Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 325 Weird Goblin!

However, after the flash, no other accidents occurred, and these goblins gradually calmed down.

Lu En's aura burst out was not capable of killing, it just temporarily made them lose their eyesight. Although they were flying around like headless flies at first, it didn't take long for these goblins to get together again.

They seemed to be creatures with a strong collective concept. Although they were very timid, they were extremely persistent. They hesitated for a while above the giant pit, and then chose to land below, as if they must find out the reason.

Of course, they are sure to find nothing now, because Lu En, the instigator, has already blended into them.

Simulate everything!

Lu En had just obtained this great witch's ability from the forbidden weapon, but he didn't expect that he would put it to use so quickly, and the effect was quite good.

To be honest, Lu En regretted not collecting the forbidden weapons in the attic during the previous fight. Otherwise, in this world dominated by the body, every additional ability would be a huge improvement.

And from ancient times to the present, not to mention being able to be resurrected, this great wizard can actually cause huge waves. He must have extraordinary awakening abilities, but for some reason, his power and even inheritance are contained in those 108 In a forbidden container?

Lu En didn't understand after thinking about it, but he was convinced that even if he held the forbidden weapon in his hand, Imperial Master Yongchao didn't expect that it contained the original ability of the great witch, otherwise he wouldn't have given it to him as soon as he opened his mouth.

After retracting his thoughts, Lu En was multitasking. He now looked like a half-meter-tall male goblin. There was no abnormality among the team. As for the original goblin, after he absorbed the essence and blood, he was simply burned to ashes.

Therefore, after searching for a long time, the goblins found nothing except a terrifying giant pit. They had no choice but to fly towards the giant tree again under the leadership of a slightly larger goblin, about sixty centimeters tall.

And Lu En also discovered that although they looked a lot like humans, and even looked a little cute from a distance, in fact, these goblins were just like humans. Their bodies were covered with a thin layer of scales. , and the joints and even the chest area have arthropod-like structures.

It looks like some kind of humanoid insect.

The strange thing is that their faces are 90% similar to humans, and even when they open their mouths, they can reveal a set of white and neat teeth. However, their real eating organs are two straw-like things on their necks.

In other words, their heads, which are quite similar to humans, play the biggest role as decoration, because their real brains are actually hidden in their chests.

"This is really bizarre!"

After carefully looking at his body, the only feeling that came to Lu En's mind was weird. These fairies gave him the feeling that they were deliberately imitating human beings. In which world is it mainstream to evolve into humans?

After using the blood essence of the goblin to become a goblin, Lu En is now no different from a real goblin in terms of appearance, interior, and even various pheromones. In other words, he is indeed a goblin now.

It is also worth mentioning that Lu En’s current elf appearance can only exert strength between the dean and the grand dean. This is also the maximum power that this body can hold. After that, Lu En can Will immediately change back to human form.

Of course, if the goblin he transformed into is killed, he will also return to human form, and unless he obtains the blood essence of another goblin again, he will never be able to change into a goblin again.

These are more like the vests Lu En puts on outside.

Essence and blood are the original power of every living thing, combining the physical and spiritual aspects. Therefore, through this goblin's essence and blood, Lu En also obtained a small amount of memory, which is probably what happened in the past few days. The effect is not great, but Not small either.

Changing to another creature would allow Lu En to integrate in faster without revealing any flaws. However, after checking this part of the memory, Lu En found that these fairy creatures are actually quite simple.


Accompanied by the intensive sound of flapping wings, the group of goblins who were out to explore gradually approached the big tree. The closer they got, Lu En realized that this big tree was simply ridiculously huge. It was the tallest skyscraper he had ever seen on Blue Star. In front of this big tree, I can only be regarded as a younger brother, and the spread canopy is like another piece of sky.

This is like the world tree in myths and legends, supporting the sky and the earth. In front of it, Lu En and other fairies are like particles of dust gathering.

At this time, the gap caused by his fall was still left in the big tree. At a close look, it was not even visible as a gap, but it was thought to be a deep canyon.

Some kind of plant-like fragrance floats around.

These returning goblins were not blocked at all, they flew straight over and landed on a tree branch. There were already countless goblins staying here, like a mess, making an annoying buzzing sound.

However, upon closer inspection, I found that these goblins were actually cleaning up scattered leaves or sawdust. The goblin team landed here and immediately disbanded. The tallest one got into a tree hole and disappeared, and the remaining The goblins below also dispersed.

They were either helping to clean up leaves and debris, or they were also getting into a tree hole, and none of them paid attention to Lu En, who was standing there blankly.

Yes, the lifestyle of these goblins is quite similar to the bees or ants that Lu En knows, except that they are larger and more intelligent, although this actually has no effect.

Among these goblins, there is a clear class division. The highest one is naturally the queen or the goblin queen, then the guards who protect the queen, then the captain, the goblin who led them out this time, and finally Lu En becomes The goblin is the lowest and most numerous worker bee.

Moreover, class has been fixed since birth. In addition to working, ordinary worker bees probably only eat and sleep.

These goblin wings were like a soft membrane that could cling to the back. Lu En took a few steps and found that there were some small soft thorns growing on the soles of the goblin's feet. Moreover, the trunk of the giant tree was not as hard as expected, but it was easier to walk on. Very stable.

The remaining goblins ignored Lu En and allowed him to wander around. After walking around, Lu En also discovered that there were far more than just goblins living in the entire giant tree. It could even be said that there were countless creatures. The goblin only occupies a very small area, and in the huge wounds he caused, there are some huge moth-like creatures, which seem to be repairing the wounds and secreting milky white liquid.

This gave Lu En the illusion that he had arrived in a wild land, and he wanted to quickly understand the situation in this world. Lu En estimated that he would only be able to know if he found these fairy queens, so he turned over and got into a tree hole.

These tree holes are like complicated corridors inside the giant tree. However, Lu En completely transformed into a goblin and learned to use scent and pheromones to find the way. Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned the corner, he was faced with a sharp thorn projectile. Come over here!

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