Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 744 Unstoppable!

Undead Compass.

One of the most powerful treasures in this world, it has the function of controlling all the undead that can be sensed within a certain range. In this world, whoever controls the Undead Compass may become the true master of the undead.

Of course, everything has its pros and cons. With such a heaven-defying effect, the Undead Compass naturally has its flaws, that is, the compass has a specific number of uses. After exceeding this number, the power of the compass will be greatly reduced.

Of course, even so, the Undead Compass is still a rare treasure, especially it has an invincible ability, that is, the undead controlled by the compass, once they die, their remains will merge with each other, and finally will form an indescribable and terrifying life form without any vital points!

And the most notable feature of this life form is immortality!

There is no vital point, no core, any attack on it can only cause physical division, but in the end they will gather together and become the enemy's nightmare, completely devouring them.

If the bone dragon was not really powerful, but the power fragments were extremely attractive, the necromancer who was in charge of the compass would never agree to use this last time on the bone dragon.

You should know that the last time the undead compass showed its power was in the war that swept the whole world. The fused horror corpse monster confronted the blood god head-on, and then the necromancer took the opportunity to sweep away the believer of the god who came across the boundary, causing him to fall into a disadvantage in the end.

But what these three necromancers never expected was that the undead compass that could fight against the legendary gods suddenly broke like this!


And more importantly, the enemy they used the undead compass to deal with appeared in front of them in good condition!


Thunder suddenly sounded in the sky. This was the movement caused by the huge body of the bone dragon and the violent friction of the air. Less than a breath after the compass broke, the bone dragon actually came directly across the air!

And there was no hesitation in the action. It dived directly in the air, and smashed straight down towards the necromancer on the ground with the remaining momentum. Its mouth, which was big enough to swallow a minibus, opened as if it wanted to swallow the person and the ground together.

No, it was not as if, but it was exactly like that!

The body of the bone dragon rubbed violently on the ground, and even pulled a deep gully behind it. The soil was turned over, and the area where the necromancer stood seemed to have a sinkhole out of thin air. The ground and the trees on it disappeared instantly!


The bone dragon chewed the stuff in its mouth subconsciously for a few times, and swallowed it quickly. A pair of dark yellow vertical pupils that had filled its eye sockets looked in all directions with the shaking of its head.

The thing that had greatly tempted it was not swallowed by it in one bite.

As the pain caused by the conflict of power decreased, the bone dragon's reason began to gradually return. While turning its head to look for the enemy, it also arched its back and aimed its tail at a figure in the sky obscurely.

After the compass was shattered, Lu En rushed to the scene at a speed no slower than him. Although he did nothing, in the eyes of the bone dragon, there was no doubt that he had become a potential enemy.

As for the promise of surrender?

Only the weak surrender to the strong, and never the strong surrender to the weak!

The bone dragon, which had eliminated the annihilation of power, felt an unprecedented powerful force and decided to discuss the issue of surrender with Lu En after swallowing the tempting thing into its stomach.

The premise is that Lu En cannot come to rob it of its things.

Under this strong sense of urgency, it took the bone dragon less than three seconds to find the figure of one of the necromancers thousands of meters away. To be precise, it was the huge bone shield like a city wall surrounding the other party that attracted his attention.


Without hesitation, the bone dragon ejected like a cannonball. Although it did not feel what it wanted from the other party, in the eyes of the bone dragon, they had been identified as enemies, and to treat enemies, they must be merciless!

The huge bone shield, like a city wall, was not as big as one of the bone dragon's claws. The speed of the charge alone completely shattered it, revealing a skeleton-like necromancer behind it, rolling in a panic.

"Damn, I am!"

Seeing the huge dragon claws falling from the sky, the necromancer could not help but feel fear. He wanted to say something with a dry voice, but the bone dragon's melon seeds had already hit the ground heavily, making a huge pit.

When the claws were raised, the necromancer's body had already merged with the soil, and they were indistinguishable from each other.

Lu En was in the sky, feeling a strong undead magic power dissipating quickly, and he couldn't help but feel a little more surprised.

Judging from the total amount of magic power, the strength of this necromancer is probably stronger than ten ordinary necromancers combined, but his luck was too bad, and he was the first one to be found by the bone dragon.

If given enough time, this necromancer might not be able to escape, but now the half-transformed bone dragon has greatly increased its strength, and it killed him with one claw, which is not unfair.

However, at the same time when the bone dragon killed the necromancer, the ground on the other side of the dead forest suddenly bulged, and then a large army of undead rushed out directly. The most eye-catching one was a three-meter-tall armored warrior with a black body, holding a mace in his hand, and rushing out with rumbling footsteps.

Dong Dong Dong!

With every step he took, the undead left a deep footprint on the ground. Some of the trees in front of him did not give way and were all smashed into sawdust. Like an out-of-control locomotive, he picked up a mace and bravely hit the ground. On the bone dragon's toes!

Now the bone dragon's body is covered with dry flesh and blood, with black scales growing on it. The undead warrior is so powerful that an unstoppable and ferocious blow falls on the bone dragon, but it can't even break the scales!

Instead, the undead's arm clicked, was forcibly broken by the reaction force, and fell limply.

Oh no!

Seeing this scene, the necromancer hidden in the army no longer hesitated and dispersed in an instant. He was led by a death knight and left quickly, not even daring to look back.


With one kick, the undead warrior who was trying to trim his feet was stepped into the ground. The bone dragon did not choose to pursue it, but quickly shook its head, trying to find the last undead mage.


But at this moment, metal wires as thin as hair suddenly appeared next to Lu En, who was floating in the air. They easily shattered the large blood-colored net and blood-colored barrier arranged on the outermost side, and quickly flew around him. The space shuttles and cuts.

The necromancer that the Bone Dragon was looking for lay in the air in the form of a big spider, with his limbs stepping on many metal wires. He suddenly appeared in front of Lu En with a fierce look in his eyes:

"Make it stop attacking immediately, or I will kill you!"

From the intelligence collected previously, the actions of the bone dragon were all directed by this blood mage, so the necromancer quickly thought of a way to use Luen to threaten the bone dragon.

But something unexpected happened. Faced with his threat, Lu En did not show any fear, but was slightly speechless. Then the next moment, a raging evil wind came from behind him.

A giant kiss full of fangs suddenly opened from behind, making the necromancer and Lu En the target of devouring him!

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