Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 685 Do you want to be a good person?

Bacon never expected that things would take such a turn.

He killed a monster that attacked the townspeople. Instead of receiving gratitude and praise, he seemed to arouse public outrage. What's more, they wanted to capture and tie him up and send him to those monsters to pray for forgiveness!

This unnatural scene immediately shocked the young man, and the townspeople holding wooden sticks, pitchforks, and spears slowly approached, like a raging tide that was about to submerge his isolated island. generally.

Facing those monsters, Bacon was able to take action without hesitation, but facing these ordinary people with ferocious expressions, he hesitated and couldn't help but stepped back. The surrounding townspeople suddenly seemed to have some confidence and became more unscrupulous. stand up!

"Break his hands and feet and throw him outside the town!"

Someone was hiding in the crowd and making a gloomy sound.

"I need to cut him a few more times to attract those monsters!"

Another voice emerged.

"Rabbit God, what should I do?"

No matter how powerful Bacon was, he had never encountered such a thing before. He suddenly panicked and could only seek Lu En's help from the bottom of his heart.

"Hehe, it's a drama about repaying kindness with revenge. There really is nothing new under the sun!"

Lu En chuckled and found it particularly interesting. These missions in alien spaces seemed to have a deep understanding of human nature.

"You have two choices now, either leave directly. These townspeople can't stop you, but if you want to stay in the town, don't even think about it. Or, take action directly and teach them some profound lessons!"

Lu En spoke calmly.

"How to teach them a lesson?"

Seeing the approaching townspeople, Bacon took a deep breath, but did not choose the former method. No one would be angry if a kindness was repaid with evil. Bacon was naturally not a saint, and he did not have the heart to repay kindness with kindness.

"If you see the one who screams the happiest, kill him!"

Lu En's voice had no emotion at all, but it was like thunder, exploding directly in Bacon's heart, leaving him stunned.

"kill him?!"

The boy couldn't believe his ears.

"Do you know why monsters kill people? After you kill monsters, these people not only are not afraid of you, but they also capture you and feed them to those monsters? You know that in terms of true strength, you are much stronger than those monsters!"


The young man moved lightly and reached the corner of the wall. This was something he couldn't figure out. Facing the incoming monster, these townspeople were frightened and fled in all directions. However, facing him who had killed the monster, they pressed forward step by step. Be confident!


Why? !

"It's simple, because in the eyes of these people, monsters can kill people, but you can't!"

Luen replied.

"What's the point?"

The young man was completely confused: "Why do they think that? I even killed this monster, they will not be my opponent at all!"

"It is precisely because you helped them kill this monster that you have become a 'good person' in their eyes!"

Lu En said quietly: "Monsters can kill people, so they are afraid of these monsters, but even if good people kill monsters, they will not be afraid of a good person, because they know that good people will not kill people."

"If a good person kills someone, is he still a good person? So when he sees a monster, he runs away, but when he sees a good person, he presses forward step by step. He wants the good person to sacrifice himself and save everyone!"

"Do you want to be a good person, Bacon? Maybe after these people kidnap you out, they will have a conscience to praise you and build a monument for you after you die!"

Lu En chuckled.


The young man gritted his teeth, stopped in his tracks, and looked around at the surrounding townspeople with angry eyes, as if there were blazing flames in his eyes.

"Who gave them the courage? Should good people be betrayed and then die?"

"It's a pity, but most people actually think this way. If sacrificing one person can save others, then no matter whether that person is willing to be sacrificed or not, the outcome is already doomed!"

Lu En said from the bottom of his heart: "And it seems that your retreat has betrayed you. Now everyone thinks you are a good person!"


Bacon had no intention of continuing to communicate with Lu En, because the pitchfork of the townspeople was about to poke him in the face. The young man raised the big sword in his hand, took a deep breath, and then yelled:

"If you come any closer, don't blame me for being rude!"

The crowd stagnated for a moment, and the atmosphere was somewhat frozen, but the next moment a voice broke the deadlock:

"Don't listen to him, he doesn't dare to attack us!"

The tone was firm, as if he was telling a solid fact.

The young man raised his eyes and saw that several people who entered the dungeon space with him had appeared at the outermost edge of the crowd at some point, staring at him calmly. The voice just now was shouted by the leading young man, who was heading towards He grinned.

"catch him!"

At this time, a town citizen suddenly shouted and thrust out the pitchfork in his hand.

"Decisiveness is a virtue."

Lu En's voice faintly emerged, but before he finished speaking, Bacon had already moved!


Dark red blood spattered out, sprinkling specks on the ground. An arm holding a pitchfork flew Xuan'er into the sky, and then landed on the ground in full view of everyone.

"Ah, my hand, my hand!"

Only then did the town citizen react. The severe pain caused him to almost go into shock. He fell to the ground and let out a shrill howl. Blood gushed out from his broken arm!

"I won't kill people easily, but they must pay the price!"

The young man responded in his heart, then clenched the sword in his hand and took a step forward with a ferocious expression:

"If anyone else wants to try, just come forward!"

Just like a replica of just now, Bacon took a step forward, and the surrounding townspeople took a step back, one step after another. No one dared to make a sound, only the townspeople who picked up his broken arm kept wailing, which made people Like falling into hell.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, we"

Perhaps it was too embarrassing for so many people to be forced to retreat by one person. One of the townspeople mustered up the courage. Just as he opened his mouth, he found that his eyes were blurred, and then there was severe pain under his body. When he lowered his head, he saw that one of his legs was still standing. On the ground, the bones, muscles and skin are clearly layered!

"my leg!!!"

This is the one who just screamed the happiest. Now seeing this cruel scene, he immediately rolled his eyes and fainted.



At this moment, the last string in the minds of the townspeople was broken. They immediately cried for their fathers and dispersed in all directions. It was similar to the previous monster attack. Only a few people led by the young man were left. Seeing his glance, they all endured He couldn't help but retreated.


At this moment, there was a loud shout in the distance, and then a middle-aged man with an extraordinary temperament strode over with several villagers. Seeing this scene, his face suddenly changed and he said angrily: "Who did this?" ?”

"I did it."

Bacon turned his head to look at him and spoke calmly.

"How dare you!"

The middle-aged man stared angrily, pointed at Bacon, and was about to speak. Someone had already approached Gulai next to him, and whispered something in his ear. His eyes kept falling on the big sword in his hand and the corpse of the monster on the ground, his expression It's even more uncertain.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man took several steps back, away from Bacon, and then said coldly: "I am the mayor here. You are not welcome here now. Please leave here and leave our town immediately!"

"We're here to help you get rid of these monsters."

Bacon suddenly glanced deliberately in the direction of the young people, and then spoke.

"No need, please leave immediately!"

The mayor snorted coldly. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a ghostly figure appear in front of him. A half-man-high sword was firmly placed on his shoulder, and a vivid scarlet eye was placed on the hilt.

"Say, you need it!"

Bacon's expression was indifferent, and he jumped out word by word.


In the darkness, Lu En's will was dumbfounded. This kid really has some of his previous style!

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