Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 41 Free is the point! (Please recommend!)

"So tomorrow morning, everyone will prepare their things and then gather at the playground. If the time is exceeded, the car will not wait for you."

In class, the teacher smiled and said to the students. Watching the expressions of the students below gradually change from calmness to surprise, he felt happy in his heart.

As school was about to end at noon, the school suddenly released a big news, which made the originally peaceful campus agitated.

In order to eliminate the impact of the murder that happened at the school some time ago and to relieve the pressure on the students, the school decided to organize the students to have a one-day outing and picnic outside the city. It is said that this has received the consent and sponsorship of many parents of the students, so this No charge required!

This last sentence is the key point.

Outings and picnics are held by the school almost every year, but they have to charge relatively expensive fees before. Not to mention students like Lu En, even ordinary families will feel distressed, so this activity has always been Welfare for minority students.

For example, in Lu En's memory, his predecessor had never participated in such an event. Every time, he just watched others leave happily and enjoy themselves. But this time, it was actually free!

No wonder every student in the school was smiling, enveloped in an atmosphere of restlessness and excitement. Even Lu En, under the influence of such an atmosphere, felt his mood lifted, and a sense of anticipation arose spontaneously.

Of course, there is another reason for this. In order to prepare for tomorrow's activities, the school will only have half-day classes in the morning, and prepare students and parents in the afternoon. This is so in line with the students' wishes that they can't wait to hug the principal and kiss them to express their gratitude. .

Free outings and no classes, this is the dream of many students!

"Lu, Lu En, are you busy this afternoon?"

Unlike the transparent little boy in the past, Lu En is now considered a rising academic leader in the class, so when he was packing up his textbooks, students were already surrounding him.


Lu En turned his head and saw a pretty girl with a ponytail standing behind him, holding a textbook and biting her lip: "If you have time, I want you to help me. Help me make up for the get out of class, okay?"

"Haha, Winnie can really do it and stick it on again!"

"How shameless!"

There was a small discussion in the corner of the classroom. With his sharp ears, Lu En saw two girls in the corner staring at this place with mocking smiles on their faces, discussing unscrupulously.

"I can't do this kind of thing, it's so embarrassing!"

The last sentence was specially emphasized and reached Lu En's side. Winnie, the ponytail girl standing in front of him, suddenly trembled. The blush spread from her cheeks to the roots of her ears. She lowered her head and tears started to flash in her eyes. However, Still didn't move.

Lu En's eyes moved, and he recognized one of the girls with big golden waves. This was a pretty girl with a hot figure, named Debbie. Lu En was deeply impressed by her, not because of anything else, but Debbie was the girl who read out the love letter written by her predecessor to her in public and ridiculed it.

It was also the biggest reason why the young man felt so humiliated that he simply drank medicine and committed suicide, only for Lu En to return to life through his corpse. From this point of view, it seems that Lu En should be grateful to him!

"I can pay for it." Perhaps because she saw Lu En didn't respond for a long time, Winnie lowered her head and said in a small voice, "But, I don't have much."

"Ha ha--!"

Laughter suddenly came from the corner, and then stopped suddenly like a duck being pinched by the neck. Lu En's eyes were cold, looking at Debbie with a frozen smile, as if looking at a dead person without any emotion, although he I have never killed anyone, but I have killed some more terrifying monsters. It is actually very easy to reveal some murderous intentions.

Even some ordinary people can intimidate others if they risk their lives and show no concern, let alone Lu En. It is not for nothing that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Debbie suddenly felt that there was light all around. All disappeared, and the whole person fell into boundless darkness. A figure covered in blood held a butcher knife and showed a ferocious smile to her.


She let out a high-pitched scream, attracting everyone's attention and startling everyone at the same time. Then she stumbled out of the classroom like she was crazy, and even almost tripped over the desk, and her companions around her were also Shocked, he quickly ran out.

"Debbie, Debbie, what's wrong with you?"

"No, don't kill me!"

Debbie's screams gradually faded away, and the students who were still in the classroom looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

"Um, Debbie, what's wrong with her?"

Winnie watched all this happening in a daze, but she saw the young man in front of her lowering his eyelids and saying in an indifferent tone: "Maybe there is something wrong with his brain, he is sick."


She felt that Lu En seemed too cold-blooded and mean, but suddenly she remembered that it was not Debbie who had read the love letter written by Lu En out loud before, and she immediately swallowed the words in her throat.

But in fact, Lu En did not expect the effect to be so good. Thinking about it, it is actually quite normal. Most of these students are pampered and have been extremely well protected by their schools and families since childhood. Their resistance to fearful things is naturally very low.

If it were an adult, it might not have such a good effect, and some with a strong will would not be affected at all.

"Okay, let's start talking about what you don't understand. I don't charge you."

Lu En took the textbook from Winnie's hand and said, "But I also have other things to do in the afternoon, so I can tutor you for an hour at most."

"That's enough, thank you, Lu En!" Winnie responded hurriedly with surprise in her big eyes.

"Remember to be obedient when you go to your aunt's house. If nothing happens, I will pick you back up after a while."

At this time, at the largest station in Lucas, a middle-aged man wearing a well-dressed suit and meticulously groomed hair was giving final instructions. At the door of the train, Dorothy, who was said to be seriously ill, stood quietly with an ugly face. He bit his lip and reluctantly uttered three words: "I know."

"If you know, get on the bus quickly. Someone will pick you up at the station and take you to your aunt's house." The middle-aged man was Dorothy's father. He nodded after hearing this and watched the girl slowly move away, alone. Entering the carriage, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As a senior official in the Mayor's Office, although he knew a lot more than the average person, he didn't know the slightest bit about the real secrets. However, this did not prevent him from knowing that Lucas had become extremely dangerous, so he decisively made a concession. The decision to leave his wife and children.


The train started, and the middle-aged man stood and watched away. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly noticed a black fleet of about five or six cars appearing on the main road outside the city. There were no signs on the car, only the hollow carvings on the back. Holding a black angel with wings wrapped around it.

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