Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 285 Extraordinary characteristics, space folding! (Please vote for the third update!)

Flesh Furnace + Soul-Eating Gate!

This is a perfect match!

Think about it, when Luen defeated an archbishop-level enemy and sealed him in his body, the enemy was unyielding and was ready to escape or even turn defeat into victory, but what came to him was the Soul-Eating Gate. Just thinking about it, Luen could feel the despair.

As for the last item, or half of the ability, it was the ability that Luen had felt before, as if the whole world was surrounded by a network of thin lines, and he just slightly touched it, and the Evolutionary Master died suddenly.

The reason why it is half an item is that Luen can feel the existence of this ability, but he can't use it, as if he lacks some important factors, or hardware facilities.

However, referring to the previous time when Luen just fiddled with it a little, he felt unusually tired. Luen felt that it might be that his attributes were not up to standard, and this ability did not seem like a conventional method.

At this point, Luen had sorted out all the changes that had taken place after he broke through to the Archbishop. It was a long story, but it only took a few breaths for Luen to sort it all out, and then looked around.

Although his breakthrough was silent and took a very short time, the impact on the surroundings was still huge.

Not to mention the brilliance condensed outside his body, forming a giant that stood tall and straight, so that Nim and others could not even look directly at it, and could only lower their heads. Even the sea monster that was originally ridden by the sea lizard princess and stepped on by him had now twisted into a charcoal-like corpse.

At the moment Luen broke through, the vast power and brilliant aura that burst out took its life, and even the extraordinary power in its body was blown away and destroyed.

The sea surface around Luen was several meters lower than the surrounding area. As soon as the sea water in the distance rushed over, it turned into water vapor and evaporated, and even began to bubble.

He should be thankful that his breakthrough happened in the nightmare world, or in a deserted place like the Black Sea. Otherwise, if it happened in the real world, most of the imperial capital would be gone now.

The extraordinary auras emanating from his body are not just for viewing. If ordinary people come into contact with them, they will be immediately polluted and assimilated, and become monsters. Even if they die, their bodies can move.

In a sense, high-level extraordinary people are sources of pollution, and can even infect an ordinary world into an extraordinary world!

Of course, Lu En dare not imagine how powerful the power required to infect a world is. I am afraid that even the legendary gods do not have this ability.

Fortunately, this can only be regarded as an instinctive reaction. Soon after Lu En closed his eyes and carefully sensed it, these brilliant lights turned into strands of liquid-like light, flowing back through his pores, or attached to his hair, and the giant who stood tall and upright disappeared immediately.

At the same time, Luen's huge body gradually began to shrink, even smaller than when he was at the bishop level, and finally stabilized to about 1.8 meters, with a handsome face, black hair and black pupils, just like when he just crossed over.

"I am more adept at manipulating my body, and I feel that I can become even smaller"

After a while, Luen opened his eyes, and the extra arms, eyes, and layers of wings disappeared. He looked like an ordinary passerby on the street. That was impossible!

Because he was glowing, literally.

Close to his body, a layer of bright and fine gold edges outlined his entire person, which was out of tune with the surroundings, and this was the result of Luen's efforts to suppress it.

No matter when and where, as long as he appeared in the crowd, he would always be the most dazzling one. This was an extraordinary trait that could not be hidden or erased.

Not only Luen, but every archbishop and above was like this.

"No wonder we can only see bishop-level beings jumping around in the real world. If ordinary people see this kind of change, they will either think it's a monster or a god."

Lu En muttered to himself, thinking that even if he was wearing a robe condensed by blood energy, the light still radiated through the robe, making him look like he was inlaid with gold edges, and his every move attracted attention.

"This time I entered the nightmare world, the harvest was far beyond my expectations. I actually broke through to the archbishop directly, but misfortune and fortune are interdependent. It's not that easy to get out."

From a distance, Lu En had seen Nim and the black sea giant turtle swimming towards him quickly. This was not because of concern or worry about him, but behind them, a huge vortex was rapidly expanding and swallowing the sea surface.

Of course, next to Lu En, there was also an expanding vortex. They were now in the interlayer area between the outer periphery of the Great Cleansing and the vortex, and it was still shrinking rapidly.


The huge black sea giant turtle had already made a terrified cry. It was like two millstones stirring up and down. The first one to die must be the largest one.

"According to this trend, in five minutes, or even less, the entire core area will be engulfed by the vortex!" Lu En's heart sank, and he suddenly stretched out a hand and clenched his fist. The surrounding space was actually rippling like water waves, being pulled along Lu En's clenched fist.

This is some kind of field-like ability brought about by a strong physical body to a certain extent. This wave spread from all around him, and the seawater affected suddenly showed a strange sense of layering, as if this part was suddenly pulled Entered another space.

Of course, the current Lu En does not have this ability. This is just a folding between spaces, but this is terrifying enough. With just this move, most bishop-level beings can be killed instantly.


However, as soon as the space folded into contact with the vortex, it was like ordinary sea water, suddenly shattered and then swallowed up. Lu En felt at the same time that there was a powerful and majestic energy in the vortex.

"Is this the power of that artifact? When no one is controlling it, its essence is vaguely higher than that of a bishop?!"

Lu En frowned, and his body suddenly expanded to a height of seven or eight meters. His four strong arms worked together, and the surrounding space suddenly surged towards the whirlpool like a tablecloth that had been overturned.

The results were not promising.

This seemed to work. The expanding vortex was blocked for a second or so, but after a second, the movement he caused was immediately swallowed up by the vortex, as if nothing had happened.

Even becoming an Archbishop cannot stop the spread of the vortex. Did I guess wrong before?

According to Kadodam's previous speculation, the great purge has two functions. The first is of course to clear out all living things in the entire Black Sea area, even together with materials. The second is to select the final winner in the core area. Become the experimental result of this stage.

Judging from Princess Sea Lizard's performance, the strength of the final winner is undoubtedly at the Archbishop level. But now Lu En has also broken through to the Archbishop level, but is still powerless against the whirlpool of expansion.

This is inconsistent with speculation and common sense. If the ultimate goal is to kill them, then why bother dividing the core area and the so-called bloodline of the lords.

Lord's bloodline? !

Lu En was suddenly startled and thought of another guess!

What if the phased results of the entire testing ground are not the final selection of an archbishop-level winner, but refer to the lord's bloodline?

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