Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 314: Ruining people’s future and historical myth?

What happened in Tianjun Hall has not been spread at all.

Lord Tianqi naturally didn't talk much, and Lou Yue and others obviously knew what to say and what not to say, so they kept their mouths shut and acted as if nothing had happened.

In the next few days, Lu En's body will gradually develop in the direction of witches, and the physical body will be slightly adjusted back. Mainly the path of pure witches is not able to tolerate extraordinary power at all. Blood energy in it is like It's like being locked up in a prison, unable to move at all.

This is naturally not in line with Lu En's thoughts. In today's world, extraordinary power occupies the absolute mainstream. Although those who ascend to the gods also rely on powerful physical bodies, they are not exclusive of extraordinary power. Naturally, Lu En will not go to extremes. .

He was carefully looking for a balance between the two.

You must maximize your physical strength without giving up your extraordinary strength. Only by walking on two legs can you walk faster and more steadily than others!

From this point of view, Lu En is somewhat fortunate that he has only collected one-third of the forbidden weapons so far. Otherwise, if one hundred and eight were really placed in front of him, I am afraid that he would have really transformed into a pure A big witch is equivalent to driving the car directly into a fork in the road and trying to change to the main road, not to mention how much effort and time it will take.

This is the reason why the path of witches and those who ascend to the gods have something in common. For other venerables, the only path they can choose is to become a great witch. This is why every step of the path needs to be done with caution. , once a decision is made, it is difficult to go back.

Of course, the average Venerable level probably won't be able to discover the secret of the forbidden weapon, because in order to trigger the forbidden weapon, the physical strength must reach a certain limit, and although this limit is not higher than that of a person who has ascended to the gods, it is not much different.

"So if the force that is also secretly collecting forbidden weapons also knows this, does that mean that behind them, there is also a being who is heading towards the Great Witch?"

"And the other party is not a god like me, which means that he can only keep moving forward on the path of witchcraft, so the other party must definitely get the remaining forbidden weapons!"

"Even the relationship between the other party and me is already a life-or-death relationship!"

Lu En's expression changed, and he suddenly thought of this aspect. For him, he could still sway between the Ascended God and the Shaman, take the essence of the two, and merge them to create a new path. But for another force that collects forbidden weapons, , if the existence behind the opponent is really as he guessed, then he is equivalent to blocking the opponent's way forward!

"Although the purpose of coming to the Eastern Empire was to find archbishop-level enemies, it still feels a bit weird to pop up out of nowhere like this."

"Palace Master, this is something sent by Lord Tianqi!"

While Lu En was thinking, Lou Yue suddenly appeared in front of the palace in a hurry, holding a jade slip in his hand. Lu En's consciousness swept over and found that there was some kind of protective measure on it, which only the Venerable level could read. information in it.

"This old fox left without saying anything before, and now he's here with the jade slip."

With a move of Lu En's hand, the jade slip flew out of Lou Yue's hand and landed in his palm. Then he thought about it and gently touched Lou Yue. A stream of blood energy was transformed into life force and poured out, blending into her. inside the body.

"Improve your strength as soon as possible!"

Even if he is an errand boy, he must at least have a few real-life figures to look decent, otherwise he will look too shabby for Master Tianjun.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Lou Yue immediately stepped back in surprise and joy.

Then Lu En looked at the jade slips and saw the information conveyed to him by Venerable Tianqi. As expected, they were all related to witches.

It seems that considering the reason why Lu En lost his memory, most of the previous chapters were introductions about witches. It felt like a combination of myth and history, and Lu En enjoyed reading it with great interest.

In ancient times, in addition to humans and various monsters and monsters, there were also extremely powerful creatures called gods!

However, these ancient gods are completely different from the gods currently circulating in human society. Most of them are huge in size, have different shapes, possess all kinds of powerful and incredible abilities, are moody and cruel by nature, and often cause various disasters according to their own preferences. .

Although they also have wisdom, these gods are more like wild beasts with powerful power. Most of them cannot communicate at all. The few who can communicate change their orders day by day and do whatever they want. Perhaps in the eyes of these gods, the whole world is their entertainment. field, and other creatures are just weeds and ants on the ground.

After witches led mankind to rise and gradually became the masters of the world, those who suffered greatly naturally became humans. Due to the existence of these gods, humans simply cannot form a unified whole, because once they gather, these gods will Just like a child seeing a large swarm of ants, he can't help but step on them.

Faced with this situation, as the pioneers and rulers of the human race, the great witches were naturally intolerable, and finally chose to rebel violently.

The vigorous battle to kill the gods began.

This is an extremely long period, because both gods and humans are in a state of dispersion. Today, the great witch successfully kills the gods, and tomorrow several human tribes will be destroyed. Killing and resistance, blood and war, run through the entire era.

The final result is that the witches lose, but humans win.

At the end of the war, both the remaining gods and the remaining humans were basically united, because those who were not united had been killed by the other side, but just like the gods, the witches among humans, Likewise, the more I fight, the less.

Because the birth of a great witch requires extremely harsh conditions. It not only requires extraordinary qualifications, but also undergoes various cruel trainings to stimulate the abilities hidden in the body. Countless people have failed and lost their lives in this process alone.

At its peak, the number of great witches in the entire human race, including those above them, did not exceed twenty!

Although the number of gods is equally rare, they are much more numerous than witches. After hard work and consumption, the final winner will be these gods. Without the blessing of witches, the outcome of human beings can be imagined. Got it.

Therefore, before the last great witch fell, human beings almost frantically searched for any way to gain power, and finally discovered the power of evil spirits with great sequelae. This was the original immortal!

Unlike witches, as long as they are determined and not afraid of death, immortals can directly mass-produce them. In the end, the overwhelming number of immortals drowned the remaining gods and successfully covered them in the dust of history.

To be honest, Lu En felt that this was more like a fairy tale spread, but would Venerable Tianqi tell him a fairy tale before going to bed?

Obviously it's impossible, so this means that at least some of these stories should be true!

Perhaps the real meaning that Lord Tianqi wants to express is that witches, like gods, have long been covered up in history, so there is actually no point in pursuing one's own past.

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