Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 30 Come to the door (yes, second update!)

"Flesh, I need more flesh and blood!"

In a jungle outside Lucas City, a figure lying on the ground raised his head, his face covered with blood, and growled from his throat: "Damn Three Gods Believers, damn Red Gloves, I won't let you go. Yours!"

He stood up, his figure was unusually burly in the darkness, and a row of staggered teeth opened like a shark. He chewed up the flesh and blood in his mouth and swallowed it. Then he kicked the wild wolf at his feet with a big hole in his chest and abdomen. He kicked the corpse away and said in a hateful tone: "The flesh, flesh and spirit of these beasts are too weak to restore my injuries. Only the flesh, flesh and spirit of humans can fully restore me!"

"No, I can't attack humans, Red Gloves will come looking for me!"

His tone suddenly changed, full of panic, and he hugged his head and shouted.

"Idiot, you have been approached by Red Gloves. If it weren't for me, you would be dead!"

A deeper voice appeared: "Listen to me now. Let's recover from our injuries first, and then kill all the pursuers behind us. Then we will change places and no one will know what you have done. You can continue to live your life." calm life."

"calm life"

The panicked voice was gradually stabilized, and he looked in the direction of Lucas. A kind of longing and longing appeared in his eyes, which were quickly replaced by bestiality and cruelty.

"Yes, first we need some human flesh and spirit, the more the better!"

"A gas pipeline explosion occurred again in Xiacheng District last night, causing a fire and collapse. The specific number of casualties is still under investigation. The city hall once again reminds everyone that due to the aging of the gas pipeline,"

In the early morning, Lu En drank soy milk in small sips and watched the morning news on TV with an expressionless face.

As expected, what happened last night has been covered up again. Now for most people, they have no idea that the notorious Black Snake Gang has all been wiped out overnight, let alone some incredible characters. Be active in this world.

Lu En's mind is extremely clear now, and he knows that the government may soon announce that the Black Snake Gang has been wiped out, thereby completely covering up this matter. However, Lu En has no sympathy for people like the Black Snake Gang. All the houses were occupied and transformed into their own strongholds, so that they would not disappear quietly.

Not even a blister appeared.

"Lu En, please keep an eye on Xiaokui during this period. Don't let her run around. I heard some bad news." After eating, Lu Guang's face was a little solemn and he told Lu En. Lu En nodded. , I know that some rumors have become more and more popular in slums and even downtown areas recently. It seems that there is a gang that specializes in kidnapping and trafficking children. Now everyone with children at home is panicking.

"Xiao Kui will stay at home and won't run around."

The little girl was very sensible and spoke immediately after hearing this. A smile appeared on Lu En's face and he touched Xiaokui's head: "It's okay. My brother is here. I will take you to the city to play during the next holiday."

Anyway, he is not short of money now. One hundred thousand yuan can't do anything big, but it is more than enough to take Xiaokui to eat, drink and have fun. Moreover, Lu En also wants to make up for Xiaokui's missing childhood. He was an only child on earth, but now there are so many The feeling of having a younger sister is actually not bad.

Earth, I don’t know how sad my parents will be when they hear the bad news!

Lu En suddenly felt sad. Although God treated him well and gave him a chance to be reborn, it was almost impossible to return to Earth.

With such melancholy, Lu En walked out slowly with his schoolbag on his back. However, just after taking two steps, he suddenly felt something and looked back. The hairs all over his body suddenly stood up. He was inexplicably horrified!

In the shadow of the stairs, he saw a tall, well-built woman grinning at him, like a hunting beast seeing its prey.

This woman's eyes were a breathtaking dark red, like coagulated blood clots, and a fierce and strange aura rushed towards her face. It was none other than Zana who appeared last night!

"Hello, little brother, we meet again, how did you think about my proposal last night?" Zana chuckled, walked out of the shadows and stood in front of Lu En, her tall body brought a A powerful oppressive force.

Lu En's expression changed, and countless thoughts swirled in his mind. Finally, he decided to see if he could be fooled. He showed a fearful and flinching expression, took two steps back and hugged his schoolbag: "Who are you? I don't understand what you are saying."

"I'm going to school, please don't harass me."

After saying that, Lu En turned around and left. Zana didn't chase her. She just sneered and turned to look at the third floor. A thin figure shrank back with a hiss: "Hey, this is your family, that cute little girl is Your sister?"


Lu En stopped in his steps, and his body gradually stretched. It seemed that something unknown was injected into his body. His whole person and his mental temperament changed drastically, and his sharp edge was revealed. He slowly turned around, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, full of energy. With a strong murderous intention!

Zana touched his psychological bottom line.

"Tsk, tsk, that's a nice look, but it's a pity that it's still a bit young. I haven't killed anyone yet. Only when you have ended the enemy's life with your own hands can you be considered a true warrior!" Zana lowered her head and looked down at Lu En.

"Why, it turns out that your family is your real weakness. No, this is not good. A real warrior will not allow himself to have such an obvious weakness. If I were you, I would kill them with my own hands, so that I wouldn't Troubled by these boring feelings.”

She spat out cruel words, but Lu En was unmoved. His strong spirit made his will like steel. He looked at Zana coldly: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Hehe, I told you before."

Zana sneered: "I haven't seen such an interesting evil invader like you for a long time. It's as if the influence of evil spirits on you doesn't exist at all. I think you are a talent. If you give me a chance to join us, you can become more powerful." the power of."

"Join you, who are you?" Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly, and his momentum did not drop at all. He had already felt that the threat this woman gave him was far less threatening than Mox before, but he would not take it lightly, because yesterday That night, the extremely powerful Mox died in her hands.

This woman is not physically or physically powerful, but controls another force that is even more bizarre and difficult to resist.

"Join us and you will know about these." Zana looked at Lu En with surprise in her eyes. She had not seen a human who was calm and composed under her aura for a long time, let alone a seventeen or eighteen year old. juvenile.

Such a person would never be forced by her two or three threats, which might even have the opposite effect. Zana actually already knew the answer in her heart. Sure enough, Lu En's face was as cold as ice and he spoke slowly: "If I Say no?"

"Then go to hell!"


Zana suddenly burst out, with veins exposed and all the joints in one big hand, and she grabbed Lu En head-on!

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