Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 747 The Origin of the Necromancer (Yes, 4000 chapters)


Lu En's cold scolding came from above, but the blood that exploded from the black dragon's body had condensed into some dark red chains that were thicker than a human being and sank into the ground, forcibly imprisoning it on the ground.

Being able to hand over the fragments of authority to the black dragon, Lu En will not be afraid of him resisting him. Just like the previous necromancer, although the current black dragon has become more powerful, it also has obvious weaknesses. Once the power in the body is imbalanced, he will instantly You will fall into a situation where you are at the mercy of others.


After all, the black dragon was only temporarily stunned, not really stupid. Feeling the two forces in his body gradually calming down, but still like walking on a tightrope, he immediately roared low and lowered his huge head.

Lu En then retracted his gaze and looked at the necromancer who was trembling and his skeleton-like body was rapidly becoming plump.

Under the power of authority, the death magic in the Necromancer's body was quickly expelled. Not only that, unprecedented abundant vitality poured into his body at the same time, allowing the withered skin to quickly regain its healthy luster, but in the blink of an eye, it He turned into a bald middle-aged man.

The tattered robe that was originally draped loosely around his body was now bulging out from his bulging muscles.

"This, how is this possible, me!"

After experiencing unprecedented pain, the Necromancer found that he could finally speak out, and his voice changed from hoarse and harsh to rich and magnetic, but the panic in it was difficult to conceal.

He looked at his bloody arms with bulging muscles. The calmness hidden deep in his eyes finally disappeared, and he looked at Lu En suddenly: "You, what have you done? Where is my power, my power?"

"I let you experience the taste of life again, don't you thank me?"

Lu En did not expect that this necromancer who had restored his original appearance would actually look like a rare handsome guy. He could even control a shiny bald head without violating the rules at all. No wonder he dared to call himself the King of the Undead.

You must know that bald head is the basic symbol of a powerful villain. Being bald may not necessarily make you stronger, but becoming stronger is likely to make you bald!


I thank you MMP!

Hearing Lu En's words, the necromancer suddenly became angry and couldn't help but spit out the fragrance. However, Lu En seemed to see through his inner thoughts and glanced over at him, which immediately calmed him down.

After becoming an ordinary person again, the Necromancer did not want to lose his life again, so he forced out a smile with difficulty, and the muscles on his face kept twitching: "I feel good!"

He clenched his fists and felt the blood flowing from his heart to his limbs in waves, and then back to his heart, repeating the cycle. The anger and resistance in his eyes suddenly disappeared a little.

Although he lost his strength, he also regained his strong and healthy body. This doesn't seem to be too bad?

"Your undead magic power has dissipated, but after the transformation, your body has a strong affinity for the blood mage's magic power. I don't need to explain the benefits of this!"

Lu En looked at the necromancer's calming breath and said slowly. The latter's body suddenly shook, and his eyes showed strong shock.

Doesn't this mean.

Can he change his profession from Necromancer to Blood Mage? !

After Lu En reminded him and thought of this, the resistance in the Necromancer's heart immediately disappeared, and he actually felt a little grateful to Lu En.

Needless to say, the advantages of blood mages over necromancers. If possible, who would be willing to turn themselves into a skeleton and stay in a gloomy and lonely mage tower instead of enjoying delicious food and beautiful women?

What the necromancer didn't realize was that as his body returned to normal, his emotions that had been missing for thousands of years gradually recovered, and like a floodgate being opened, all kinds of thoughts came to him and could no longer be closed.

As for switching camps from the Necromancer to the hostile Blood Mage, he didn't have any burden in his heart.

"grown ups!"

As a result, Lu En, who was considered the most powerful among the blood mages, now became a thick thigh in the eyes of the necromancer. He immediately lowered his eyebrows and called Lu En respectfully. He shouted, his attitude was very correct.

"Tell me everything you know, exactly. Don't hide anything."

And this kind of attitude is exactly what Lu En wants to see. After finally catching someone related to the mastermind behind the scenes, he doesn't want the other party to deliberately conceal it or make any other small tricks.

Therefore, Lu En simply used the power of the Scarlet Lord to completely turn the Necromancer into a mortal, and gave him another hope. Using the combination of carrot and stick, the originally powerful Necromancer was now completely defeated. He was convinced and didn't dare to make any more mistakes.

Any confidence and confidence are not obtained out of thin air, but are supported by strength. The necromancer who has been deprived of his strength may not feel it, but in his heart, he is like a poisonous snake with its teeth pulled out, losing the possibility of backlash. sex.

Because the facts are obvious in front of him. If he makes Lu En dissatisfied, then Lu En does not even need to take action. He only needs to let go of the imprisonment, and he will fall from the sky and be smashed into meat. Only by making Lu En satisfied can he Successfully embark on the path of the blood mage from the necromancer.

"Yes, sir!"

After the Necromancer responded, he spent some time sorting out his huge memory, and then with a very complicated expression, he recalled the long years in the past and the things that happened in these years.

The real name of the Necromancer is Sachi, who was born in a knight family about 1,500 years ago.

At that time, there was no extraordinary power in this world, and the human kingdoms controlled this world. The technological level was almost the same as it is now, and the ruling class in these kingdoms was naturally the military nobles, also known as the knight class.

At that time, human knights focused on honing their strength and skills, and various martial arts schools were popular. If this trend continued, it might not be impossible for a peak warrior like the King of the Century to appear, and it might even be possible to break the barriers and truly embark on the road of extraordinary.

However, all this turned in another direction 1,500 years ago.

From one day on, suddenly some humans who controlled extraordinary power appeared in these knight kingdoms. They were the predecessors of the Necromancer, but these humans called themselves [Forgotten].

