Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 347 Tool Man “Rody”

Kill a Nightmare Lord!

This seems to be a very simple thing to say, but to do it is more difficult than climbing to the sky.

This is not a fake lord like in the Black Sea. The real nightmare lord's status in the nightmare world is like that of gods and demons in ancient times. He is aloof and his strength is even more unpredictable. The lord level that Nim previously classified is, at best, It's just a small boss.

To use a more popular metaphor, these nightmare lords are equivalent to the foundation of the entire nightmare world, or war weapons, each of which has the ability to destroy the world.

There is no doubt that having such a powerful power, but still being able to be firmly controlled by the nightmare world without any trouble, this is what their world urgently needs now.

Of course, it would be easier for the current Nim to fight against the Nightmare Lord than to let him commit suicide, so the black-robed figure only came to inform him of his mission, but there was no time limit at all.

In other words, his arrival just gave Nim a new choice.

At some point in the future, if Nim has grown to a high enough level, that will be the moment when he really has to make a choice.

"So now, you don't need to care about everything that happens in this world. All you need to do is try to improve your strength in the nightmare world. Only in this way can you have a choice!"

The black-robed figure looked at Nim and said calmly.

The children of nightmares are both lucky and unfortunate. They can easily obtain powerful power that ordinary people cannot imagine, but at the same time, even if they grow to extremely high heights, they can only have one choice.

Before that, it was just an insignificant chess piece in the game between the two worlds.

"But what good will this do to you?"

This conclusion did not go beyond Nim's expectations, or he had already thought about this issue when he freely traveled between the two worlds. However, for the original sect, the true purpose of doing so still seemed to have not been revealed.

He will not forget that in the past few centuries, countless murders have been closely related to this mysterious sect. The Federation's listing of it as the largest terrorist organization is not entirely slanderous and groundless.

"You can think of this as a study, or as a hobby!"

The black robe was fluttering around the body of the figure, and he did not cover himself up like Nim, but there were countless glances coming and going, but none of them fell on him. There seemed to be some pride or sadness in his tone.

"In this world, there are always many mediocre people and few like-minded people."

Along with the sound, his figure gradually melted into the air, as if he had never appeared before.

"Is this the Creator's purpose?"

In another world, or in other words, in the inner world, after accepting the information that suddenly emerged, the questions in Lu En's heart were partially solved.

This information does not involve much content, and is overlapped layer by layer. Only after completing the previous step, the subsequent content will appear. This seems to give people the illusion of being watched all the time, but in fact , which have been set in advance.

Of course, for Lu En, he easily obtained all the information.

As for why it's so troublesome, it's because these people and this town seem to be returning to their original world soon!

It's like some kind of overlapping or natural phenomenon that is located somewhere in the real world and will suddenly be pulled into this world, and some parts of this world will also overlap with the real world at the same time.

According to the creator's speculation, what happened this time should be the other way around, that is to say, the Home Tree was transported to the real world, but in fact, a small town in the real world and its residents were all transported. Sent over.

As a result, the creator's plan also changed accordingly.

They decided to control some humans and wait until they successfully returned to the real world to implement a series of plans.

As for the specific plan, it seems that everyone is responsible for different things. For Luen, the task given to him by these creators is to seduce other women?

Lu En frowned slightly. After drinking the water, everyone changed differently. Lu En became Roddy, and his whole person seemed to have been optimized from head to toe. , seemingly unchanged, but all the details are full of indescribable temptation for women.

As long as most women see him, they will be attracted like moths to a flame, and then voluntarily climb into his bed. This is not the use of supernatural power, but more like a genetic attraction. Of course, it makes Lu En even more awkward. What's interesting is that the seed bank of this body has also been modified.

In other words, any woman who has sex with him will develop certain infections.

Similar to him, there was Liv beside him. She was also full of unspeakable allure to men.

Both of them were transformed into some kind of tool-like beings.

Of course, everyone else should be similar, each with their own role. The originally ferocious-looking Sheriff has now returned to his human form. He and Luke should be the more important ones, and everyone else will surround them. Follow the horse's lead.

Now that all the water in the pool has been drunk, it seems that their purpose of coming out has been achieved. No one mentioned looking for water again. Instead, they all walked out along the tree hole in silence.

It is worth mentioning that the thumb-sized goblin did not choose to leave, but got directly into Lu En's pocket, seeming to follow them back and then to the real world.

And since we can go back soon, finding water sources will no longer be an urgent matter. The creator does not seem to intend to make such a transformation for everyone. Perhaps he is afraid that if there are too many people, he will be exposed?

Lu En guessed secretly.

The journey back is much easier than when they came, because now all of them can be regarded as extraordinary people. They can climb up by directly grabbing the outer bark of the home tree with their hands. Compared with the apes, Also be agile.

And as they gradually approached the town, the group of people gradually returned to a certain normality, or normality in the eyes of outsiders.

Playing, talking and laughing, being silent or laughing and joking, it seems that there is no difference from before. What's even more strange is that even they themselves don't realize that there is anything wrong with them.

The information that exists in their minds is more of a subtle influence on their behavior, making them think that it is their inner thoughts, but in fact, every move, every word and every deed is controlled by the creator behind the scenes.

To be honest, after learning that he could return to the real world again, and that the method was so simple, Lu En didn't want to go back so soon. After all, this world seemed to be much more interesting than the real world.

But after returning to the town, they found that the atmosphere in the town was not quite right.

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