Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 698 The visitor is evil!


On the blood-flowing street, stepping on it actually feels like a rainy day. However, the few people running for their lives obviously no longer have the mood to walk on a rainy day.


Two figures whose clothes were completely dyed red with blood ran quickly, followed closely by a chubby little fat man, with a stiff look on his face and glanced behind him from the corner of his eye from time to time.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of low footsteps came out, and a strong man with a height of more than three meters, bulging muscles all over his body, and a naked upper body followed closely behind him with a machete longer than a man in his hand. A completely uncoordinated little head let out bursts of ferocious laughter.

"Run, keep running!"


With the sound of wind, the huge machete hit the ground while grazing the little fat man's shoulder, cutting a deep mark and making a harsh friction sound.

"Those who can't run away, you will all suffer endless pain like me, Jiejie"


A cloud of blood mist suddenly appeared, and the ferocious laughter stopped abruptly. The headless body swayed, and finally fell powerlessly into a pool of blood, and the big knife in his hand fell with a clang.


There was a soft sound, and the headless body seemed to be soaked in sulfuric acid, quickly dissolving into a pool of blood. Only the three people who had escaped were left looking at each other in confusion.

Of course, if their eyesight is good enough, they will find a silver-white guardian armor on a tall building in the distance, slowly lowering its arm, with green smoke rising from one finger.

"How long do we have? The time left for us is less than ten minutes. Don't tell me that you can't find anyone!"

A voice came from the armor, but it was a low, cold female voice.

"Quickly, the target is not in the predetermined area. It took me some time to go through the city's cameras to find some traces!"

A figure also covered in blue-gray armor sat on the roof, revealing the appearance of a mediocre middle-aged man. The dense lines and cables around him were pulled over and plugged into the many interfaces of the armor.

The middle-aged man closed his eyes, and there seemed to be electricity flashing under his skin. His eyes kept moving, and he murmured to himself:

"Wait a minute, give me a little more time."


Suddenly, all the lines and cables connected to his armor popped out at the same time. The middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at an area in the city center: "Found it, right there!"


The next moment, the figure of the silver armor had disappeared from the spot, and like a beautiful big butterfly, translucent wings appeared from behind and flew in the direction pointed.

The middle-aged man could only shake his head helplessly, raised his feet and jumped directly from the roof.

"Damn, how many monsters escaped!"

On the street, after just killing a few skinned giants who were ambushing him, even Bacon couldn't help but curse out loud, and a strong feeling of powerlessness emerged in his heart.

He no longer knows how many monsters he has killed, fifty or sixty, or even more are possible. It can be said that he has seen more monsters today than he has seen in his previous life, and of course there are corpses. And the same goes for death.

All this prompted this young man to grow up at an extraordinary speed and try his best to save the lives of other people.

But in such a large area, the power of one person is really insignificant. Although Bacon is very strong and tries his best to save people, it still feels like it is a drop in the bucket, and the situation does not seem to have improved at all.

"And there is still no movement in the alien space passage."

Bacon raised his head and looked at the direction of the whirlpool, feeling worried. It was like a monster opening its huge mouth, swallowing up all the guardian armors that went there. It was so calm that it made people feel a little creepy.

Breathing heavily, the young man found a chair and sat down, preparing to rest for a while before continuing. The main reason was mental stress and exhaustion. He had seen too many deaths and corpses. As soon as he closed his eyes, he saw scenes of tragedy.


Suddenly, there was a sound of wind in his ears, and then he looked up and saw a ray of silver light flying quickly from a distance, rapidly expanding in size, and a silver-white armor appeared in front of him and landed vertically towards him. .

The armor floated five or six meters above him, giving the young man a strong sense of oppression from its condescending position.

"Fifth game, bacon?"

A cold female voice came from it.

"It's me, you?"

Bacon was stunned, not expecting that this man actually knew him.

"I am from the third round. I am now responsible for rescuing the people trapped inside and bringing them safely outside. Come with me!"

After saying that, he landed directly and grabbed Bacon with his big hand.

"Wait a moment!"

Bacon suddenly took a few steps back and avoided the opponent's arm: "There are still many survivors here. I think we can't just leave like this. We should help them and kill those monsters!"

"Of course someone will do this. Your strength is too weak. It's safer outside!"

The silver armor remained unmoved, spoke coldly, and at the same time reached out to grab it again.

Bacon suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his body suddenly retreated, while shouting loudly: "In that case, thank you for your kindness, I decided to help others, you go and save others!"

As he said this, he was about to leave, because he suddenly remembered that the rumors about him that were the most widespread were in the second and third games. Now that he meets the person in the third game, who knows whether the other party will avenge him publicly, and Being called out by the other person's name in one breath made him feel even more weird.

"Hey, I said these little tricks are useless, you have to be so stubborn!"

From the street entrance behind Bacon, a blue-gray armor suddenly appeared, and a deep laugh came from it.


What responded to him was the cold snort of the silver armor. His figure suddenly appeared in front of Bacon like a ray of silver lightning, and his palm grabbed his neck. The speed was so fast that the young man couldn't react at all!


Under the instinctive sense of crisis, ripples suddenly appeared on Bacon's body surface, and then the open fingertips of the silver armor suddenly touched the blood-striped armor on the silver background, firmly protecting Bacon's neck, and the helmet surface was derived upwards. Armor, downwards are breastplate, arm armor, leg armor and other parts.

In the blink of an eye, Bacon's body was covered by the complete guardian armor, making it airtight!


Surprised sounds came from the silver armor that failed. At the same time, the blue and gray armor also stopped and said in a serious tone: "Is there such a thing?"

Oh no!

With the complete armor covering his whole body, Bacon's strength suddenly increased greatly, and he quickly distanced himself from the opponent, his heart beating wildly!

"Who are you and why do you want to arrest me?"

"The Mark of the Scarlet Devil"

A low voice came from the silver armor, which seemed to contain some surprise. He stretched out his hand, and a silver spear appeared in the palm of his hand. The tip of the spear was pointed at Bacon, exuding silver brilliance.

"As expected."


The silver battle armor suddenly took action, and the spear came out like a dragon and came forward with powerful power, while the blue and gray battle armor was silent, and disappeared into the air as if invisible.

There is one more update, currently coding!

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