Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 322 Bell, seal!

The Yong Dynasty's National Master actually wants to take the path of the God Ascending?

Lu En couldn't help but be greatly surprised. Perhaps he himself didn't know the inside story, but in the dark, he was moving towards this path. Lu En didn't know whether he should think that the other party was lucky or unlucky.

Lucky, because the other party explored on his own and was able to find the way to the God Ascending, and put it into practice, this is the most important thing, the body and energy go hand in hand, it's easy to say, but it's harder to do than ascending to the sky.

This is like you can't have both fish and bear's paw, and anyone who has both is undoubtedly a genius among geniuses, and there must be a certain amount of luck. From this point of view, the Yong Dynasty's National Master has reached the current point, which is a natural prodigy.

Of course, whether it is an evil spirit or a human being, there is no genius who can become a Venerable-level existence.

Well. Except for those who cheat.

The reason why Lu En thinks that the Yong Dynasty's National Master is unlucky is also simple. One of the most basic prerequisites for becoming a God Ascending is to increase the strength of one's physical body tenfold, so as to break through to the Venerable or Archbishop level.

Obviously, the Yong Dynasty National Master is not like this.

He first used other methods to break through to the Venerable level, and then turned back to try to rebuild the road and get closer to the God Ascending Level, but he had already deviated from the foundation. The best result is to be infinitely close to the God Ascending Level, but sigh.

Unless he can abandon his own cultivation and break through again, but the probability of this is as small as winning two billion lottery tickets in a row.

Because without ten times the physical strength, it is impossible to stimulate various abilities from the root of the physical body, and the gap between them is not an exaggeration.

This is also the reason why the Yong Dynasty National Master seems to be not far from Lu En in all aspects, but is suppressed. However, as both are Venerables, it is unlikely that Lu En wants to kill the Yong Dynasty National Master without a physical furnace.

Of course, being suppressed by Lu En all the time is a great humiliation for the arrogant Yong Dynasty National Master. After being slapped in the face again, he withdrew from the battlefield with a sullen face.

"Hmph, my path has not been built yet, even if you are slightly better this time!"

Lu En found that if such a person's self-confidence is so strong that it is arrogant or even conceited, whether it is an ordinary person or a Venerable, if he does not want his confidence to collapse, he will definitely find all kinds of reasons for himself.

If the Venerable is self-deceiving, then no one in this world can really wake him up.

"Although you can no longer keep up with the times, you great witches can still not be underestimated for being able to fight against the gods in ancient times!"

The Yong Dynasty's national teacher looked at Lu En. Although he was at a disadvantage throughout the whole process, he was still full of confidence, as if he had an unknown support: "But this era no longer belongs to witches!"

"Then what, is this all you can do?"

Lu En snorted coldly, clenched his four arms into fists, and drew a trace of ripples in the air, but found that after the ripples, the surrounding space seemed to have been wiped off a layer of the surface, revealing the faint gold underneath.

An indescribable vast power emanated from these golden auras, which shocked Lu En's heart.

"It seems you finally found it!"

At this moment, Yong Dynasty's national teacher laughed and suddenly flew towards the edge of the closed space. The golden words that were originally swimming suddenly emerged, as if trying to stop it, but after he took out an object similar to a bell handle, it immediately stopped and he still passed through the barrier.


Lu En's heart suddenly emerged with bad feelings. He originally sensed that this layer of barrier was not strong, and its strength was gradually decreasing. In addition, he also didn't want to make any big noise, so he didn't care too much. Moreover, Yong Dynasty's national teacher failed to threaten him throughout the whole process, and he relaxed his vigilance a little.

But I didn't expect that there was another mystery under this space. I immediately followed Yong Dynasty's national teacher and tried to get out.

Who knew that those golden words reacted very quickly, and immediately rushed up and blocked Lu En, and the originally fragile space was like an indestructible wall at this time. With a bang, the entire isolated space trembled violently, and countless golden words were scattered!

But at the same time, Lu En was also bounced back fiercely, leaving several deep footprints on the charred ground.

"Don't dream, you can't get out!"

After drilling out of the isolated space, Yong Chao's national teacher regained his strong confidence, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Do you know what we did in the ancient times when facing those gods and demons that were difficult to kill and would revive from time to time?"

"Since they can't be killed, we can only choose to seal them. These gods and demons have all been sealed in another world and disappeared from then on. Since you are so ungrateful, you can also go to accompany them!"

Yong Chao's national teacher shook the broken bell handle in his hand, and suddenly a deep and loud bell sound appeared in the entire Giant Spirit Gate!


A huge golden bell suddenly rose from the Giant Spirit Gate, covering the entire mountain and even the surroundings. Even if it was dozens or hundreds of miles away, it was still clearly visible. The bell sound had unparalleled penetrating power, and every creature that heard it was instantly stagnant.

"Lu Shaoming, you!" The headmaster of the Juling Sect who came hurriedly with a look of shock on his face, the surprised disciples of the Juling Sect all around, even the hibernating snakes in the belly of the mountain, the flying birds, and even the flowing wind, all seemed to have stopped, as if they were condensed in invisible amber.

Even Lu En felt that the surrounding space and even time were turning into a raging torrent in an instant, trying to wrap him up. It also turned into amber, and a strong aura suddenly erupted, blocking him. outside.

However, from the outside, the space around him was like boiling water, boiling constantly, and occasionally some kind of crystal stream flashed by, and his figure could only be seen. Dazzling aura!

"Presumably those beings would also be extremely surprised to see a living witch!"

However, in this situation, Lu En could still put up a strong resistance, which was beyond the expectations of the national master. However, he also strengthened his determination to seal Lu En. Since it cannot be used by him, it cannot be used by the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Used!

"Venerable Tianjun, if you want to blame, blame yourself for not knowing how to praise!"

It seemed that Imperial Master Yongchao had tried his best to activate such a huge force. From his neck to his face, veins popped out. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out the words through his teeth, and waved again!


The bell rang, and from behind Lu En, a towering golden gate suddenly appeared. Looking carefully, this golden gate was actually composed of densely packed golden characters. At this time, the gate suddenly opened, and several golden chains were wrapped around Lu En. En dragged towards the door.


However, from the spiritual light, Lu En's roar came out, and the chains wrapped around him exploded instantly, without dragging him at all!


The Imperial Master suddenly felt as if he had been punched by someone. He staggered back and spat out a mouthful of blood. While he was still in the air, he turned into a white dragon and burrowed back along his mouth and nose. .

"Come again!"

However, he also showed a ruthless look, roared, stretched out more chains from the door, almost wrapped Lu En, and started dragging into the door inch by inch. From time to time, chains would explode, but immediately there would be more. of gush.

"How can it be so difficult?!"

At this time, Imperial Master Yongchao was shocked and angry inside. The difficulty of sealing was directly proportional to the strength of the object being sealed. The difficulty of sealing Lu En now was comparable to some powerful demons he had seen in the classics. !

"But even if he is a demon, he must be sealed obediently!"

Seeing that if he continued at this pace, his strength might be exhausted, and before Lu En could be dragged into the door, fire almost appeared in the eyes of the Imperial Master, and for the third time, he shook the bell handle in his hand!

"The giant spirit appears and helps me seal this demon!"


The moment the bell rang, the Imperial Master flew out, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief, because just as he flew out, a golden transparent hand suddenly popped out from the door and grabbed Lu En. He retracted, and then the door slammed shut.

"This time, we suffered a huge loss!"

Faced with such a situation, Imperial Master Yongchao also gave a bitter smile, and his body fell to the ground like a broken doll. Countless wounds emerged from the body surface, and blood splashed out like a fountain.

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