Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 706: Giant cocoon of flesh and blood, demigod takes action!

The Colossus is very powerful. It can be said that it is the most powerful mechanical creation that Lu En has seen in this world so far. Although it does not have intelligence, in terms of its destructive ability, it is worthy of the title of killing machine.

What's even more terrifying is that such terrifying existences several stories high are actually made of Origin Gold. They can burst out with powerful extraordinary power. According to the usual classification of strength, they are already standing on the edge of the archbishop level. , or quasi-archbishop level.

This is Lu En's newly divided level of strength, just like the quasi-bishop level, which did not exist originally.

The bishop level and the archbishop level are two different life transformations. Achievement means success, and failure to achieve means failure. There has never been a division like quasi-bishop level, but for the humans in this world, they have a level comparable to the bishop level. The strength has not been substantially improved, so there is an additional word "quasi" in front of it.

In the endless void, the ultimate goal of any creature becoming stronger is not to obtain powerful combat capabilities, but to obtain the essential leap of life, such as transforming from an ant that lives and dies to a nearly eternal god. This is to become stronger. The meaning of.

Just for the sake of strong combat ability, it is like buying a casket for a pearl, picking up sesame seeds but losing the watermelon.

In the face of the unstoppable colossus, any obstacle seemed extremely weak, so within a few minutes, the trial guards approached the city center area, but now there is no vortex channel here, replaced by balls of flesh and blood crawling on the ground, which looks like both Disgusting and terrifying.

As the colossus arrived, the originally diffuse blood mist gradually dispersed, revealing the surrounding scenes. The first thing that caught the eyes of several people was a row of figures standing on the outside.

If Lu En saw it, he would find that these figures looked familiar, because they were clearly the guardians who had previously prevented the monsters from pouring out of the passage and fought until the last moment. But now their bodies were stiff, standing there like sculptures.

Their originally gorgeous or ferocious guardian armors are now covered with tentacles of flesh and blood that are constantly shrinking and expanding. These tentacles pour in from the gaps in the armor and are connected to their bodies, causing their corpses to be Driven by a strong will.

Following the tentacles extending to the ground, and then converging from all directions to the central area of ​​the city, the three finally saw the target of their trip, a semicircular cocoon of flesh and blood, protected by corrupted guardians in the middle. It was beating constantly like a heart, making a thumping sound.

Vaguely, every time the giant cocoon beats, the vast carpet of flesh and blood will rise and fall, as if an unimaginable super life form is breathing.

"The Blood Reaver!"

A cold voice emerged from the trial guards, followed by murderous intent and without hesitation: "Kill him!"


After the order was given, the huge colossus suddenly seemed to be wound up. It walked towards the giant cocoon of flesh and blood with eight sharp long legs and an irresistible attitude. From a distance, it looked like... A hill with legs!

The corrupted guardians guarding the giant cocoon jumped up one after another, trying to stop the giant statue's movements, but they were simply using their mantis arms as a cart. At the slightest contact, they flew backwards like cannonballs, or simply shattered into pieces and turned into a pile of flesh and blood. A mixture of gold fragments.


Not only that, a strong arm of the colossus suddenly opened up, grabbed a corrupted guardian, and then threw it towards the giant cocoon like a cannon, tearing a shrill whistle in the air.


Faced with such an attack, the giant cocoon of flesh and blood finally changed. A dark red film on the surface suddenly bulged, and then a large hole was torn out with force. A large amount of dark red blood poured out from it, and a strong arm penetrated directly from it. out!


This extremely strong, muscular arm was several meters long, with sharp nails. It pinched the incoming corrupted guardian, and then squeezed it hard, and minced meat oozed from between the fingers.

"You are seeking death!"

A mighty mental fluctuation was like a hurricane, filling everyone's mind. The blood mist gathered around suddenly dispersed, and they looked at a huge figure, tearing out the giant cocoon and crawling out. He looked down at the surroundings with cold eyes, confused. Like gods.

This is a tall giant with dark red skin, with three heads looking in different directions, eighteen huge arms, and densely packed tentacles growing on its back, connected to the carpet of flesh and blood. On the three heads, one There are eyeballs all over the place, one has only one ferocious mouth, and the other is actually packed with countless different human faces, including hundreds of men, women, old and young!

But what's even weirder is that this monster only has the upper body. It relies on its many arms to hold itself up. It looks at the colossus with its many-faced head and roars with the voices of hundreds of people:


It is hard to imagine that a monster whose upper body is about the same size as the Colossus and has no legs can be so fast. Almost before the sound emerged, it had already appeared in front of the Colossus without any fancy movements, just Zhang. Open all arms and come in for a creepy hug.

This scene instantly reminded people of sea anemones preying on the bottom of the sea. Even the three trial guards who had been calm all the way jumped out from the shoulders of the colossus, and then watched the colossus open its arms, legs, and blades, and seize them. The bloody ones were "hugged" together.


The sharp leg blades were filled with blue electric current, pulling out wounds on the surface of the Blood Reaver's body, while scarlet blood was also lingering on the Blood Reaver's arms, squeezing and tearing the body of the colossus, with a click, a His arm was torn off in half!


However, from the broken arm of the colossus, a violent current surged like a flood, completely covering the surrounding area in an instant, and quickly spread through the air, producing countless tiny electric snakes, shining in a large area of ​​the city center.


The first thing to bear the brunt was naturally the ubiquitous carpet of flesh and blood. After being passed by the violent electric current, it was immediately scorched black. Several tall buildings that originally stood around were now completely covered by the electric current, with dazzling light overflowing and accompanied by loud noises. , collapsed directly.

The scarlet power lingered on the Blood Reaver's body, which could block the current. However, the many tentacles connected to the flesh and blood carpet behind it were broken by nearly half, causing him to burst into intense rage in an instant!


In the void, there seemed to be the sound of a river flowing, and then a huge blood-colored river appeared out of thin air, half empty and half real, flowing past the giant statue. The river seemed to be made entirely of blood, with a fishy smell permeating the air, and countless stumps were looming in it. Broken arm, horrible monster.

Suddenly, a huge shadow rose from the blood river, and the specific shape could not be seen clearly. Only countless pairs of evil eyes flashed, and with a crash, a huge palm broke through the blood river, and even broke through the reality of space, and grabbed the colossus!

Oh no!

Lu En, who was originally hidden in the blood mist and approached, instantly dispersed, and when he reappeared, he was hundreds of meters away. He completely eliminated his aura and closed his eyes tightly to block prying eyes.

Demigod level!

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