Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 359 Gains and losses and... Xiaokui!

Chapter 359 Gains and losses and Xiaokui!

"I see, has such a big thing actually happened?"

In a high-end coffee shop facing the street, Lu En turned into Roddy again. After taking a sip of coffee, he put down the newspaper in his hand and added a piece of sugar.

After being strengthened by the creator, Rody had already been optimized once. Now Luen once again used his powerful physical control ability to slightly modify his facial features. Even people who are familiar with him would not be able to recognize him face to face.

After all, distinguishing a person is not only based on appearance, but also various behaviors and minute details. Lu En and Roddy have no similarities in this regard.

And turning into Roddy's appearance can be regarded as a helpless move by Lu En.

As an archbishop-level existence, the brilliant aura emanating from his true body can only be suppressed, but cannot be eliminated at all. The best result is equivalent to the whole person being surrounded by a ring of gold. If he does not want to be watched by thousands of people, Lu En feels It's better not to be so high-profile.

Among the people with the ability to imitate all things, Roddy is currently the only one in human form. He can't be allowed to turn into a monster and fly around in the sky, especially in this time of panic.

The lid on the federation was finally uncovered this time.

If these things happen in remote areas, or places far away from the imperial capital, like the town of Sachi that mysteriously disappeared and came back, the Federation can also suppress it and prevent it from being exposed.

But this happened near the imperial capital!

As the center of the entire federation, even a small incident can sometimes spread quickly throughout the entire federation, let alone the big event that happened this time.

The spread of strange areas, the crazy spewing of all kinds of monsters that only exist in legends or movies, and the massive mobilization of troops with heavy casualties. When people in the Federation read the newspapers these days, there is always a feeling that they are... Dreaming illusion.

The Federation also tried to cover it up, but how?

The roaring fighter planes, the faint sound of explosions, and even the mobilization of troops, these are irrefutable facts. Everyone is holding a magnifying glass and observing every move. The news media is as crazy as a holiday, all kinds of All kinds of news are flying all over the sky.

The federal government is powerful, but it cannot cover everyone's eyes and ears. All they can do is remain silent.

No matter what the outside world speculates, the government has always remained silent. Otherwise, what else could it say? They themselves have not figured out what happened, and how can they explain it to the people?

The only good thing is that before things got out of hand, just like when they suddenly appeared, all the phenomena, including the monsters that swarmed out and became stronger and stronger, suddenly disappeared.

The originally small town of thousands of people, together with the buildings above, traces of various battles, and even part of the army, mysteriously disappeared together, leaving only a piece of white land in place, as if nothing had happened.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the entire federation has been very strange these days. More incidents of mysterious disappearances and reappearances have also been reported, making the entire federation restless. I don’t know whether it is true or not. The followers of the Three Gods Sect, including the Zhengyi Sect, have also been reported. , but suddenly there was a big increase.

"Sir, is there anyone here?"

Lu En was reading the newspaper and thinking secretly, when a soft voice suddenly came from beside him, and then a faint smell of perfume entered his nose.

Looking up, a woman wearing a white top, blue skirt, who looked to be in her twenties, and light makeup was asking Lu En in a low voice, with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Lu En raised his eyes and looked around. Although the cafe was not big, it was sparsely crowded and there were still a lot of empty seats. When he saw the woman's slightly evasive gaze, he immediately reacted.

Although he tried his best to suppress himself, the optimized Rody and the attraction of extraordinary creatures to ordinary people still gave him a unique charm. To put it simply, he looked ordinary at first glance, but the more he looked at it, the more he became more and more charming. Charming, the kind that makes people unable to extricate themselves.

Obviously, this is one of the people of the opposite sex who is attracted.

Lu En raised the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly at the girl. He could even hear the girl's pounding heart before he shook his head gently: "Sorry, there is already someone here!"


The girl answered subconsciously, then reacted. Her face suddenly turned red, she bit her lip and took two steps back: "Well, I'm sorry to bother you!"

After saying that, he immediately lowered his head and ran out of the coffee shop. Lu En's smile faded, he picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee, then turned his eyes to the window.

"Why don't you agree to her? I feel like she has a crush on you, Roddy!"

From Lu En's breast pocket, a small head popped out, staring curiously at his side face.

"If you gain some things in this world, you will lose others. This is the price!"

Lu En spoke calmly, and at the same time stretched out a finger to push the little goblin back: "Besides, these are already too far away for me now."

In his previous life on Blue Star, Lu En once heard someone say that love is just a product of our genes' need to reproduce offspring. Of course, he didn't fully believe this statement, but he felt that it made sense.

At least Lu En has never met a person of the opposite sex who made him feel excited like he did in his previous life. Perhaps he will never meet again in the future.

The Archbishop level has already stepped into the threshold of immortality. As long as they don't commit suicide, they will have an extremely long lifespan, endless time, and perhaps they can erase everything, including love, family affection or everything else.

We think that things that are immortal are sometimes just not long enough to see their decay.

Of course, this is just Lu En's guess. If you don't reach that height, you will never know what the scenery above is like. Maybe it's ice and snow, everything is withered, but maybe it's sunny and spring flowers are blooming?

"Ring, ring, ring!"

At this moment, Lu En keenly heard the crisp bell sound coming from not far away, and then in front of a closed iron gate, many security guards suddenly rushed out to maintain order. One luxury car after another stopped on the roadside, attracting many eyes.

Accompanied by the sound of playfulness and laughter, some students in uniforms who looked young rushed out from the iron gate, and the parents or other characters waiting outside greeted them one after another.

Lu En's eyes moved, and he immediately saw a little girl with black hair and black eyes, who looked quite conspicuous, walking out with a few female classmates. She looked as cute as a porcelain doll, which made people pity her.

Although she felt like a crane standing out from the crowd and out of place, there was little emotion from the Federation towards other ethnic groups in the eyes around her. This might be attributed to the luxury car that was not only luxurious but also printed with the logo of the Ryan Military Industry.

In the Federation, ethnic minorities or races will be discriminated against, but rich people will never be discriminated against.


The little girl waved to her companions. The butler next to her had already opened the car door, and the girls who were traveling with her also waved.

"See you tomorrow!"

"Goodbye, Xiaokui!"

The car started slowly and began to move along the street. Lu En saw Xiaokui holding the butler's arm and chattering something. She seemed quite happy, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Not bad."

After drinking the rest of the coffee, Lu En used money to cover the newspaper as a tip and turned to leave.

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