, or the rapid improvement of physical fitness, Lu En had an increasingly vague sense that there was a powerful and mysterious force in his left hand.

This power is vast and illusory. Lu En has tried to find the golden finger he carried during time travel more than once before, but always ended in failure and could not find any trace.

But now, he felt the existence of the food spirit, not with his spirit or spirit, but through his body.

Deeper and farther in his body, even somewhere that can be called a "root"!

This is also the reason why the food spirit only has four-dimensional attributes, but does not have extraordinary or spiritual attributes. It is hidden in the root of the body, so what is strengthened is naturally only the body!

Lu En had a hunch that if he could break through the Archbishop, then the true face of the Soul Eater, or at least some clues, would be able to reveal Lushan's true face to him.

However, the prerequisite for these naturally requires him to break through to the level of archbishop.

"But it's not just me that is getting stronger, these monsters are also getting stronger, and the vortex in the center has been accelerating in expansion!"

After dealing with two powerful sea monsters, Lu En's expression did not relax at all. He looked around. Although the aura fluctuations around him were getting less and less, each one gave him an extremely powerful and obscure feeling.

"I'm afraid the real fierce battle is coming soon."

Lu En glanced at Nim in the distance, and the Black Sea Giant Turtle following them closely. Fortunately, Nim's growth rate was not slow and could share some of the pressure with him. However, as for the Black Sea Giant Turtle, he could only fight with him. Nami, Delina and others on the back gave moral support.

The defensive ability that the giant turtle is proud of can be easily broken by any monster still alive, and Nim was just trying to stop a sea monster that was attacking crazily with red eyes.

But for Lu En, the biggest threat is not these violent sea monsters, but someone else.

On the other side of the core area, there is a huge sea beast on top of its head, and three tall sea lizards are surrounding the petite sea lizard in the middle who is a head shorter than them, but has more rounded curves, and also has metal ornaments on its face and back of its neck.

The scales on this sea lizard's body have turned completely golden like Nim, and strange characters flashed from time to time in its pupils. It is not wearing a blue or green robe, but a more gorgeous and exquisite one, intertwined with white and gold. apparel.

Judging from the clothing alone, it is different from the surrounding sea lizards. If Lu En obtains enough memory fragments, he will know that this is the exclusive clothing of the sea lizard royal family. A dress that can and represents divine power. The divine court competes with the secular forces.

And this petite sea lizard, although she looks similar in appearance, is actually a princess.

A princess who was thrown into this place of exile by the Divine Court!

And unlike other exiles, this princess faced not permanent exile, but a certain time limit under the pressure of the royal family. It was more like being in prison, and the vast Black Sea was her cell.

Although the princess was not allowed to enter with her bodyguards, the princess herself was a powerful bishop-level mage. After entering, she relied on her status to immediately win over several exiles to become her followers, forming a stable group.

For these exiles, there is nothing more likely to get out of this prison than guarding a noble princess, so they can be said to be loyal and dedicated.

"There are still three ticks left before I can return to my original world. But if something like this happens, it must be the conspiracy of Shen Ting!"

But surrounded by everyone, the princess was not in a good mood, communicating with the surrounding guards in the language of the sea lizard tribe.

"The Divine Court has always been hostile to the royal family, but Your Highness, this may also be an opportunity."

A strong sea lizard spoke out. His upper body was naked and covered with scars, and even his scales fell off in some places. He was once a powerful warrior, a deep-sea beast master.

"With this opportunity, if His Highness can break through, he will be able to have more say in the royal family, and the resistance to rescue us will be much smaller."

"That's natural."

The princess nodded and looked at these sea lizards: "Deep Sea Beast Hunters, Wild Hunt Assassins, and Evolutionary Archmages. Even my brothers' subordinates are not so powerful. With you, I can even Can fight for the position of the next crown prince!"

"Although these sea monsters are powerful, they are no match for us. With all the blood of the lords gathered on His Highness, we will definitely be able to break through and open the passage to the outside!"

Another sea lizard with a stooped body, leaning on a staff and wearing a green robe said: "But I feel that on the other side, there seem to be other exiles who have united, it is the aura of the original Poseidon!"

The power of unity is always stronger than fighting alone, and these sea lizards are also intelligent creatures. It is not difficult to face the violent Black Sea monsters, and they even feel like they are sure of victory.

"First clean up the area around here, and then deal with those Poseidon believers. The original Poseidon's court has fallen and has no absorbing value. It will be a big trouble to rescue them."

The princess's eyes flashed as she looked towards the spreading whirlpool in the distance: "And I heard that there is an artifact here. If you can get it."

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