The Forgotten mastered the manipulation of corpses, the transformation of undead, and the casting of various related spells. In a very short time, they set off a huge wave in the whole world.

Faced with this power, many knight kingdoms were hostile and coveted, and made strangling and acceptance actions to strengthen their own power. The knight kingdom where Thatch was located belonged to the acceptance camp.

At that time, Thatch, as a knight apprentice, passed through layers of selection and became an apprentice of these forgotten people, or a test subject. His specific memory was vague, but he remembered that in the first batch of knight apprentices who were selected through layers of selection, there were only three who survived!

Thatch was naturally one-third of them, and also obtained the extraordinary power coveted by the entire kingdom, but the price they paid was that they became neither human nor ghost, and became cold living dead, walking undead.

This result naturally could not satisfy the knight kingdom, and the mortality rate of more than 98% angered the knight class of the entire kingdom. You must know that many of these carefully selected apprentices are descendants of nobles. So many of them died at once, and the forgotten people could not explain at all.

And these forgotten people did not seem to have any intention of explaining.

On the second day after the experiment was successful, these Forgotten Ones manipulated the powerful army of the undead, not only destroying the army that came to suppress them, but also directly attacking the palace and launching a brutal massacre. The king and most of the nobles of the kingdom died on the spot!

Then these Forgotten Ones dispersed and spread to all directions of the kingdom with the corpses that stood up again, spreading the frenzy of killing and blood along the way. In a very short time, the entire Knight Kingdom was destroyed.

As a newly born necromancer, Sachi also followed these Forgotten Ones, and his hands were stained with the blood of the people of the kingdom. Of course, from the perspective of the undead, he did not feel any discomfort, but showed a colder and crueler quality than some Forgotten Ones.

Therefore, the necromancer was cultivated as a reserve force. Under the terrifying failure rate, hundreds of necromancers stood up. Although their strength was not as good as the Forgotten Ones, their number made up for it. At most, the number of Forgotten Ones in the world was only in the double digits.

The two-digit Forsaken were divided into four or five camps and fought each other. The leader of the group of Forsaken that Sage followed was a man called "Dark Reaper". He was shrouded in a black robe and was extremely mysterious. The Necromancer's costume was derived from him.

The Dark Reaper was also the most powerful one among the Forsaken. He was also cunning and cruel. He firmly blocked the news of the Necromancer and instigated other Forsaken to fight, while he showed weakness.

In order to make it more realistic, he also took the initiative to design his companions to die, which successfully lowered everyone's vigilance.

Therefore, in the center of the battlefield, when the final winner was finally decided and they were full of pride, they faced the Jedi counterattack of the Dark Reaper. Hundreds of Necromancers commanded countless undeads and used numbers to pile up the enemy to death!

This final battle caused heavy casualties among the Necromancers, but it was not the end of the battle.

Because after the battle, the Dark Reaper suddenly controlled the remaining necromancers and launched a shameful sneak attack on his companions, and finally won the final victory at the cost of almost annihilating the necromancers!

The huge war that swept the whole world finally stopped, but the trauma left behind has not yet recovered. The number of necromancers is now equal to that of the peak period, just slightly more.

This is because the means of creating necromancers have always been in the hands of the Forgotten. Most of the current necromancers are reversed from the first generation of necromancers who survived the war, and their strength is naturally inferior to that of the previous generation.

After scourged the whole world and killed all the Forgotten, only one person survived, the Dark Reaper disappeared from this world as suddenly as he appeared.

However, before leaving, he had some exchanges with Thatch and handed him some things, including the Undead Compass that Thatch had used before, and Thatch only knew not long ago that this compass actually had the function of communication!

Just after Lu En entered this world, a message suddenly popped out of the Undead Compass, and the source of the message was the long-lost Dark Reaper!

In this message that looks like a message, the Dark Reaper told Sage that a dangerous enemy has appeared in this world and will once again subvert the order of the world. If he wants to continue to maintain the rule of the Necromancer, he must kill him. Get rid of this outsider.

The information also showed in detail Lu En's position when he first entered. However, out of fear of the Dark Reaper, Sachi did not act immediately, but decided to wait and see first. To put it bluntly, as the first generation necromancer, Sachi was Being tricked by the Dark Reaper left a psychological shadow.

Lu En was very clear about what happened next. Basically, before Sachi finished watching, things had already fallen into an uncontrollable situation.

Among them, Lu En focused on the part about the blood mage.

"About two hundred years ago, some humans who could control blood battles appeared in this world. At first we thought this was a mutation of the necromancers, but with in-depth investigation, we discovered that behind these blood mages, There is also a powerful existence hidden!”

"This existence claimed to be a god and showed great malice towards us. It used the blood mage to confuse many ordinary people to resist the rule of the necromancer, so a war soon broke out. The final result was that we won, but the blood mage The mages were not completely wiped out."

"And due to the outbreak of the war, the population of the entire world dropped sharply, and the number of necromancers decreased again. Finally, we had to reach an agreement with the followers of the Blood God, and the two sides temporarily stopped!"

"Furthermore, the Blood God believers also heard news about your Lord's appearance this time. They hope that we can follow the agreement and give up the pursuit of Lord, but we were rejected."

Finally, Sachi revealed another piece of news that surprised Lu En.

"So, do you know where those Blood God believers are?"

Lu En narrowed his eyes and asked.

"The headquarters of the Blood God believers is in their former temple, but that place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The terrain is dangerous and it is impossible for ordinary people to even get close."

Sage replied.

"It's okay, take me there, I'm just looking for them!"

Lu En smiled and spoke calmly.

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