Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 300 Undercurrent, sigh!


At this moment, all the doubts in Lou Yue's mind were swept away, and all that was left in his heart, apart from shock, was joy.

Being able to have a relationship with a living god and Buddha, placed in the Heavenly Sword Bureau, is a high-ranking and venerable existence. Not to mention not giving her time to rest, she is willing to set off at night and come all night, and she is even happy to do so.

"Sister, why...?"

Lou Yue's movements were so skillful that even the juniors and juniors behind him were dumbfounded. One junior sister muttered to herself, but was pushed down by another excited disciple.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't look around, don't move around, we will do whatever Senior Sister does?"

The trembling voice of instructions sounded. After the junior sister knelt on the ground according to Lou Yue's posture, she felt horrified in her heart.

Isn’t this the gesture of worshiping gods and Buddhas in a temple? !

Could it be

Thinking of this, the Shuiyueliu disciples who had just reacted felt that their own breathing had stopped for an instant, and they lowered their heads deeply, not daring to make any movement.

For any of them, this is something that only occurs in mythological scenes. Even if everyone knows that there are immortal and Buddha-level beasts in the Tianjian Bureau, how many people have actually seen them?

"It's you again!"

The figure turned around, with black hair and eyes, and a delicate appearance. He looked like a student who had just entered college. And if Lu En's life trajectory had not changed, that would indeed be the case.

Although he said this, Lu En's face and tone did not show the slightest surprise, and he just nodded towards Lou Yue.

"Get up, I will help you complete this mission."

"How dare you trouble your seniors to take action!"

Lou Yue showed her most sincere and sweet smile and stood up from the ground. Only the corner of her eyes glanced at Lu En, but she couldn't help but think about this mission in her heart.

Judging from the data, he is just a fox demon who has been practicing for hundreds of years and has not yet broken through to the real-person level. Why is this existence even alarmed? Is there something shocking behind the scenes?

And the last time I saw this senior, he was still traveling around and refused to leave his name. Now he has joined our Tianjian Bureau. Because I have had contact with the senior, he hurriedly assigned the task to me?

Lou Yue gradually felt that she seemed to have touched some connections, but there was no doubt that this was a great good thing for her.

"The mission target is in a small mountain village in the distance. You can do it according to your own ideas. If you encounter danger, just call me."

Lu En's face was as calm as ever, and he had mastered the essence of acting. He perfectly played the role of a worldly master and a portable grandfather. After finishing speaking, he stepped on the air step by step and disappeared into the clouds.


Only then did a voice come from behind. However, as soon as the voice came out, the Tianya Eagle, which was clinging to the ground, seemed to have finally been released from prison. It flapped its wings and made a roar, and fled as fast as possible, carrying the wind, sand and grass all over the sky. leaf.


Lou Yue waved his hand, and the surrounding wind and sand were suppressed by an invisible force, and they fell to the ground one after another. They turned back to stare at his junior brothers and sisters, their faces were as cold as ever.

"What you have seen today and what happened about this senior, from this moment on, whoever dares to speak rashly, don't blame me for being unkind!"


The Shuiyueliu disciples behind him all looked horrified.

"Now just pretend that we have never met our seniors before and let's continue to complete the mission!"

Lou Yue took the lead, glanced at the empty sky covertly, and led people to a small village in the distance.

Tianjian Bureau Headquarters, Tianqi Palace.

"Are you a little too hasty in letting the little girl who has just been promoted to the Immortal to contact him?"

A gentle female voice sounded, but this time it was not the big white snake hanging from the beam, but a mature and plump beautiful woman in palace clothes, sitting on a white jade chair, with her hair falling down, and full of mystery. in.

“It’s not rushed at all and it’s just right.”

Venerable Tianqi was still in the form of a strange beast entrenched in the middle of the hall. He shook his head when he heard the words, and his eyes flashed with an inexplicable color. He suddenly spoke about unrelated things: "You have heard about the recent things in the door. ?”

"It's just a banished immortal, but it has stirred up the minds of many guys."

The noble lady lazily leaned back on the chair and said in a calm tone: "But these guys live and die. If they don't become venerable, they are just a pile of loess. They are not worth spending so much effort on."

“It’s easier said than done to become a venerable person!”

Tianqi lowered his head and rested it on his paws, and his tone immediately became softer as if he was talking in a dream: "The last human being to become a venerable was half a century ago, through the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, but now he is with the imperial court. It’s vaguely against us!”

"Recently, someone has been spreading news inside the door. Only by banishing the Immortal can one have the possibility of breaking through the Venerable. Many old guys have been moved, and this is why this storm happened. Although I calmed it down, I got the news. Someone actually plans to take advantage of the fact that the inheritance has not been fully refined and intercept the banished immortal on the way!"

"Do you think this mission is my handiwork?"


The lady's lips curled up, without any emotion of shock or surprise. Instead, she chuckled: "Those guys still have such courage?"

"It's just that you're out of your mind because of your sharpness!"

Tianqi's eyelids seemed to be closed, and he murmured: "I took the opportunity to combine two things this time to disrupt their plan. This is my final warning."

At the end of the sentence, it was like a yawn, and a mouth full of sharp fangs flashed with cold light.

"You have a really good temper. No wonder that person chose you to take charge of the situation. If you ask me, after all, you will grow more after you cut them, so I might as well kill them all!"

The noble lady moved and seemed to stand up from the chair. Only then did she see that there was no white jade seat under her body, but a long coiled snake tail. The whole body was crystal white, like mutton-fat white jade. While swimming towards the door, I heard a sigh from behind.

"God has the virtue of a happy life."

And outside the Tianjian Bureau, on the floating islands that looked like a fairyland on earth, a conversation was also going on on one of the islands, which was full of light and full of rare birds and animals.

"Find out who intervened?"

A voice that was so old that one felt as if half of his body had been buried in the earth just by hearing the voice, echoed over and over again in a small valley.

At the entrance of the valley, a middle-aged man was kneeling. Hearing this, he immediately spoke: "I only know that the Judgment Hall directly changed the mission, but I can't find out who specifically intervened and I dare not find out!"

He lowered his head and told the truth.

Guchi's voice seemed to disappear suddenly, and after a long time, he slowly sounded like he made up his mind: "So, have you found the changed mission content?"

"Check, I found it, but my ancestors."

The middle-aged man wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by an old voice: "In that case, follow the plan and send someone to kill the banished immortal and bring the remaining essence back to me!"

The middle-aged man's expression changed, but he just knelt on the ground and did not move for a long time. It was not until a black stream of light suddenly flew out and thundered down in front of him that a pure black stone tombstone turned out to be, and the old voice spoke again: "Go!"

The middle-aged man clenched the soil around him tightly with his palms. After a long time, he slowly loosened his grip and stood up unsteadily, his face gloomy.

"Yes, ancestor!"

He walked slowly outside step by step, giving the impression that he was waiting for the old man to change his mind at any time, but what he waited for was just a heavy sigh.

"Don't blame me either"

"Between life and death, there is great terror!"

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