Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 352 Surprise and fright!

Are you serious?

Lu En originally just thought that everyone would show off their acting skills, but unexpectedly, the creator gave him a surprise!

This big sword contained a huge power that even Lu En found frightening. As soon as he held it in his hand, a warm current spread all over the body along the palm of his hand, making people feel refreshed and energetic.

Although this huge power is sealed in this sword, only a small amount of it seeps out, which is enough to qualitatively improve a person's strength. Not to mention that the sword itself is extremely strong and sharp. It is not a divine weapon at all. Not an exaggeration.

This sword is like this, but what about that armor?

Lu En stretched out a hand and touched the gorgeous golden armor. He suddenly felt a tingling sensation of electric shock. He immediately let go of his hand as if he was frightened, and suddenly a turmoil arose in his heart.

Even with Lu En's psychological quality, he had the urge to turn around and leave regardless!

There is no power sealed in this set of armor, but it gives Lu En the feeling that there is a powerful consciousness sleeping in it, and it is also a being that surpasses the archbishop level!

If Lu En was surprised by the big sword that only contained power, then this sleeping consciousness made Lu En feel a little frightened. While hiding his consciousness tightly, Lu En wanted to retreat while holding the sword.

"It seems I can't take away this armor, so I might as well take this sword away!"

As he backed away, he murmured to himself, seemingly because the armor was too big and charged and difficult to take away, but in fact he didn't even want to touch it.

To be honest, Lu En wanted to run away immediately with this sword and find a place where there was no one for the food spirit to refine the power in it. If he guessed correctly, the consciousness in the armor should be this. The master of power, but I don’t know why it was divided into two parts.

But in the end, Lu En forcibly suppressed this impulse.

He has tried his best to guess the creator as high as possible, but now it seems that his guess is still too conservative. To be able to throw such a set of weapons casually, the creator's strength can be said to be unfathomable.

Lu En is extremely lucky now that since he came to this world, he has always chosen to hide his existence with a vest. Otherwise, one day when he is walking on the road and is suddenly crushed into powder by fingers falling from the sky, he will really cry without tears.

Although the Archbishop is the pinnacle of power in the real world, in this world, that is not necessarily the case.

This kind of thing related to consciousness or spirit, it is best not to touch it if possible. Lu En was very worried, but the creator worked hard to create such a scene, so naturally he would not let the plan fail. .

"Idiot, that is the real artifact, the most valuable thing!"

At some point, the little goblin suddenly flew over Lu En's head, grabbed his hair and whispered: "Hurry up and take it away, and you will gain unimaginable power!"

"But it's too big."

Rody, who Lu En had transformed into, looked embarrassed and looked around warily, perhaps to create a sense of tension. There were already huge footsteps nearby in the illusion, as if some kind of huge creature was coming here.

"And it's still charged, so I can't pick it up!"

After speaking, a decisive look appeared on his face: "Greed is the root of danger, only restraint can last long. Besides, I have already obtained this sword, so it is not all without gain!"

In short, Lu En made up his mind that he would never get that armor, and he would get through if he could.

With the little goblin still holding his hair, Lu En quickly stepped back. He couldn't have run far away, and the armor must have followed him automatically. Then his intention would be too obvious.

"Oh, I'm so mad at you!"

However, Lu En still underestimated the integrity of these creators. He saw the little goblin stamping his feet, then suddenly flew to Lu En's arm and bit him directly, leaving a deep tooth mark and blood. It flowed out immediately.

Then the little goblin took a mouthful of blood, flew onto the armor, and spat it out!


The blood that fell on the armor was immediately absorbed like a sponge, and then the neatly arranged parts such as helmets, shoulder armors, gloves, etc., suddenly seemed to come to life, assembled into human shapes, and clanged. Cang Qiang strode towards Lu En.

Is there such an operation?

Lu En's eyes widened as he watched the armor striding towards him. It seemed that his blood had taken effect, but in fact there was a force secretly manipulating it, forcing the armor to move.

For extraordinary beings, the information in blood or genes is not enough to become some kind of key or certificate. The so-called blood dripping to identify one's master is a joke within a joke. Only one's own spirit is a unique existence.

But it’s enough to deceive ordinary people who don’t know anything about it, and the Roddy played by Lu En is just such an “ordinary person” who doesn’t know anything!

So he could only watch as the armor moved swiftly and swiftly, then turned into a ball of golden light and suddenly sank into his body.

Lu En instantly felt that this huge consciousness was scattered in every corner of this body, blending with the flesh, and even hidden in Lu En's deliberately restrained spirit, lurking secretly.

"This is a divine weapon. Of course, you cannot use ordinary collection methods. You have to use this method!"

The little elf had a smile on his face and flew around Lu En, while Lu En was gnashing his teeth secretly in his heart.

Thank you so much!

However, Lu En also knew that the little fairy in front of him was not so much a living being as a puppet secretly controlled by the creator. Even the original consciousness had been washed away, and now every move was secretly set.


Just like in countless plots, danger always comes late. After Lu En merged the armor, a giant with a height of 100 meters suddenly appeared in the illusion, roaring like thunder and rushing towards him.

"Oh no, it's the guardian, run!"

The little fairy immediately pushed Lu En from behind, and then the two began to run for their lives. Unknowingly, Lu En also walked out of the illusion and returned to the jungle again, or in fact, he has always been in the jungle and never left.

"I didn't expect that we really succeeded. This is a feat that no one has ever accomplished!"

The little fairy excitedly told Lu En the plot, and Lu En just rolled his eyes secretly.

You are right, you are right. When I return to the real world, I will create a little golden man of the same height to award you.

Just wait for me!

At this point, if Lu En still doesn't understand the purpose of the creator, then he has been hanging around for nothing.

The weapon contains power, the armor hides consciousness, and it is completely integrated with Rody, which is clearly the rhythm of borrowing a body to be reborn and taking over another body!

The creator did see his potential, but unfortunately, this is the potential as a container.

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