Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 700 The secret of dominance!

Lu En's level of power control is naturally different from Bacon's.

The same power can only be used roughly in Bacon's hands, like a child dancing with a sledgehammer. If the guardian armor hadn't shared the pressure, the possibility of hurting himself would be higher than that of the enemy, but in Lu En's hands Here, it is like the embroidery needle in the hands of the Eastern leader, lifting it with ease.

Therefore, before the two people around him even had time to react, they were hit hard by arms falling from the sky. They only heard two booms, and they were like two nails, and half of their bodies were embedded in the middle of the street!

The ferocious cracks gathered from all over the ground at the soles of Lu En's feet. He stepped on them. The two protruding arms of the Battle Angel could become strong or soft. They turned into real blood pythons and wrapped around the necks of the two mechas. , with its mouth wide open and lifelike, facing the door opposite.


From the pale red crystal-like fangs of the blood python, a few strands of crystal liquid dripped and fell on the surface of the armor. It was as if sulfuric acid had been poured on it, corroding the embedded traces.


Both of them were stunned for a moment, especially the silver armor who had just gained the upper hand. Now half of his body was numb, and his brain was completely blank, staring at the blood python in front of him.

She even saw a cold and cruel light in the blood python's eyes, as if it were a predator from the ancient jungle, exuding a wild aura.

who I am?

where am I?

What just happened?

Involuntarily, soul torture emerged in the hearts of both of them at the same time. Seeing Lu En standing there with his hands behind his hands, an aura of overlooking all living beings and being indifferent to everything emerged spontaneously. Their hearts felt as if they were pressed against a mountain, and they were so heavy that they couldn't breathe.

Under the suppression of this invisible but real aura, the two of them were like two stiff sculptures, with all their emotions sealed within their bodies. They wanted to scream and beg for mercy, but The final result was like a nightmare, unable to move at all.

Snap, snap.

After the crisp footsteps, Lu En walked up to the silver armor and spoke softly:

"Tell me, what do you know?"

The tone was very gentle, without the slightest hint of command, but in the ears of the silver armor, it sounded like the most solemn imperial edict. She could not even think of rejecting it, so she spoke tremblingly:

"We are in the third game."

The hustle and bustle of the city is still noisy, but in this street, it suddenly became silent for some reason. Some survivors who were desperate to choose their way, or ferocious monsters, once they got into it, they disappeared into the sea and were never seen again.

"I see."

After about a cigarette, Lu En stood in the middle of the street, chin slightly, looking at the frightened man in blue and gray armor in front of him, and finally understood the ins and outs of this.

Bacon's guess was right. These two people were really coming for him, and he was a little bit too presumptuous, because in this scene that happened in front of him, countless people were killed and injured, including the opened alien space passage, they were also coming for him. He came.

"You are very decisive. You don't even give a chance. This is a decisive situation!"

Luen's fingers gently tapped their foreheads. At this time, the two of them had removed the helmets of their battle armors. Luen's fingers landed on the skin without any hindrance, and confusion suddenly appeared in their eyes.

"Go ahead and kill every monster you see until you are dead!"

Lu En's voice sounded faintly, and the two of them immediately seemed to have found a new direction in life. With determination in their eyes, they covered their bodies with armor again, and then quickly ran towards the other direction of the city without thinking.

They will remember Lu En's order and kill all the monsters they see at all costs, and there are only two endings, either being killed by the monsters, or being exhausted to death, which has nothing to do with Bacon.

Now Lu En still needs to use Bacon's identity to explore the secrets of Skynet, so he must not expose his identity. In this arrangement, no one can see the flaw.

As for the information Lu En obtained, it was actually not much.

First of all, it is all the information about the Seventh Lord. This is basically the main road information among the guardians. The more senior people know it clearly. But for some reason, Bacon didn’t know anything about it before. There was no information in the fifth game. Anyone who chooses to tell him.

The Seventh Lord, whose full name should be the Seventh Lord, or the Scarlet Lord, belongs to the ultimate power on the extraordinary side of this world and one of the ultimate personalities in the alien space.

The master level is the most powerful human individual in the world, and from the seventh master we can know that there are six other masters in front of it, corresponding to rounds one to six, or rounds one to six, that's it Six masters control the real world and alien space with their tentacles!

Instructor Miller's first lesson to Bacon revealed the existence of alien spaces and the difference between real space and false space. But what he did not say was that the six real spaces correspond to six different forces. , and each one has a master sitting in it, holding the throne high, overlooking all living beings.

Six real spaces, and then derived tens of thousands of false spaces, which are the copies in their mouths. This is the source of the extraordinary power of this world, and these six aloof masters, even in Skynet, have With unimaginable authority.

But Skynet is not the creation of the Lord. On the contrary, even the Lord must succumb to Skynet and act according to Skynet's rules. Even the status of Lord is given by Skynet.

The power of the Lord comes from the six demon gods. Their power is absorbed by Skynet, and the will and authority are extracted from them. They are remixed to become the [Demon God Mark]. Any one who has gathered the demon gods can All human beings with the imprint can reach the sky and become masters in one step!

That's where Bacon's troubles began.

Not long ago, Skynet foretold the appearance of the seventh Demon God, the Scarlet Demon God, and then absorbed his power and put it into the new alien space, including the fragments of the Demon God's mark, which were immediately among the guardians. Make a huge wave.

Each round selects new players and allocates manpower, hoping that their people can take the lead and become the seventh master. Among them, the second and third rounds are the most eager. A few days ago, the third round obtained top-secret information about the Scarlet Demon God. The part of the mark has been obtained by someone, and at the same time, he named the newcomer in the fifth round, Bacon!

When everyone is in the initial stage and the competition has not really begun, someone gets the devil's mark. This is no less than when everyone is still in kindergarten, and suddenly a guy is reborn and possesses him, and he also takes the elementary school with him. All my memories of going to college are completely about cheating!

You must know that the competition for dominance is a fast step, a fast step, and the competition is time and speed. Now everyone is still on the starting line, and Bacon has already run more than halfway towards the finish line. Who can withstand this?

Of course, even within the third game, there were very few people who knew about this matter. Even the Silver Armor did not know the real plan. Their mission was to find Bacon and then take him to the whirlpool in the city center. They knew nothing about the rest.

However, the final result was to create a perfect opportunity for Lu En, which can only be said to be a mistake.

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