Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 688 Sweeping the scene, invincible!

The ordinary wood carving suddenly burst into a blood-red light, and then everyone around seemed to see a huge shadow emerge, and then with a whoosh, it sank into the sword in Bacon's hand, as if it were an illusion.


However, the next second, the wood carving in Bacon's palm suddenly showed fine cracks, and then the wind blew, and it turned into a pile of flying sawdust, as if it had been decayed for hundreds of years, and dissipated in the air.

"How is this possible?"

The mayor saw it clearly from the side, and almost stared out of his eyes, and then he was furious: "My treasure, what did you do to my treasure?"

"Give my treasure back to me!"


In his rage, he even forgot that he was still being pointed at by a sword, but Bacon was a little embarrassed. He said he was going to take a look, but he didn't see it at all, so he took a few steps back and avoided the furious mayor.

However, this time, he also distanced himself from the mayor. The latter was angry at first, then happy, and finally remembered that he had escaped from the tiger's mouth, and immediately roared: "Catch him and take back my treasure!" The townspeople around the mayor had long been filled with righteous indignation, but because the mayor was threatened, they did not dare to act rashly. Now they had no scruples and rushed directly towards Bacon. The townspeople who protected the mayor were not holding pitchforks and sticks. They were obviously the mayor's confidants, so they were holding either daggers or long knives in their hands. There were also two people holding spears, who took the lead in stabbing Bacon. "Hehe, don't worry, I will naturally do the job after taking your things. Those monsters and the Fallen Earl will be handed over to me directly. I guarantee that they will never harass your town again!" Bacon's strength has greatly increased now. Even if these people have weapons, they can't do anything to him. He knocked them to the ground with his sword and couldn't even get close to him. "But before that, can you take me to find your sheriff first?"

"Kill him!"

The mayor jumped and shouted, looking like he wanted to cut Bacon into pieces.

However, they were still helpless against the boy. Bacon was originally very powerful. He could beat several people without weapons, not to mention that he was holding a scarlet sword in his hand. With Lu En cheating secretly, it was a mess!

At this moment, many footsteps were heard from the other side of the street, and then about 20 to 30 townspeople rushed over with weapons in hand. The one walking in front was a tall bearded man wearing an iron helmet and leather armor, roaring like thunder:

"Stop, catch him!"

The thick finger pointed directly at Bacon, and the townspeople behind him immediately swarmed over, and the mayor's face was not only not happy at all, but also horrified: "Dilro, run!"


The fully armed sheriff was confused. He heard that outsiders were causing trouble and even kidnapped the mayor, so he hurried over, so what was going on now?

Is this guy the sheriff?

Bacon raised his head suddenly, his face showed joy, and then he stepped forward without hesitation and rushed towards the sheriff!


"My waist!"

The two townspeople who came first were pushed away by the scarlet sword before they could react. They flew out like a spinning top, dizzy and dazed. When they stopped, they were not injured at all, but they had lost their ability to fight.

He could use this skill with a half-man-high door-panel sword, which showed that he had reached the pinnacle of controlling the force.

"Feel it well, learn well!"

The one who made the move was naturally not Bacon, but Luen. His will was hidden in the sword, driving the power in it, which was more magical than Bacon's own control. Others controlled the sword with their own people, but for Bacon, it was the sword that led the people. Only the young man himself knew the subtlety of it.

The townspeople who came over aggressively could not even get close to Bacon, and they were already staggering on the ground, wailing everywhere, but no one was really injured, which made people stunned.

The sheriff finally understood why the mayor told him to run away, but it was too late now. As soon as he took a step, a big sword was put on his neck, just like the mayor's treatment just now.

"Stop him, don't let him succeed!"

At this moment, four or five figures suddenly rushed out from behind, each with extraordinary momentum, and the weapons in their hands were even more colorful, but they all greeted Bacon!

It was those who had been watching the changes, and now they all had ferocious faces and gnashed their teeth.

They had seen that Bacon had just received benefits from the mayor. Although they didn't know what it was, how could they give up the benefits of the sheriff? Therefore, they shared the same hatred and attacked directly!

Of course, they had no intention of killing Bacon, and most of their weapons were not aimed at vital points. Although the competition was fierce, they also had a bottom line and could not act recklessly and kill indiscriminately.

"Just you?"

Luen led people with swords, not controlled them, so Bacon now felt that his hands were hot and his confidence was overflowing. In addition to the previous psychological advantage, he snorted coldly and turned around. The scarlet sword swept through like a red streak.

Bang bang bang bang!

Up or down, left or right, light or heavy, virtual or real. The seemingly heavy sword was played by him in many ways. The people behind him suddenly felt that they were not besieging Bacon with more people, but Bacon was besieging them with more people!

The next moment, four of the five figures flew out directly. The remaining one saw something was wrong and rolled flexibly to escape, but he did not dare to take action again.

"How is it possible? How could he be so strong?"

In the third round, the young man hit the wall with his head still in disbelief, suspecting that he was hallucinating before his eyes!

It can be said that these people are all elites in their respective bureaus. They are people who have experienced at least two dungeons. Their strength is much stronger than ordinary people. Now they are defeated by a novice who has just passed the assessment dungeon. This is still Is there any heavenly principle?

"Tsk, tsk, this is the gap!"

Bacon didn't have much pride in his heart. He knew that most of this was Lu En's fault. He shook his head and turned around. He threatened the Sheriff in the same way and handed over the treasure in his hand. It was a black ring with the same power contained in it. Absorbed by Lu En, turned into fly ash.

"The wood carvings can weaken those monsters and lure them, and the rings can limit the flying ability of these monsters. This should be the help Skynet gives you to complete your mission, but it is only used to do this, and it is overkill."

Lu En's voice faintly emerged, "The power contained in this is enough for me to give you another ability. You can just say whatever you want."

"Um, can you let me fly?"

Bacon thought for a while, if he wanted to defeat those monsters, air superiority was crucial. If he could fly into the air, then the threat of those monsters would be reduced by more than half.

“Good choice.”

Lu En nodded slightly, and suddenly a large amount of scarlet liquid poured out from the scarlet sword. Like flowing blood, it spread rapidly along Bacon's body, and then attached to his shoulder blade.

Threads of blood were sketched out of thin air, forming the skeleton of two wings in an instant, and solidifying directly, looking like clear red crystals, long blood-colored feathers sprouted out, and formed behind the young man in the blink of an eye. Two huge bloody wings appeared.

"Let's go and end this instance. It looks like you're going to be alone again!"

Lu En chuckled, then fluttered his wings and soared into the sky.

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