Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 674 Analysis and Clarification! (Please vote and subscribe!)

This is an unremarkable remote village, built in a wilderness, surrounded by reclaimed farmland. However, judging from the growth of the plants, it feels sickly, and the harvest will not be very good.

There are probably hundreds of villagers in the whole village, but now all men, women and children are gathered at the entrance of the village, looking at Bacon and the others with awe and envy. Once they make contact with their eyes, they immediately shrink back, like frightened beasts.

"Get out of the way, all of you, get out of my way!"

Bacon had always thought that the driver of the carriage was the coachman, just like the NPC in the dungeon who was responsible for sending them to complete their mission. But now he found out that this horseman with big yellow teeth and beards was their real guard, and he was waving a whip and arrogantly. While driving away the villagers, an old man next to him bowed and smiled, his face wrinkled like orange peel.

"Did you hear me? Let's go and do your own thing. Don't hang around here!"

But as soon as he turned around, a look of majesty appeared on his face, and he scolded the surrounding villagers, and the surrounding villagers who had been watching strongly dispersed in all directions in a flash.

It doesn't look like it's voluntary, but it looks like it was forced?

Bacon's observation skills were much sharper now. When he saw the relieved expressions on the faces of many villagers, his eyes turned and fell on the old man next to him.

This old man who looks to be in his forties or fifties is the village chief here, and judging from the information he just revealed in his conversation with Lu Shihu, Kevin's identity is obviously a son of a nobleman, and this village belongs to his father's fiefdom. Because I heard that monsters hurt people, I excitedly brought my friends to drive away evil and uphold justice.

This is in line with the usual plots of many games, and there is also a bearded man as a guard and so many villagers as helpers. It seems that the task is not difficult to complete.

Of course, it is also possible that the monsters are very powerful, so they are given so much help.

Bacon had two guesses in his mind, and his eyes fell on Kevin, who was being complimented constantly by the village chief and had an awkward smile. He followed him into the village with a complicated mood.

If it weren't for Lu En's reminder, he really wouldn't have noticed that Kevin was all pretending. However, once he became wary, it would be easy to see some of Kevin's flaws. For example, his expression seemed embarrassed, but in fact his eyes were always down. Looking at the surrounding environment carefully, he seemed to be impatient, but in fact he had been secretly trying to trick the village chief.

The entire village is made of wooden houses made of logs and planks, but most of them look rotten and black, showing signs of decay. The smell inside is not even good. Bacon even saw a bunch of unknown objects along the way. They were scattered on the road, and it took a lot of effort to control myself to avoid these landmines quietly.

Fortunately, it was Kevin who communicated all the way. The three of them were following behind and couldn't get in even if they wanted to. Bacon didn't care. He was not the type of person who was good at communicating.

After walking for a while, the old village chief took them directly to a large wooden house in the center of the village and left. It looked like it had been tidied up, but if you need anything, you can go to him directly. The village chief's home is right there. Diagonally opposite this wooden house.

The bearded guard was sent by Kevin to pull and pack the carriage. As soon as the door was closed, only four people were left in the wooden house.

"Everyone, I'm afraid I have to put some thought into this assessment. I just got some bad news from the village chief!"

Kevin found a stool and sat down, and got straight to the point: "I just tried to inquire about the vampire monster, but the village chief directly rejected it, saying that there is no monster at all, just some rumors. This is very strange."

"Skynet said there must be monsters, but I think the village chief is lying to us. After all, it is impossible to talk about this kind of thing rashly. If there are monsters, it is impossible to make it known to everyone. In this way It will only increase panic.”

Stephen touched his chin, pondered for a moment and then said: "Let's go and visit the village chief later. If necessary, you can intimidate. After all, you are the most senior among us. I guess the clue to the mission falls in that village." It’s grown!”

"And we are all newbies taking the test copy for the first time, so the difficulty will definitely not be too high."

As he spoke, Stephen seemed to have assumed the role of captain. Bacon glanced at Kevin from the corner of his eye and found that he was nodding his head in agreement without any disapproval or objection.

This guy is so scheming, what is his purpose?

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Suddenly, Diana, who was standing next to Bacon, spoke: "When I just came in, I specifically observed the expressions of the villagers and found that they all looked normal. If a monster really appeared, such a small village would definitely hide it. If you don’t stop, even if you are given a gag order, the atmosphere will be different.”

Diana seemed to be observing very carefully: "But I just saw that the villagers did not have any panic or fear expressions. Even the children looked very lively. You know, adults can hide things, but it is difficult for children. I see this This mission was not as easy as I thought.”

Her analysis was meticulous and her powers of observation were astonishing. The three of them couldn't help but nod their heads, and they all thought it made sense.

"Could it be like a monster attacking a city? After we arrive, there will be blood-sucking monsters attacking today or tomorrow, but they haven't appeared yet, so the villagers don't know about these things?"

Bacon suddenly thought of a possibility. After he said it, the others were stunned at the same time, and then they looked as if they had suddenly realized something!

"It is very likely!"

"If this is really the case, then the villagers can also become our helpers. With Kevin's identity, it is entirely possible to let the villagers be alert in advance. And the bearded groom is also a helper. I said that the novice mission cannot be that complicated!"

Stephen looked excited, and even Diana was thoughtful and nodded slightly. Bacon felt encouraged and turned his head to look at Kevin. He found that he also agreed with his face, but the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, as if showing a sarcastic smile.

However, Bacon looked more carefully and it seemed that it was just an illusion before. Kevin's expression was normal.

No, it's not an illusion!

Once you have a prejudice in your heart, even the slightest movement can be captured. Bacon couldn't help asking in his heart:

"Rabbit God, is there anything wrong with my guess?"

"Hehe, what's the problem? If your teammates really believe you, then they will all be led into the ditch!"

Lu En's laughter appeared in his heart:

"If the mission fails, I'm afraid you will have to bear the main consequences. The kid pretending to sleep should have discovered something, but he didn't tell you. I think he either has ulterior motives or wants to eat alone!"

"Fortunately, I have this god to help you point out the maze. Use your head to think carefully. What does the Skynet mission say? To save the ignorant villagers, why do you specifically point out "ignorance"? Because this is the hint of the mission!"

"Those blood-sucking monsters are actually hiding among the villagers!"

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