Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 302 When the devil sits at home, disaster will come from the sky!


Whether it was the disciples behind Lou Yue or the white fox in front of the temple, even Lu En, who was watching everything in the sky, was slightly stunned.

We promised to appear in the finale and solve the problem by ourselves. Why are we calling for support before the fight even starts?

"Senior, please take action and save my junior sister!"

Lou Yue pressed her forehead against her palms, her heart filled with bitterness. Didn't she know that by doing this, the little affection she had accumulated with Lu En would be gone immediately, but if she had to watch her junior sister die, Lou Yue would Yue can't do it even more.

Shui Yueliu was a small sect, so they had a very deep relationship with each other, as close as brothers and sisters. Even when she was in trouble, the ones who supported her the most were still these junior brothers and sisters. How could she bear to watch them die.

But the current situation is that she is completely powerless in the face of such fatal injuries. She can't think of any other way except asking Lu En for help.

No matter how hard it was, she would save her junior sister!

"Do you think I will let you go if you kneel down and beg for mercy?"

However, when the huge white fox saw this scene, he thought Lou Yue was begging her for mercy. He immediately grinned and sneered, and his sharp claws left traces on the ground.

"The people from Tianjian Palace are still here today?"

However, just after taking two steps, all the hairs on her body suddenly stood up, because a faint sigh suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.



The disciples behind Lou Yue all knelt down, not even daring to raise their heads. However, Bai Hu saw a figure with a shimmering outline suddenly appearing in front of Lou Yue, standing out of thin air.

But no matter how hard it opened its eyes, it couldn't see clearly the true appearance of the figure shrouded in dim light. It wanted to move and roar, but it seemed as if someone had suddenly turned it into a sculpture, and it couldn't move at all.

However, the panic in its heart was really indescribable.


Lou Yue knelt on the ground, her tone full of fear and shame, but Lu En looked calm. He stretched out his finger, and a stream of blood could be decomposed into life force and poured into the body of the female disciple. The injury on her waist immediately began to heal, and she breathed It also calmed down.

In fact, even if Lou Yue didn't call him, he would secretly worry about the lives of this female disciple and even the wounded who may appear later. After all, Tianjian Bureau asked him to help take care of it, but in the end he asked Lou Yue to go back with a few corpses. It doesn't make sense, and it also lowers his quality.

A dignified archbishop-level existence couldn't even protect a few people, and he was simply too embarrassed to tell anyone about it.

Of course, it would be best if Lou Yue spoke up herself. Their actions of slaying demons were like playing house in Lu En's eyes, and they did not interest him at all.

Now that I have the opportunity, I might as well cut through the mess with a quick knife and solve it as soon as possible!

Lu En made a decision in his heart. The huge white fox suddenly felt the pressure on himself loosen. Without thinking, he instinctively moved his limbs and ran away wildly. Then he realized in his heart that in the face of this kind of existence, no matter how hard he ran, It's all wasted effort!

She immediately stopped and looked back at Lu En: "Holy Lord Rao"


Everyone's hearts trembled for a few times. After hearing a loud noise, the begging for mercy stopped suddenly, and their bodies couldn't help but trembled, like sifting chaff.

"Get up. The matter here is over. After it is dealt with, you can go back and resume your life."

Lu En retracted his palm and said lightly in front of Lou Yue, then he rose up like a sharp arrow and disappeared into the clouds in the blink of an eye, leaving only a harsh whistling sound.

After Lu En left completely, Lou Yue raised her head tremblingly, only to find that where the white fox had been standing, there was only a semicircular pit. It was not big but very deep. On the edge of the pit, the unconscious Champa was still there. It was rising and falling, but not a single hair of the white fox could be seen.

"Hiss, there are no bones left!"

One of the disciples took a breath of cold air and felt the hair stand on end behind him. Lou Yue immediately turned around and glared fiercely. He helped the injured junior sister up and said, "Senior, although his methods are a bit violent, he is still kind to my human race. Just Even this demonized woman is still alive and well, so don’t talk nonsense behind her back!”

But in her own heart, she couldn't help but guess: "This senior hates evil so much, I don't know who he is in history."

But then she suppressed her petty thoughts and no longer speculated. Instead, she ordered her junior brothers and sisters to tie up Champa and take her away, heading towards the village.

Slaying demons is not just about killing demons. In the face of these demons that build temples and worship privately, they also need to warn the villagers, expose the true face of the demons, and even destroy the temples, etc., and follow-up More troublesome.

Fortunately, what they faced this time were just ordinary villagers. With Lou Yue, the banished immortal, there would be no trouble.


On a hillside covered with green grass and fragrant wild flowers, Lu En stood with his hands behind his hands. At his feet was a rather strange thing. Kneeling was a petite fox with hair as bright as snow, without any variegation.

"Thank you Holy Lord, thank you Holy Lord for sparing the little demon's life!"

This white fox kept kowtowing at Lu En's feet, and even opened its mouth to make a sharp human voice. If it wasn't the huge white fox that Lu En had just slapped to death, who could it be?

"I'm going to spare your life because I want to ask you something."

Lu En's tone was calm, but the white fox at his feet trembled and responded repeatedly: "Holy Lord, may I ask, the little demon must tell you everything and dare not hide anything!"

Demon? Do even these evil spirits themselves think they are demons?

Lu En saw clearly, and even understood the white fox better than himself. In the Federation, this white fox was just an animal corrupted by evil spirits. It was cruel and inhumane, just like the raccoon he once encountered, which killed several members of a family. generally.

But here, the white fox not only spoke clearly and clearly, but also had no doubt about his identity as a demon.

How is this done? Could it be that the water and soil are different, and even the evil spirits born are different?

Lu En was puzzled, but he didn't show it. Instead, he asked, "How old are you since you became a demon?"

"It has been more than three hundred years since the little demon was born with spiritual intelligence and started to cultivate in ignorance. The specific age is unknown because the little demon has not developed his spiritual intelligence for hundreds of years and is like a wild beast, so he cannot remember it."

Bai Hu immediately replied.

"More than three hundred years?"

Lu En narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the white fox for a few times: "However, I think your body's lifespan is only more than ten years. Are you lying to me?"

"Little demons don't dare, little demons never dare to deceive the Holy Lord!"

The white fox was immediately frightened to death and shouted continuously: "There are two types of monsters in this world: natural monsters and acquired monsters. The natural monsters are favored by the world, have extraordinary talents, and have a long lifespan. They are big monsters, and small monsters are just A white fox becomes a spirit after tomorrow, and its lifespan is not as good as theirs, so it has to be reincarnated constantly to accumulate strength!"


Lu En asked.

"Yes, because of the limited lifespan, when the deadline is approaching, we, the mortal beings in the future, will be reincarnated in the same race that we have chosen long ago. Although we can only carry part of the power, our memory, intelligence and wisdom will not be lost, and we can still practice. It’s just that compared to those born with alien species or even humans, it takes countless hours, and it is even more risky. If you are not careful, all your efforts will be wasted and your body will die!”

At the end, the white fox's tone was extremely bitter. Over the past three hundred years, it had been reincarnated countless times. It was about to become a mother-in-law. In order to avoid danger, it even found a remote place to stay. Who knew the demon was there? Sitting at home, disaster comes from the sky. Although a breakthrough requires overcoming a disaster, this disaster is too big!

"That sounds like."

Lu En touched his chin, feeling familiar.

"Why does it look like an evil spirit changing its host?"

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