Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 735 An unexpected fragment of authority!

The appearance of the death assassin did make Lu En feel a little surprised.

It's not that he is very powerful. In fact, except for some non-mainstream assassins, most assassins emphasize killing with one hit, and the ability to conceal oneself is the top priority.

If the assassination failed and it was exposed, the first reaction would not be to continue killing, but to run away immediately.

So from an assassin's point of view, the death assassin who assassinated Lu En was definitely the best in the industry that Lu En had ever seen, and his aura concealment method was the best. If Lu En hadn't sensed his aura before, Without preparation, it is really possible that the boat will capsize in the gutter.

Even though Lu En dealt with it seemingly easily and casually, not taking the Death Assassin to heart at all, this was based on the premise that he had an early warning in his heart. When he sensed the presence of the Death Assassin's presence, He suspected that the other party's identity was likely to be an assassin.

After all, if he puts himself in his shoes, he can use beheading tactics on those necromancers and take the enemy's head with thousands of troops. It is not surprising that the necromancers come to assassinate the King of Qin. Compared with fighting head-on, assassination in secret is no doubt More simple and efficient.

The most important thing for an assassin is to be unexpected. Once his whereabouts and purpose are exposed, it can be said that more than 90% of them have failed. The remaining possibility is based on the assassin turning on the unparalleled mowing mode, such as killing All witnesses do not count as an operation such as failed infiltration.

But even so, Lu En still felt a great threat when the Death Assassin really hid and then launched an attack.

The fake body he transformed using magic was exactly the same as his current real body. It was a magic similar to a clone. The moment the death assassin appeared, he had actually noticed it, but his consciousness reacted, but his body could not. Receive information promptly.

The first impression that the Death Assassin left on Lu En was that he was extremely clever at concealment. He could still feel the aura vaguely before, but a few seconds before the assassination began, he disappeared directly from Lu En's induction.

And the second one is fast!

The speed of the shot is extremely fast, and it has a powerful feeling that penetrates the space. Even if ordinary people can see it with their eyes, their bodies cannot react. In this world, it is simply a big killer!

Mages are weak in melee combat, and assassins are even more natural enemies. If the death assassin can be conquered, then Lu En will once again have an extremely sharp knife in his hand.

At the very least, among the mages he had come into contact with, even a missionary-level blood mage had a chance of escaping assassination at no more than 3% if he was unprepared. This also made him temporarily fall in love with talent. Heart.

However, in the face of Lu En's surrender, the Death Assassin didn't react at all. He just raised the bloody net with the dagger in his hand, and opened a large hole with a snap. His attitude was already clear.


Lu En shook his head. Maybe he died once. The undead were famous for their stubbornness. After all, they even lost their lives. What else could be used to threaten them?

The undead and the living have completely different views on their own existence. Life always yearns to be alive, and for the undead, staying in this world because of death is not a good gift.

Oh no!

The death assassin broke through a layer of blood net, but what lingered outside was not just one layer, but countless layers stacked together to form an airtight cage. Faced with such a threat to himself, The enemy, Lu En, will naturally not take it lightly.

Although I admire the opponent's assassination ability, but on the premise of the enemy, only the dead enemy is a good enemy!

An assassin with almost full stealth ability is still a death assassin. He does not need to eat, drink or sleep, has no concept of fatigue, or even other distracting thoughts. He studies the art of assassination wholeheartedly. There is no doubt that he is a nightmare-level opponent.

Since it cannot be used by oneself, one can only destroy it!

Lu En was also very decisive. The fingers of the blood god giant's palm where the Death Assassin was located suddenly began to close together, and a strong bloody light burst out from each fingertip.

It's not a spell. Facing such a top assassin, if you cast a spell, the opponent may find an opportunity. It's pure magic power, flowing out like a faucet, and even escaping from the gaps between your fingers as you close them. And out.

The undead belong to the party of death, and the blood mage represents the power of life. The two are as powerful as fire and water. The magic power of the blood mage is more deadly to the undead than sulfuric acid. Lu En has given the death assassin great attention.

There were no surprises, and there was no small universe explosion. Under the surging magic power, the Death Assassin only struggled briefly twice before being melted by the huge amount of magic power. In the palm of the blood god giant, a series of slight crackling sounds were made, and then When it was spread out, it was already empty.

No, there is something else!


Lu En's expression changed slightly, he stretched out his hand, and a bloody rope appeared around him, wrapping it around a rusty dagger left in place, and pulled it directly.

The Death Assassin fell silently, but his weapons actually remained!

Lu En didn't pay attention to this rusty dagger before, because it looked like just a piece of iron, but now as soon as the piece of iron fell into his palm, it suddenly made a hissing sound.

The moment his skin came into contact with the dagger, a dead gray began to spread rapidly, like a piece of rotten old bark. When people first saw it, they would breed the concepts of death and decay in their hearts.

But the next moment, the magic power in Lu En's body began to surge crazily. Even the fragment of authority that had always existed as the Dinghai Divine Needle also moved, creating a tit-for-tat force that rushed towards Lu En's palm.

The spreading gray spots of decay were immediately suppressed, and the decayed flesh and blood regained life. Not only that, wisps of blood-colored aura came out of Lu En's palm and wrapped around the dagger. The latter began to beat and emit sounds. There was a strong buzzing sound, as if trying to break free from Lu En's control.

"Is this another fragment of authority?"

Until now, Lu En still didn't know what had happened. This rusty dagger, which was ordinary and no one would pick it up on the ground, actually contained a fragment of authority!

Judging from the response of the Scarlet Lord's authority, the attribute of this fragment of authority should be death, which is one of the core forces of this world!

"It's so mysterious that it almost hid it from me!"

Lu En held the dagger tightly, allowing the two forces to violently conflict in his palm. Vitality and decay alternated between his palms, which looked quite strange.


However, the power fragments controlled by Lu En were much more powerful than what existed in this dagger. Therefore, after a moment of stalemate, the rusty dagger exploded into a ball of rust, and then a gray aura emerged from it, vaguely forming a skeleton. head.


The mandibles on the skull were wide open, and it seemed to be roaring, but it did not make any sound. There was only an invisible ripple that spread out with Lu En as the center.


The next moment, the undead giant bear that was destroying the city wall widened its eyes, jumped directly from the city wall, and rushed towards Lu En. Immediately afterwards, there was also a commotion in the city in front of him. The dragon rose directly into the sky and overturned a bunch of undead servants.

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