Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 695 Hell on earth!

Set the time forward a few minutes, in another area of ​​the city.

"If I were to catch these guys, I would have to tie them up one by one, then hit their heads with a hammer and make them cry and kneel down to beg for mercy!"

Standing outside a building, looking at the crowds going in and out, Miss Lina put on a pair of sunglasses and a black jacket. She looked like a fashionista and walked into the revolving door.

"Count me in too!"

On the other side, a young man wearing a white T-shirt shook his hair, attracting the attention of some members of the opposite sex, with murderous intent in his eyes.

If you look closely, you can still see bloodshot eyes and subtle dark circles in his eyes.

"According to the intelligence, these guys may be on the fifth floor, in a warehouse, but I am skeptical about this. This may be another false lie."

A white-collar man in a suit and leather suit, carrying a briefcase, stood in front of the elevator. He pressed the button of Wu without any unusual expression, and the other two people had already gathered around him.

"Ten minutes ago, someone saw them all entering the warehouse. So far, no one has come out. The police have begun to evacuate the surrounding crowd, and the people from the third bureau have also been notified and are ready to finish the work at any time."

The man in the T-shirt said.

"That's good!"

The three of them stopped talking and waited quietly. Half a minute later, the elevator door opened and they walked straight in.


There was a slight mechanical sound and a feeling of weightlessness. The three of them looked at each other and began to mentally prepare for the battle. Their muscles tightened and they adjusted their breathing.

Oh no!

A few seconds later, the elevator door opened with a bang, and the three of them strode out. Looking around, there was no outsider left, leaving only an empty floor.


The white-collar man took out two guns from his briefcase, threw them to the two of them, and walked directly towards the closed warehouse No. 2.

In the real world, one should try not to use the armor as much as possible, because the destructive power is too great, and even the slightest movement may turn the entire building into a dangerous building. This is also one of their shortcomings, as they cannot control the power freely.

"Did you smell anything?"

Suddenly, the white-collar man walking at the front moved his nose, and smelled a vague fishy smell on the tip of his nose. His expression suddenly changed, and he changed from walking to running.

This is the taste of blood!

The expressions of the two people behind him also changed, and they quickly followed.


The closed door was kicked open, and what came into view was a scene like hell!

Blood, all blood!

The strong, pungent smell of blood came over like a wave. In the warehouse in front of them, there were strange graffiti drawn with blood on the floor, wall panels, and ceiling. , like some kind of sacrificial inscription, or like a mural, and in the center of the warehouse, there are sharp wooden stakes standing in a ring, with a person impaled on them!

Yes, human beings of different genders and ages were like livestock, penetrated from bottom to top, their mouths were all opened, and the sharp ends of wooden stakes poked out from them, they had been dyed red and black, and every eye , were full of pain and despair, eyes widened, and two lines of blood and tears flowed out.

Judging from the blood-colored eyes and sharp teeth, these humans must be the infected creatures they have been tracking for a week. There are quite a few, almost twenty or thirty, but by this time they have all turned into corpses.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's a pity that you are so late!"

Suddenly, on a wooden stake near the middle, a corpse raised its head, tore its head off the wooden stake, then stiffly turned its head, looked at the three of them, and let out a weird laugh. .

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Facing this weird scene, the white-collar man as the captain had an ominous premonition in his heart. With a thought, the surrounding space rippled, and a battle armor with blue lines covered his body.

"Jie Jie, you can call me the Blood Reaver. As for the purpose, don't you think this world is too boring?"

The corpse smiled strangely, and suddenly every pattern drawn with blood on the wall and floor began to emit a sticky scarlet light from the inside out!

In the light, both blood and corpses were quickly melted by inexplicable power, turning into a fluorescent, disgusting paste that slowly floated in mid-air, forming a rotating vortex.

"Damn it, it's a passage to another dimension!"

The white-collar man was stunned for a moment, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. He rushed towards the whirlpool, but he felt that the air around him was trembling, conveying the same sound.

"It's too late, little bugs, enjoy the fun I bring you!"


Soon after, a huge blood-colored light pillar fell directly from the sky, annihilating all the floors above the fifth floor like dust, pouring into the vortex, and also covering part of the surrounding space.

Unfortunately, the white-collar man who was rushing towards the whirlpool was also among them!

"team leader!"

The remaining two people were stunned. Their bodies were covered with armor at the same time, and they were about to save people. Who knew that the figure of the white-collar man, together with the armor outside his body, would be completely destroyed just like the floor just now? Annihilation!


Both of them were swallowed up by the panic in an instant, and they backed away without thinking. They didn't even intend to take the elevator in the corridor. Instead, they crashed through the wall with a roar and rushed outside the building, followed closely behind. A bloody shock wave erupted directly from the vortex!

Bang! Bang!

The two people in the air were like flies that were swatted down. They fell vertically from the air, leaving two big craters on the ground. However, the worst thing was not them, but the other humans in this area!

Bang bang bang bang bang.

In the area where the bloody shock wave spread, all the terrified ordinary people who had not even had time to react were like exploding water balloons, forming bloody explosions from the inside out, splattering blood and limbs, and instantly Turn this area into a hell on earth!

This is an area close to the hustle and bustle of the city center. It is conceivable that the damage caused by indiscriminate attacks almost instantly formed a scene of blood flowing into rivers. This is not a metaphor, but a real existence. On!

Pedestrians walking on the street, men and women laughing in cars, crowded citizens on buses, office workers immersed in their work, housewives still snoozing.

One after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, all echoing the same voice.

Bang! Bang bang! Bang bang bang!

Blood overflowed from every building in this area, leaving cruel traces on the walls, and finally merged into the streets below, and even rushed into the sewers, with various human tissues floating in them. .

One moment heaven, one moment hell!

"Go, my children, take over this world and welcome my coming!"

Obscure fluctuations came from the whirlpool, and then in the gradually expanding passage, a skinned monster with a long tongue suddenly jumped out. Looking at the bloody sky, it raised its head and neighed excitedly!



The next moment, monsters swarmed out and completely engulfed its body!

Halfway through the third update, I stopped writing. Today’s two updates are so capricious╭(╯^╰)╮. Ahem, I’m just kidding. I’ll save my life with four updates tomorrow (funny dog ​​head)!

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