Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 337 Humans suddenly appear!

A city?

Lu En let go of all his senses and made sure he was right. Many familiar buildings and humans did appear above the broken stubble of the home tree!

This is really getting more and more interesting!

Lu En transformed into the form of a pterosaur, flapped his wings and flew high, passing through countless fleeing creatures, and stopped on an upright branch, sizing up the city that suddenly appeared.

Calling it a city may be a bit exaggerated, but it is undoubtedly a larger town. Lu En heard huge screams and noises coming from the town at the same time, and then a large number of densely packed heads poured out.

Luen estimated that the number of these humans was in the thousands, and judging from the signs hanging on the buildings and the blond and blue-eyed people, they were actually from the Federation!

Of course, today was supposed to be a peaceful and peaceful day for the people in Sachi Town.

The federal territory is vast and has a tradition of dispersed settlement. Therefore, there are actually relatively few large-scale cities. Most of them are towns and villages scattered across the territory. They live a relatively self-sufficient and relatively peaceful life. Closed life.

Saatchi Town is one of them, but compared to other towns, they have many more residents because there is a coal mine and iron ore near the town, and mining requires a lot of manpower.

But just now, when everyone had just gotten up and the whole town was waking up from a deep sleep, rejuvenated and ready to repeat yesterday's life, the whole place was shaken, and the surrounding environment changed drastically!

The sun still hangs in the sky, and the warm sunshine shines lazily on them, but who can tell them what it is like when the distance suddenly turns into a mountain range and a jungle, and there are countless strange and ferocious creatures flying by?

They were suddenly in mid-air, and what they stepped on was no longer soil, but some kind of wood. What was going on?

"Come and save people, the children are trapped inside!"

Suddenly, a cry of surprise rang out in the town, and then most people recovered from the shock and ran toward the school in the town with a roar.

Lu En stood in the distance, taking in everything from a high position, feeling a little amazed in his heart.

Judging from the sudden collapse of half of the Home Tree, it seemed that the town had squeezed it down. However, in fact, the buildings in these towns did not appear out of thin air at all, but seemed to grow out of the entire Home Tree!

The broken wood on the home tree was completely integrated with these buildings, forming a strange scene where the lower half is the wooden structure and the upper half is the original building. Even the cement masonry ground has turned into pieces. Wooden floor tiles.

Most of the integrated scenes are as if these buildings were originally like this, with no sense of disobedience. Only in certain places will there be some abnormalities.

For example, school.

The original school in the town can no longer see its specific shape at this time, because a thick branch has been completely integrated with it. One part is brick and the other part is wood. It looks like the result of some rough work. , even the door was blocked by wood, and faint cries could be heard from inside.

Faced with this situation, all the parents of the children in the town were anxious. Without thinking about what happened, they hurriedly organized people to try to rescue the children inside.

There were no surprises in the process.

After all, it's just some messy wood growth that blocks the school into a maze. All you need to do is destroy it with tools. Moreover, the various institutions in the town are still intact, with the mayor, the sheriff, and others commanding them. Although the crowd He was panicking, but he still had a backbone.

Although Lu En was curious about how these people suddenly appeared, he still chose to watch from a distance and not intervene.

Because he might not be the only one observing these humans secretly.

After one of those mysterious creators was killed by him, he would definitely not give up. Lu En was curious about how they would react if they saw humans, or maybe the current situation was actually caused by these creators behind the scenes. ?

The sudden appearance of the creator sounded the alarm in Lu En's heart.

A random individual has the strength of the peak bishop level. Lu En doesn't know how many there are, or whether this one is special, but among these creators, there must be archbishop level existences, and he must be more cautious.

These creators were different from the enemies he had encountered before, and seemed extremely mysterious. Lu En did not dare to act rashly without clearing up specific information.

The world is so big and full of wonders, even Lu En can't guarantee that he won't fall over halfway.

It is a pity that he did not find any signs of life in the remains of the creator, let alone blood essence, otherwise he would not know anything about these creatures now.

There must be a deeper reason behind this sudden appearance of a small town, of which Lu En was certain.

Fortunately, this town appeared just as half of the Home Tree collapsed. Most of the ethnic groups were busy running for their lives and ignored them. However, as the residents of the town gradually recovered, the people who originally lived on the Home Tree The ethnic group also gradually recovered.

The sudden appearance of humans seemed to arouse their curiosity. Some creatures tried to get closer, but were quickly frightened away by the appearance of humans. The two were in a peaceful state for a while.

Of course, Lu En knew that this was only temporary. When the surrounding groups realized that the strength of the humans in front of them was not worth mentioning, the end of the humans in the town would come.

Regardless of quantity or quality, these ethnic groups are at an absolute advantage and can even destroy these people easily. Even if they are replaced by a fully armed army of the same number, the outcome will not change at all.

In this situation, after deliberation, these humans actually chose to send a team to investigate.

This decision cannot be said to be a mistake. Faced with such a situation, it is obviously important to understand the surrounding environment, but this also means that the probability of fighting with other creatures is greatly increased, and the paper tiger will soon be exposed.

Lu En's heart is not at all unstable, and he even feels like watching an American TV series in his previous life, but now it is a live-action version. I don't know if this group of people is the protagonist, but running wildly on the road to death is quite consistent with the plot. of.

There are about twenty people in this exploration team, including both men and women, but there are no young or old. The leaders seem to be two armed peace officers, and most of them are strong miners, protecting a few men and women.

This group of people walked out of the town, and after walking carefully for a long time, they came to the edge of the broken home tree. After discovering that they were actually on top of a giant tree, they obviously collapsed. Lu En saw that something seemed to have happened to the team. Some argued, some wanted to go back, others insisted on continuing to explore.

But even if only half of it was left, it was still far away from the ground. These people didn't have the courage to climb down the skin of the home tree, so they decided to go down through the cave!

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