Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 679 Completion and Rewards!

Under absolute power, any calculation is in vain.

After Bacon truly understood the power of the scarlet eyes given to him by Luen, the battle basically lost any suspense. There were nine monsters rushing into the woods disguised as villagers, but it only took Bacon five minutes to deal with them. Time is running out.

Even after the young man killed the last villager, he felt unbelievable when he looked at the mummies all over the ground. He couldn't believe that he had done it.

But looking at the thin blood vessels flying around and the healing wounds on his body, Bacon felt that this was a matter of course.

In fact, the most difficult aspect of this dungeon mission is to understand that the monsters are hidden among the villagers, and to persuade the villagers to help them kill these monsters together. Since the village chief is the leader of the monsters, the difficulty is actually not low.

If you are not careful, you may fail to defeat the tiger but be injured by the tiger. The village chief incites the villagers to target Bacon and others. To solve this dilemma, wisdom and force are indispensable, and wisdom is even more important than force. .

Although these monsters are stronger and faster than ordinary people, their strength is also very limited. Even if the plan is good, the villagers alone can solve these monsters. This should also be the correct way to complete this dungeon mission, and it is also The reason why Kevin was given noble status by Skynet.

As long as the four of them observe carefully and unite as one, the task is actually not difficult. But unfortunately, the dungeon task was artificially led astray at the beginning. As the big boss behind the scenes, the village chief was actually killed on the first night. Kill it, causing the entire situation to collapse instantly.

As a result, Bacon came to the bottom of the cauldron and eliminated most of the monsters alone, becoming the final winner.

"how do you feel?"

Lu En's voice surfaced in his heart.

"very good, very powerful!"

Bacon told the truth, this powerful feeling can indeed be addictive and fascinating. After a fierce battle, Bacon's rejection of the scarlet eyes and the strange life-draining ability in his palm disappeared, and he was quite happy instead.

If it weren't for the existence of the Scarlet Eye, even if he could deal with these monsters, he would never be able to appear unscathed. This also made him feel an unprecedented sense of power.

"I saw you right, boy, you are indeed a born warrior!"

There was a rare hint of appreciation in Lu En's tone, while the boy scratched his head and giggled.

Of course, he feels the same way now.

Perhaps because he was directly transformed into a mummy, there was no scene of flesh and blood flying everywhere. Bacon adapted to the battle very quickly, and he had no so-called vomiting or heart palpitations afterwards.

Da da da!

Suddenly, Bacon's sensitive hearing detected another kind of movement outside the forest, which was the sound of horse hooves coming at a high speed. Looking from a distance, he saw a figure riding a gray horse, galloping over.


Bacon recognized it at a glance. The horse was the one that pulled the carriage earlier, and the person sitting on it could not be Kevin. Moreover, Kevin saw him from a distance and immediately tightened the reins. , came to a sudden stop.


Kevin was riding a horse and stood about fifty meters away from Bacon, with such shock in his eyes that he cried out.

"Is this all your fault?"

He was originally discussing with some people in the village how to reveal the true face of these monsters. At the same time, he temporarily convinced Stephen and Diana and gained the initiative. He was about to let go and do something big. Suddenly, all the monsters ran away!

How could this make him willing, so he followed the trail on horseback, and unexpectedly found Bacon, who had left early in the morning and was declared out by them, a young man he had never cared about!

And just a few minutes ago, he had received a message that the mission had failed.

Now all the monsters in the village have been lured out by Bacon and killed, which means that for the remaining three people, this assessment mission will end in complete failure!

"I didn't expect that after all calculations, you would be the one who hid the most!"

Kevin gritted his teeth and stared at Bacon, as if to remember him firmly in his bones, and the fingers holding the reins turned white: "How on earth did you do all this?"

"To each other, you almost deceived all of us!"

The young man snorted coldly and suddenly looked into his eyes seriously: "I'm also very curious. Why do you have to do this when we can obviously complete the task easily by working together? There are so many monsters that are completely enough for us to complete the task. There is no competition. possibility!"

Judging from the fact that each person can complete the task by killing two monsters, there are a total of eleven monsters in the whole village including the village chief, which is more than enough to complete the task. Bacon also can't figure out why Kevin must clear the place and eat alone.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Stephen was right. You are really a pure newcomer and entered the dungeon of this assessment without knowing anything!"

Kevin suddenly laughed, and then waved his horse's head: "You win this time, but it will take a long time. Being ahead for a while does not mean that you will always be ahead. Bacon, I will remember you!"

"And I promise, you will be famous soon. I hope you can still laugh by then!"

Just like when he came, Kevin rode away without hesitation, but just after running a few hundred meters, his body suddenly melted into the air and disappeared.

At the same time, a cold mechanical voice appeared in Bacon's ears:

"The task has been completed, evaluation: excellent!"

"You can choose to return immediately, or you can stay in this world for no more than two hours. Please choose!"


The young man looked at Kevin's disappearing figure and felt inexplicably uneasy. Then he lowered his head and said silently in his heart: "Return immediately!"


The next moment, his eyes were shrouded in a white light, and he could not see clearly the left and right surroundings. Then, a translucent panel appeared in front of him.

"Number: 9527"

"Task: Novice assessment, no penalty for failure!"

"Evaluation: Excellent!"

"Reward: Origin Gold (3), Origin Stone (2)"

"It has been detected that the source power is contained in the body, and the source stone has been automatically formed, which can be used to strengthen the source gold equipment!"

In front of him, three silver-white metal cubes suddenly appeared, each one the size of a fist, and two blood-colored cubes the size of a thumb, floating out of thin air, while the scarlet eye in his palm quietly disappeared without a trace.

Just when he was looking at the two things curiously, not knowing what they were used for, a piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind, and then he suddenly realized it. He grabbed the Origin Gold with one hand and the Origin Stone with the other, and gently held the two. One touch.

The silver Origin Gold and blood-colored Origin Stone seemed to be made of water. They merged directly into one, forming a dark red metal. Then the liquid metal began to extend and bend in a certain trajectory, with a smooth surface and Bloody lines appeared.

In just a few seconds, it turned into a metal arm armor, from the fingers to the forearm, like an extremely exquisite handicraft!

In the palm of the armor, a scarlet eye outlined with blood lines was lifelike, like a living creature, and Bacon's heart suddenly surged when he saw it.

"This is my guardian armor!"

He stretched out his hand, and the armor separated naturally and then wrapped around his left hand. It was airtight from the fingertips to the forearm, but there was no sense of obstruction at all. If you move your fingers slightly, you can hear a crisp clattering sound, and Bacon can feel it even more. His strength was unprecedentedly powerful, as if he could knock down even a wall with one punch!

"I see!"

Deep in his consciousness, Lu En's will was tightly hidden, and he suddenly realized it.

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