Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 312 Witch!

There are naturally advantages and disadvantages to getting involved in the Tianjian Bureau.

The advantage is that Lu En has gained a good identity, and thus enjoys great honor and status, as well as some ways to obtain information, and sometimes, help from other venerables, etc.

But the disadvantage is that he loses part of his freedom. Of course, it is not appropriate to say this, because Tianjian Bureau does not restrict his movements, and he can still go anywhere at will, whether it is the Federation or the Empire.

However, it is very likely that there will be some prying eyes around him, which is also one of the prices that must be paid for stepping on stage.

He is no longer the weak Grand Priest or even the Bishop level before, but an Archbishop level existence. Whether in the Federation or the Empire, he is one of the handful of existences standing at the top. Unless he keeps hiding himself, as long as he Actions will have a huge impact on the entire world.

To use a popular metaphor, it is like a firefly in the dark night, it cannot be hidden no matter how hard it is hidden.

The stars in the sky can be hidden in the Milky Way, because there are countless similar stars, but how can the sun or moon hanging high in the sky hide themselves?

In other words, Lu En's exposure was actually inevitable sooner or later, and the current result can be regarded as one of the best results.

Lu En believed that if he was exposed within the Federation, it would be a good thing for him to do what he did, not to mention the ease and ease he was living now, and not being hunted down by other or even higher-level powerful people.

And out of respect for the Venerable-level strength, not only Lu En, but every Venerable who goes out will be watched by the Heavenly Sword Bureau, but if it is Lu En, he may receive much more attention.

Of course, this is not absolute. Just like the blood shadow separated by Lu En, the clones of other venerables can still walk outside. However, in order not to attract attention, Lu En still chose to transport the forbidden weapon directly to the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Come to headquarters.

Due to the special nature of the forbidden weapon, even in the Venerable-level induction, it was just some hard metal, so it did not attract any attention at all.

On the other hand, the books inside seemed to attract a few consciousness scans, but these books were really just ordinary books, nothing unusual.

"Thirty-six pieces, plus the first one, it's just about one-third of the forbidden weapons I collected."

Lu En waved his hand to blow away the metal powder, and all the remaining bronze forbidden weapons flew towards him, and Lu En also sensed the huge mysterious energy contained in these forbidden weapons.

"In my induction, these energies are very conspicuous and almost undisguised, but in the hands of others, I have not found anything and there is no way to use them."

"Is it because I am not strong enough that only the Venerable level can detect it, or is it because of my powerful physical body?"

While Lu En was thinking, he held these forbidden weapons in his hands. The moment they came into contact with him, the mysterious energy in them poured into his body on its own like a starving ghost seeing delicious food, without him having to push it.

Countless warm currents were like little mice running around inside his body, strengthening every inch of flesh that passed by, making it tougher and stronger. Lu En's four arms went into battle, quickly absorbing these mysterious energies.

Every forbidden weapon that had absorbed energy immediately seemed to have gone through countless time and became dilapidated and fragile. It turned into powder with a slight exertion. After all thirty-six items were absorbed by Lu En, they were at his feet. A thin layer of cyan dust has been spread on the edge.

However, Lu En did not pay attention to this. Instead, he closed his eyes tightly and his whole body seemed to be expanding and contracting slightly with his breathing.

call! call!

In the entire hall, it gradually seemed like a hurricane was blowing, or like an unknown beast was roaring. The green dust at Lu En's feet was blown to an unknown place in an instant. An inexplicable momentum began to flow from Lu En. Exudes from the body.

His body seemed to have a life of its own. Every muscle and every bone was breathing freely and beating slightly. His originally fair complexion was slowly stained with a rough bronze color, giving him a wild look. , a sense of long-lasting history, just like the ancient ancestors, in order to survive, overcoming obstacles, with the scorching sun above their heads, and the earth under their feet, one step at a time!

If Lu En's temperament before was closer to that of a lofty god who came from ancient times, then now, he is more like a human being!


Suddenly, Lu En opened his mouth and spit out a short syllable. The sound was not loud, and it seemed that it did not even spread outside the palace. But in the Tianjian Bureau, the Venerable Tianqi who was resting with his eyes closed, and the beautiful woman lazily coiled with a snake tail, As well as a faintly squinting scarlet in the darkness, their expressions suddenly changed!


Like a river flowing, the majestic sound of going eastward came from Lu En's body. This was the blood flowing rapidly in his body. His figure expanded rapidly, from an ordinary human form to a real body of seven or eight meters tall. Fortunately, the hall was so wide that it could accommodate him. The bright aura spread out through every corner of the hall, as if a sun suddenly appeared inside!

Just when Lou Yue and others were dumbfounded and at a loss, the figure of Lord Tianqi appeared at the door of the hall at some unknown time. The burst of spiritual light was immediately blocked by invisible force and was limited to the presence in the hall.

Afterwards, Venerable Tianqi slowly walked in, and the doors and windows of the hall were quietly closed one by one.

"This is.?!"

However, upon entering the main hall, even Venerable Tianqi, who has lived for countless years and has experienced a lot, can't help but look surprised.

I saw Lu En standing proudly in the middle of the hall. He was completely different from before.

The mysterious lines that originally covered the whole body and were transformed from blood energy now outline a shape similar to a certain totem on Lu En's rough bronze skin. On his chest, there is also a tattoo of a bird fluttering about to fly. The black-winged giant bird has a fearful face.

But the biggest change is Lu En's temperament. Although his face and facial features have not changed at all, it gives people an inexplicable sense of simplicity and solemnity. Just standing here, Lord Tianqi feels that he is no longer a person. , but a living fossil, a walking ancient totem!


A soft sound appeared, and on Lu En's shoulder, a mysterious beast appeared, which seemed to be a snake. Its head was wrapped around Lu En's left shoulder, and its tail was wrapped around his right shoulder. It was grinning at Lord Tianqi, But it was extremely elusive, and I couldn't see its specific appearance clearly.

All in all, Lu En at this time, to Venerable Tianqi, felt like both a god and a human being!

It has no doubt that if Lu En maintains such an image and goes out, everyone who sees him will worship him and be filled with a heartfelt sense of recognition.

This is not succumbing to powerful power, but comes from the accumulation of blood and history. In ancient times, demons were rampant, natural disasters were frequent, and human beings lived in the sound of water and fire. They were far from becoming the protagonists of the world and were the first forerunners. Only by overcoming thorns and thorns, slaying monsters and fighting natural disasters can human beings thrive.

At that time, humans had not yet discovered all kinds of extraordinary powers, and evil spirits were more of a category of demons. The only thing they could rely on was their own bodies, and only their own bodies!

These pioneers are called witches!

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