Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 713 A true wizard only needs one spell!

"Interesting, can we communicate?"

Information about the Necromancer came to Lu En's mind, but there was no information about the Necromancer. He touched his chin thoughtfully and suddenly shouted loudly.

In the previous dungeon missions, the people he met were actually almost real. They had their own thoughts and ideas and could communicate without any obstacles. Lu En wanted to see if he could get something out of this necromancer's mouth.

The main reason is that they are afraid that the other party will die too quickly in a fight and there will be no chance to ask questions.

"If you want to ask for mercy, it's too late now. You killed my servant. I will make you my new servant after your death and let you serve me!"

The hoarse and jerky voice fell from high in the sky. The necromancer seemed to have not spoken for a long time. It sounded like the friction of a rusty machine. Rather than communicating with Luen, it was more like a gloomy curse.

And after the words fell, the Necromancer did not make the mistake of the villain dying from talking too much. He waved his hand directly, and several slender bone spears fell from the sky with the sound of howling wind!

Perhaps knowing that this would not be able to do anything to Lu En, right behind the bone spear was the huge body of the undead flying dragon, swooping in silently, with a pair of gray eyes firmly aimed at Lu En's figure.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a master. He is ruthless and doesn't talk much. He just does it when we meet him!

Lu En regretted that his verbal cannon skill failed before it could exert its power, so he could only wave his hand, and the blood rope technique suspended above his head jumped out like a long snake, entangled the bone spear falling from the sky, and It was successfully deflected and landed on the other side.


However, the bone spear itself attracted attention. The huge body of the undead flying dragon crashed down like a meteorite. The shadow it cast instantly covered Lu En's figure, and its two sharp claws tore directly towards him. .

This situation is no less than a minibus aiming directly at you from the sky. People with a slightly inferior mental quality may have weak feet at this moment. However, in Lu En's career, the thrill level is not even ranked in the top ten. superior.

But being fearless is one thing, and how to deal with it is another. Without the influence of the rules of this world, Lu En could have grown a pair of wings now, and then took off the head of the necromancer in one second. , but among the dozen or so spells of the blood mage, there is no ability that can make him fly.

Therefore, Lu En could only choose to retreat quickly at the moment when the undead flying dragon fell, avoiding this fatal blow!


Even so, the claws of the undead flying dragon still scraped his body, and the blood shield covering his body didn't even last for a second before it shattered into countless pieces and splashed away. At the same time, Lu En's active retreat became a passive projectile. .


The claws of the undead flying dragon carved two large craters on the ground, while the undead mage riding on its neck watched with satisfaction as Lu En's body was thrown away, with a dry laugh coming from his throat.

However, his night owl-like laughter stopped as soon as he appeared, because he saw that Lu En did not directly lose his fighting ability as he thought, but stood firmly on the ground and frowned at him.

That kind of gaze is like the feeling of a person seeing a caterpillar covered with thorns and being accidentally stung.

The necromancer hated this look and also hated this unexpected situation.

The most suitable battlefield for the blood mage is a crowded place, because the blood will strengthen the power of their spells, and this is the home of the necromancer. He took most of his servants to hunt down the blood mage. Although the servants suffered heavy losses, they also Most of the blood mage's magic power was consumed, so the necromancer was convinced that Lu En would no longer be able to resist.

He should have been killed outright in the attack, not left unscathed.

Although they are an outlier among mages, necromancers also possess sophisticated thinking and calculation capabilities. Their favorite battle situation is that everything is under control, and all developments proceed as they expected. The most annoying thing is accidents!


Out of the mage's instinct, the necromancer first summoned two strong bone shields for himself, and then knocked the necromancer on the head with a bone staff.

"Kill him and end this!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Naturally, the dead flying dragon could no longer respond to him with a ferocious roar. Instead, it silently spread its wings, then moved its feet and hit Lu En directly. At the same time, it opened its big mouth full of fangs, and There were big holes in the ground.

"Hey, good time!"

Lu En moved his fingers, then pointed a little, and a bloody light bubble appeared on his shoulder.

Blood light technique!

——Low-level auxiliary spells can provide some non-mainstream light.

"Let me tell you what the correct way to open a mage is!"

Lu En grinned slightly and shook his shoulders and neck, making a clicking sound as his joints rubbed together. Then, several spiral blood spears floated beside his hand and were caught by him.


The moment he grabbed the blood spear, his figure was already moving. He leaned forward like a cheetah hunting for prey. His muscles were tense, squeezing every fiber and providing powerful power to actively attack the undead flying dragon. Go up.

One is a large undead creature, and the other is a frail mage. The contrast is particularly sharp.

"court death!"

Facing this exciting scene, the Necromancer felt no fluctuation in his heart. He looked at Lu En as if he were looking at a dead person.


The remaining animal nature of the undead flying dragon seemed to be stimulated. Facing Lu En who came to greet him, he opened his big mouth, exuding a rotten aura, and then lowered his head at an extremely fast speed and took a bite!


However, after one mouthful fell, what filled the big mouth was only black sand. Long before the undead flying dragon lowered its head, Lu En had already jumped to the side in anticipation, and then his legs were like springs and he jumped up directly. .

Just as the flying dragon lowered his head, the height of the necromancer on his neck was parallel to Lu En at this moment. It was at this moment that Lu En threw out the spiral blood spear he was holding tightly in his hand!


The blood spear pulled out a red stream of light in the air, but the necromancer did not make any movement. Instead, he looked at Lu En who was leaping high with a look like a clown.


A floating blood shield stood in front of him, completely blocking the menacing blood spear and shattering it into a bloody mess.

At this time, the Necromancer's eyes were filled with a sense of intellectual superiority, until he noticed that Lu En was looking at him with the same eyes.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, Lu En's arm seemed to be divided into four, and then strangely merged into one, just like the slow motion of a movie. In the eyes of the necromancer, it was full of a sense of absurdity that seemed slow but was actually fast.


The first blood spear hit the bone shield and shattered into pieces.


The second one was the same, but fine cracks suddenly appeared on the blocking bone shield.


Without any chance to breathe, the third blood spear followed closely and became the last straw. The cracked bone shield was finally overwhelmed and exploded at the same time as the blood spear!

Panic finally appeared in the eyes of the necromancer, and he was about to mobilize another floating bone shield. However, what was faster than his thoughts was the fourth spiral blood spear that broke through the air!


Lu En finally fell from the air and landed firmly on the ground. Falling at the same time as him, there was also a dry corpse with an exploded head. It landed softly on the sand, with a small amount of black liquid flowing out from the neck.

The undead flying dragon that had just raised its head felt as if the pause button had been pressed. The dim light in its eyes immediately dissipated, and it stood blankly in front of Lu En, making no sound anymore.

"A true mage always only needs a light spell!"

Lu En snapped his fingers and canceled the blood light spell on his shoulders, and then spoke quietly.

Working hard on coding

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