Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 291 Seal, Flesh Furnace!

Flesh furnace!

After Lu En broke through to the Archbishop, he gained three extraordinary abilities. The only one with lethality is also one of the most powerful abilities as a god.

Where does the confidence of being invincible at the same level come from? It is that the ascendant can not only defeat enemies of the same archbishop level, but also kill them!

"What do you want to do?"

Lord, who was stepped on by Lu En, suddenly felt a long-lost trembling feeling, just like the life and death crises he had experienced before breaking through to the Archbishop. Lu En was not the only one with this intuition. Only then.

Even if they replace the Son of Nightmare and become the Night Watchman, even the Son of Nightmare needs to fight to obtain the power fed back by the Nightmare Realm, and there is even the risk of falling. How can the Night Watchman have a smooth journey and reach the peak?

Every night watchman was a powerful warrior before, the strongest shield in the world!

But now, the long-lost sense of crisis hit Lord again, making his pupils shrink wildly. Suddenly, without hesitation, his huge body spread out like smoke, turning into black gas and sweeping away in all directions!

"Decisive enough!"

Lu En's eyelids twitched. His huge giant-like body not only exuded bright spiritual light, but also his entire body turned into dark red like a furnace. Mysterious patterns spread along his cheeks and even spread. When it reaches his pupils, light shoots out!

"Unfortunately, it's too late!"

Bang! ! !

A violent sound suddenly erupted in the air, and countless cracks appeared on the ground near Lu En. He slightly arched his body, and his four arms exuding powerful power closed together to grab the air in front of him. , dragging something hard.

Several rays of blue light, like stars, burst out from between his fingers, and then slowly extended along the air, turning into a figure with the head of a bird and a human body, with black wings on its back, conveying extremely shocking mental fluctuations.

"How is it possible? This kind of thing can't happen!"

This is clearly the spirit of Lord Kahn!

His spirit, which should have been dispersed and could even transform into each other with power, was forcibly captured by Lu En!

And for all extraordinary beings except those who have ascended to the gods, spirit is their foundation!

"Who are you? Who are you?? The Night Watchman will not let you go!"

The crisis of death was close at hand, and Lord's spirit desperately tried to disperse, sending out violent mental fluctuations like a tsunami, but the originally ethereal spirit was now tightly grasped by Lu En and could not move!

Lu En did not respond, because using the ability of the Flesh Furnace was much more difficult than he imagined.

He almost used up all his strength to catch the opponent's violent spirit, and around him, the power belonging to Lord seemed to begin to run rampant. Countless densely packed small black feathers grew in the void, surrounding him. Wrapped up, some earth and rocks were even activated to grow feathers and attack him.

Gradually, Lord, who was tightly grasped by Lu En's four arms and kept roaring and struggling, could no longer maintain the image of a bird-headed human body. Suddenly, it dispersed into a large area of ​​​​radiance, and then the mystery emerged along Lu En's body. The lines quickly sank in!


Not only that, the power belonging to Lord that was lingering around him was like a bird returning to its nest. It all poured into his body with a roar. Countless tiny black feathers grew out of his pores, and then were absorbed into his body. The bright spiritual light was annihilated.

This lasted for nearly half a minute before the burst of aura and power fluctuations gradually subsided.

Whoops! Whoops!

Lu En gasped for breath, feeling that he had not felt this tired for a long time, and it came from both physical and mental exhaustion, as if he had been fighting an evenly matched opponent for a century.

"It seems that this trick cannot be used as a conventional method!"

He is extremely lucky now that he was not too greedy and finally pushed back another archbishop-level being who tried to get out of the passage. Originally, he was just worried that he was out of power. If one escaped, he might do harm to the real world. cause some bad effects.

But now it seems that it is no longer a problem of being unable to deal with it. The archbishop-level existence is more difficult to kill than he imagined. He finally feels the same feeling as his previous enemies facing him.

Facing an enemy that cannot be killed no matter how hard you try, anyone will feel powerless and desperate.

Even if it is a food spirit, Lu En needs to defeat the enemy without resistance or have an absolute advantage in strength before it can be forcibly refined. Lu En has actually tried it secretly before.

Even though he held Lord's spirit in his hand and seemed to have the absolute upper hand, the refining of the food-eating spirit still failed. Fortunately, he still had the ability of the physical furnace.

Lu En lowered his head and saw that his chest had returned from dark red to its original state. A giant black-feathered bird with fierce eyes and flapping wings occupied most of his chest like a tattoo. Countless golden chains came from all around. Emerge, lock it in, penetrate the texture.

If you look carefully, you will find that the feathers of the giant black-feathered bird are still shaking slightly, and even its eyes are moving slightly, as if it is ready to fly out from Lu En's chest at any time.

"The next step is water grinding. If you want to completely refine this giant bird in a physical furnace, the time required will be at least years."

Luen's robe with blood-based gold patterns covered Luen's body, and also covered the giant bird tattoo. Then as Luen's figure slowly shrank, he gradually turned into a white shirt and jeans, ignoring the outline of the human body. As for the bright light, it is no different from ordinary people.

However, the time it took for the Flesh Furnace to refine an archbishop-level being made Lu En frown involuntarily. After possessing the Food Spirit, the speed at which he became stronger had always been either an airplane or a rocket. Now it was suddenly measured in years, which was a bit difficult. accept.

But he also knew that this was a normal situation. After all, after breaking through to the Archbishop, a new world was immediately opened up. It could even be said to have some kind of immortality, and time was no longer their enemy.

In some worlds, archbishops are also known as legends and saints. Even in the Eastern Empire, beings at this level are considered real immortals, who live as long as heaven and earth, and shine with the sun and the moon!

"And after the enemy is completely refined, not only can the physical body become stronger, but also most of the opponent's abilities can be obtained. Is this an advancement method unique to those who ascend to the gods?"

"It seems that although the ascendant can only rely on his own powerful body in the early stage, as the number of refining enemies increases, he will also gain various powerful abilities and even be able to specifically look for those who are complementary to him. Abilities, such as enhancing one’s attack or defense, etc.”

Suddenly, Lu En understood the horror of those who ascended to the gods. As long as they don't die, they will become more terrifying as time passes. No wonder that in the end, they will be worshiped by countless creatures and tremblingly call them gods!

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