Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 742 Mysterious Voice and Corpse Monster!

"leave here"

"leave here!"

Just when the huge corpse monster on the ground suddenly erupted, and countless chains made of bones emerged from the body and wrapped around the bone dragon, a strange and ethereal voice suddenly appeared in Lu En's ears.

It was as if an unknown ghost was talking to him, and Lu En was sure that this was definitely not his imagination!

In this world, I'm afraid there is no illusion that can truly blind his perception.

Countless skeletal chains fell on the bone dragon, and then an unparalleled pulling force came from the ground. The bone dragon's wings were directly wrapped into a ball shape, and it let out an angry roar from its mouth, but it couldn't stop landing towards the ground.

The undead creatures flying around seized the opportunity to launch fierce attacks. Although most of them were in vain, the Bone Dragon was still extremely unwilling and struggled desperately.

The attack pressure around Lu En suddenly increased greatly, but for him, it didn't seem to have any greater impact.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to get out of here!"

Perhaps sensing that he was unmoved and still standing on the bone dragon's head, this mysterious voice emerged again, with a compulsive tone in his tone.

Lu En dispersed his thoughts and followed the voice to find out the person behind the scenes, but soon found that the person was not within his sensing range, but in a remote area. Through this method and He communicates.

Apart from the distance, the other party's methods had no secrets in Lu En's eyes. Therefore, after quickly analyzing the other party's communication form, Lu En followed the connection and asked a question.

"Who are you?"


Suddenly, Lu En felt extremely surprised and shocked emotions coming from the other party. It seemed that this connection was two-way, but this emotion only appeared for a moment, and the next second the unknown connection was directly disconnected.


Lu En blinked, not understanding what happened. It seemed that his performance scared the other party away?

But soon, Lu En felt that the other party had established contact with him again. It seemed that the previous shock no longer existed, and the tone was still the same as the first time:

"You will soon know who I am. Now take the things in your hands and leave here. Go in this direction and someone will come to pick you up."

said the voice.

"What's in my hand?"

Lu En shook his bloodshot skull. Annihilation reactions continued to occur in the area where the two forces came into contact, and he understood in his heart.

"You came here for it too?"

"Listen, little guy, I don't know where you got this fragment of God, but now only I can save you. If I were you, leave here immediately and follow my orders!"

"Are you ordering me?"

Lu En's eyes narrowed, with a dangerous light shining in them.

"That's right, I'm ordering you, idiot!"

Sensing Lu En's rebelliousness, the mysterious voice on the other end of the line was also angry: "You have no idea what kind of enemies you have provoked, and you have no idea what you have done. If we hadn't intervened, you would have It has long been turned into a corpse by those necromancers!”

"Listen, this fragment of God in your hand must not fall into the hands of these necromancers, otherwise there will be a disaster you cannot imagine. Get out of here! This is not a request, but an order. In the name of the Blood God , I ask you to leave this place immediately!"

The voice spoke quickly and urgently. Before the bone dragon fell to the ground, the tone had already changed rapidly, from coercion to persuasion and then to coercion.

"Thanks for reminding me, I will leave here, but not now."

Lu En nodded slightly: "After I finish handling the things here, I will go find you, I promise it will be soon!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Lu En took the initiative to cut off this unknown connection and ignored the other party's desire to establish it again, because at this time, the bone dragon had been suddenly dragged down from the air by the huge corpse monster on the ground.

With its strong bones, the bone dragon did not suffer any damage. Instead, most of the skeletal chains wrapped around its body were broken due to the strong impact force. Only then did the bone dragon regain its freedom. A few claws tore some of the undead that rushed towards it into pieces.

Most of these undead souls tempted by the fragments of authority can be classified as weak in front of the bone dragon, so its eyes, like Lu En, fell directly on the strange corpse monster.

Under the gaze of one person and one dragon, this corpse monster has countless limbs squirming on its body, pulling the halo formed after the death of other undead towards itself. Then after the halo dissipates, its size increases again. .

There is no doubt that this is a monster formed from the remains of countless undead. There are twenty or thirty heads of different types on the head. After seeing the bone dragon fall, it uses its limbs to swallow other undead while rolling. The huge loose body rushed towards the bone dragon.

The two were of similar size, but they looked like the contrast between steel and earth. The Bone Dragon was not afraid at all, and directly opened its big mouth and faced it with sharp fangs exposed.


One side is a ferocious bone dragon, and the other side is a weird corpse monster. The collision between the two is like sparks hitting the earth, resulting in a violent reaction. The corpse monster's numerous heads and limbs swarm towards the bone dragon. The bone dragon tore off a large piece of the monster's body with just one bite.

But at this moment, something strange happened. Even after being separated from the corpse monster, these loose and rotten limbs still seemed to have strong vitality. They were divided into many small pieces and attached to the bone dragon, constantly squirming.

The bone dragon did not notice this situation at first, but was dominated by angry emotions. It tore at the huge corpse monster crazily, using its teeth and claws to destroy it wantonly. The latter seemed to have no resistance at all, and could not fight with it at all. Bone dragons compete with each other.

However, after the bone dragon destroyed most of the corpse monster, he discovered that his body was actually covered with a thick layer of corpses, as if wrapped in a layer of dirty sludge. They were stuck to each other and could not be completely removed. separate!

Attracted by the fragments of authority, a steady stream of undead souls continued to pour in from afar, and were quickly devoured by the corpses on the surface of the bone dragon. The corpse monster quickly expanded rapidly and submerged the entire bone dragon. No matter how the bone dragon struggled, it was as if it had fallen into a quagmire, and its strength was nowhere to be used.

Lu En felt that if he had not intervened, the failure of the Bone Dragon would have been certain. The existence hidden behind the scenes obviously knew the strength of the Bone Dragon and also knew its weaknesses.

"So, are you ready?"

Lu En stood on top of the bone dragon and was drowned by the corpses along with it. However, around his body, countless semi-illusory arms formed a semicircular barrier to protect him.

In the past two days, Lu En has not made any breakthrough in the integration of the two powers. After thinking about it, he felt that if there was a test product, it might give him more inspiration.


Without waiting for the bone dragon to answer, Lu En had already pressed the fragment of authority in his palm onto the bone dragon's head. The next second, countless fine black lines immediately erupted from the fragment of authority, imprinted on the bone dragon's head. The pale bone surface of the bone dragon was revealed.

But as the black lines expanded, there were also wisps of dark red silk threads, spreading and growing along the inside of the bone dragon, and drilling into the bones, seeming to penetrate deep into the bone marrow.

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