Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 711 The confrontation between [Life] and [Death]!

It takes an average of two to three years for an ordinary person to become a wizard apprentice. If he doesn't have talent, it's entirely possible that he'll need five to six years or even more than ten years. But how much time does Skynet leave for Lu En?

Ten minutes.

It can be said that any newcomer would die in this situation. Even some senior people would have a chance of surviving no more than one percent, assuming they've been exposed to [magic] before.

Fortunately, it's Lu En who controls this body now.

Although he's never been a wizard, after reaching a high enough level, he can draw inferences from other things, especially since he's studied a power system similar to that of wizards before.

Crack! Crack!

The sound of the bones rubbing against each other is chilling. The speed of these skeletons charging is at least 1.5 times faster than that of ordinary people. I don't know if it's because they've reduced most of their body weight, so they quickly appeared in front of Lu En.

Obviously, this is the first part of the mission, the pursuit from the necromancer!

The endless, empty wilderness, without any shelter, facing the crazy attack of the skeletons, Lu En deeply felt the malice from this world.

"Of course, the other party has put so much thought into the plan, it is impossible to invite you to drink tea."

In the blink of an eye, a skeleton holding a bone stick rushed to Lu En's side, raised the thigh bone of an unknown beast, and smashed it directly on his head, bringing out the sound of whistling wind, obviously with great force.

"Blood Rope Technique!"

Faced with such a situation, Lu En was still calm. Unless a demigod suddenly jumped out and crushed him with absolute power, he felt that he had nothing to worry about.

The mastermind behind the scenes could not have imagined that the situation that he thought was a sure kill was nothing in Lu En's eyes. Instead, Lu En felt that he should thank him.

If it were Skynet's task, Lu En didn't know if he could be as lucky as last time and find the authority fragment of the Scarlet Lord. After all, this kind of thing also depends on luck, but now, he has basically reserved a fragment of authority.

Yes, it is the one with hidden rewards!

The power system of this world tends to be specific and regularized. Lu En cannot release his power at will, but the rules of this world provide many templates for him to choose from. This is what people usually call spells.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

It's a long story. In fact, at the moment of opening his mouth, a large group of blood-colored brilliance emerged from his fingertips, like the blood of some creature, forming a thin and winding rope, and swish it to trap the attacking skeleton tightly.

Not only that, under Lu En's magic supply, the blood rope technique exerted an unprecedented powerful power, both toughness and strength were greatly improved, as if it was infinite in length. After tying up the skeleton next to him, it rushed towards the other skeletons fiercely!

Snap! Snap!

The offensive and defensive forces were reversed in an instant. Before these skeletons wielding weapons approached Lu En, they were tied up like dumplings by the Blood Rope Technique and connected together, and then fell to the ground.

These skeletons did not seem to be afraid at all, and they still insisted on approaching Lu En. However, because each of them was in a different direction, they pulled each other's hind legs and kept crawling on the ground, which added a bit of humor.

"Are they creatures without reason?"

Lu En stared at them for a few seconds and understood the principle of these skeletons. He took two steps forward and took the head of a skeleton off the cervical spine with a click.


After losing the head, the body of the skeleton immediately remained motionless, but it did not fall apart into a skeleton frame. However, his head remained active, and the upper and lower jaws kept colliding, as if trying to bite Lu En.

"The head is a weakness, with a certain degree of immortality."

Lu En carefully analyzed this power and felt that it was similar to the power of the ancients controlled in the third game, but the specific field was completely different and belonged to a completely new category.

In simple terms, if the power of [Forgetfulness] mastered in the third game is a flower, this power of [Undead] is like a leaf, with the same source, but different.


A stream of blood mage's magic power was extracted from his body, covered on his palm, and then began to erode along the skull. Dense blood threads began to grow on the pale bones, and the skull's eyes suddenly became bright.


The next moment, the skull seemed to be stuffed with a bomb, and it exploded directly from the inside, and it was the kind of explosion that was completely exploded. The whole skull was annihilated into a handful of bone residue and scattered on the ground. At the same time, its body was directly scattered into a pile of bones.

"Power collision will completely annihilate. No wonder the necromancers in this world want to hunt down the so-called blood mages."

Lu En raised his eyebrows. Although they are all the power of the ancients, there is also a similarity between the ancients. Mutual repulsion is normal, but the annihilation of power means that there is some sharp opposition between these two powers.

The power of the Scarlet Lord tends to be bloody and destructive, but judging from the fact that Luen used this power to create the vampires, it actually contains the element of [life]. And there is no doubt that these undead souls with only bones left represent [death].

The opposition between life and death, these two forces, is much more acute than light and darkness, fire and sea water.

"It seems that this time I have to face a world dominated by the undead!"

Lu En waved his hand, and suddenly dozens of spiral blood-colored spears appeared from the air in front of him, directly piercing all the skulls at the same time!

Blood spear technique!

In the blood mage spell list obtained by Lu En, there are about a dozen different spells, divided into three major systems: [Attack], [Defense] and [Auxiliary]. The rules of this world seem to be to major in one system and only the other two. It is possible to study both, but Luen said that only children make the choice.

He wants them all.

Wow! Wow!

For a moment, the sound of bones falling was heard endlessly. These skeletons, which were enough to kill most newcomers, died again without even touching the corners of Lu En's clothes, forming piles of bones.

Since the magic power cannot be recovered after being converted into spells, the long rope formed by the blood rope technique floats in mid-air around Lu En. Lu En estimated that it can still last for half an hour. This in itself is One of the simplest auxiliary spells.


However, after killing these skeletons, Lu En was keenly aware that the first step of the mission did not indicate completion. Instead, the black sandy ground under his feet began to tremble slightly.


Suddenly, five knights covered in black armor and with tall horses charged out from a distance. Green light flashed in the eyes of both men and horses, and murderous intent overflowed.

The second wave, Death Knight!

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