Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 354 The out-of-control monster!

At the last moment, something unexpected happens.

This seems to be a certain law that prevails in the multiverse. If the creator's prediction is correct, then in half a day or a day, the entire town and the things above will be transmitted back to the real world.

But with the current situation, what will be reported back together with the town may not be these townspeople, but this terrifying out-of-control monster.

Lu En was also confused at this time. Even if he lost control again, he wouldn't have caused such an exaggerated scene. The moving tentacles covered almost half of the town, which was a bit too shocking.

Gunshots and screams rang out from time to time in the town, along with the drifting smoke. It was obvious that the situation of the people inside was not very good.

Lu En raised his feet and walked deeper, occasionally encountering some townspeople who were fleeing in panic. However, as he went deeper, he encountered fewer and fewer living people.

More of them either ran away or were strung on tentacles and continued to be dried like mummies.


Suddenly, Lu En dodged and avoided the sudden attack from a tentacle above his head. The tentacle threw a black shadow in the air, and then the sharp front end pierced the wall next to him with a bang.

The power is good and the speed is amazing!

Lu En secretly concluded that for ordinary people, such power and speed are basically difficult to resist. If the range of activity of these tentacles were not fixed, few people would be able to escape.


The empty tentacles twisted and dug a big hole in the wall, and attacked Lu En again. The length that was originally only about two meters suddenly stretched to three or four meters, like a flexible snake.

"In this way, the suddenness is also very strong!"

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Lu En directly grabbed the tentacle in his hand and held it tightly. He immediately felt a strong force churning in his hand and secreted some greasy mucus. Lu En felt a weak corrosive force. , directly released the tentacle again.

After some actions, Lu En has determined that this is basically an existence that ordinary people cannot deal with. A single tentacle is enough to kill, not to mention that it covers half of the town at this time, and there are countless more tentacles densely packed. .

No wonder these townspeople chose to leave. In this unfamiliar and dangerous environment, they would never have chosen to give up if they had not encountered such an irresistible crisis.

At this time, a strong desire for protection also emerged in Lu En's heart.

This does not occur naturally, but comes from the secret influence of the creator, but it is easy for people to think that these are their own inner thoughts. After all, people's thoughts are different every moment, and it is difficult to distinguish which ones are their own. Really generated ideas.

However, this was exactly what Lu En wanted, so with a thought in his mind, the big sword the size of a pendant in his hand instantly became as tall as half a man and a full finger thick. A veritable heavy sword felt like a heavy sword in his hand. Not much weight.

Since most of the power is sealed, this sword has only two characteristics: it is extremely strong and extremely sharp.

This is enough for the current situation!


A cold light flashed, and the tentacles that struck again were like fish that landed on the beach, and could only jump on the ground.

Even without using weapons, Lu En can walk back and forth among these tentacles with his current strength alone. However, with weapons, it is obviously easier. Lu En is almost as relaxed and casual as chopping melons and vegetables, heading towards the school. start moving in the direction.

No matter whether these tentacles came out from the surrounding walls, the ceiling above his head, or even from under his feet, they could never escape Lu En's slashing. He was not afraid of being exposed in this way, because the sword itself seemed to be able to provide Lu En with certain Blessing.

Even if Lu En lets go of his consciousness, this sword can automatically carry his arm to attack, and the effect is the same. For ordinary people, it is basically the feeling of a martial arts novice becoming a great master.

Lu En wanted to go straight to Huanglong to see what happened. Now he didn't dare to release his consciousness induction for fear of causing any accidents, but he was obviously not the only one who wanted to do this.

Bang bang bang!

Just in front of him, violent gunshots suddenly rang out, followed by noisy human voices. After a loud noise, the building next to him collapsed, and several embarrassed figures suddenly jumped out from the filled smoke.

"Where are you?"

Lu En heard someone gasping and asking. The voice sounded familiar, but he only accepted part of Roddy's memory and couldn't remember who it was. However, after a quick glance, he recognized it directly.

This man has a strong build, gray hair, and is very vigorous when walking. It can be said that he is getting stronger with age. He has a temperament that is always bossy. There is no doubt that he was in a high position before.

In fact, he is the mayor of this town.

"There's someone here!"


This group of people was extremely alert and immediately spotted Lu En standing next to him. Immediately, four or five guns were pointed at Lu En's head and body. The mayor stepped out of the smoke with a surprised look on his face.


The town may be considered big or small, but as a teacher, Roddy is also considered a celebrity. Of course, what makes him even more famous is the ambiguous rumors between him and the beautiful female teacher Liv.

"Good morning and noon, mayor!"

Lu En looked up at the sky and raised the big sword in his hand towards the mayor. In Rody's impression, although the mayor was not outstanding in ability, he still had personal charm. After all, he was a retired federal soldier and had a strong sense of responsibility. and organizational skills are pretty good.

"What are you doing here? Wait, how did you get here?"

The mayor asked before he realized that this was already a dangerous area covered by tentacles. Even they had to pay half the team's number to break in. How did Roddy appear here?

"I just walked in all the way, what's wrong?"

Lu En shrugged his shoulders and spoke. Even if four or five guns were pointed at him, his expression did not change at all. The mayor's eyes moved, fell on the sword in Lu En's hand, and then moved away.

"In that case, come with us and let's kill that damn monster together!"

The mayor turned around to signal, and the people behind him immediately put away their guns. Lu En glanced at it, and saw that the remaining sheriffs and some of the townspeople holding shotguns should be here. Many of them were still alive. There were about ten people covered in blood and wounds.

The strange thing is that he did not see Luke and others. Logically speaking, they should be the main force in solving this matter.

"We're almost at school, but there are more and more things, and we don't have much ammunition anymore!"

Someone in the team reported to the mayor. The mayor did not hesitate at all. He pointed directly at several team members and Lu En, and began to assign: "You guys go ahead, be careful of your tops and feet, and pay attention to safety!"

Everyone focused their attention on Lu En's face, and some even vaguely raised the muzzle of their suppressed gun, but Lu En grinned: "Okay!"

After saying that, he walked directly to the front with the big sword on his shoulder. When his ears moved, he heard a small conversation behind him.

"Mayor, there is something wrong with the sword in Rody's hand!"

"Don't worry, let's take another look."

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