Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 749 The arrangement of fate!


The fierce wind whistled past Lu En's ears, and the surrounding environment suddenly jumped, changing from bright to dim, until it fell into complete darkness.

As if falling into a mass of thick ink, Lu En estimated that according to the speed of the black dragon's dive, it had descended at least two thousand meters. However, in his senses, he still did not notice the bottom. Instead, there were many people living on the rock walls on both sides. The creatures were frightened and flew out one after another.

Of course, facing the huge and indestructible black dragon, the creatures that appeared were like eggs hitting a stone, shattering into pieces without causing any trouble to their progress.

As for more types of creatures, just as they reacted, the black dragon was already roaring past, and it was simply unstoppable!

Of course, from another perspective, it is a very strange thing in itself to see an extremely rich variety of creatures living in a place surrounded by no grass and bare rock walls.

Two thousand meters!

Three thousand meters!

Still couldn't see the end, but seemed to feel the movement above. A worm like an earthworm suddenly emerged from the rock wall below the black dragon, and stretched its body across the canyon on both sides, trying to intercept the black dragon.


However, it underestimated the speed of the black dragon's fall and the effect of gravity on its huge size. The black dragon just lowered its head slightly, and the giant worm broke into two pieces, with slurry splashing everywhere, and it fell from mid-air along with the black dragon. .

Four thousand meters!

At this depth, vision has no effect at all, and Lu En can only rely on the induction in his mind to judge the surrounding terrain. Suddenly, he stepped hard on the black dragon's head and shouted:



With its head downwards and its tail upwards, the black dragon, like a sharp arrow, instantly unfolded the huge dragon wings close to its back. At the same time, its body was suddenly lifted up, and its bones immediately made a series of creaking sounds. At the same time, the muscles and skin on its body appeared densely packed. of cracks.

However, no blood flowed from the wound. On the contrary, after the wound appeared, it was completely eliminated and completely healed in less than two seconds.

If it were replaced by any living creature and performed such an operation, the final result would definitely be shattered into pieces and dead without a burial place. However, for the black dragon, this is completely within the acceptable range. Even if it does not slow down and fall headlong, it may not Will really fall.

Of course, Lu En, who was standing on the head of the black dragon, would definitely not be able to withstand the impact in his mortal body at this time.


The hurricane carried by the huge dragon wings blew away all the surrounding things, and a series of fragmentary sounds were heard, and then spread to the distance. The black dragon slowed down and slowly descended, and finally stepped on the ground with a bang. On hard ground.

Four thousand nine hundred meters!

This is the final depth of the canyon in Luen's induction. For most humans, it is almost equivalent to a natural chasm, especially humans in this world. Most people will have difficulty breathing at this depth.


Lu En snapped his fingers, and a ball of blood-colored light suddenly appeared, illuminating the surrounding environment.

Generally speaking, it is no different from the above. There is no grass growing, and the ground is covered with a layer of sharp and solid gravel. However, Lu En found some traces of large biological activities on these gravels.

For example, there was a sliding channel covered with mucus. With a thought, Lu En manipulated the light ball to move forward. As a result, he discovered dense black holes on the rock wall. Some were large and some were small. The smallest could only accommodate a finger. But even the black dragon can barely squeeze into the largest one.

And judging from the friction marks on some of the holes, it was obvious that some of them were frequently used.

"If the blood mage's base camp is in a place like this, even the necromancer will have no good way to deal with them!"

After Lu En took in the surrounding environment, he couldn't help but nod secretly. This naturally formed dangerous place can greatly offset the numerical advantage of the necromancer, not to mention that there are countless creatures living around the rock wall. They will simply die as many as they come, no matter what. Kill and bury.

"Keep going!"

Lu En gave the order to the black dragon. Undead creatures usually have dark vision, and the surrounding darkness is nothing to the black dragon. However, perhaps because it felt the danger in the dark, it began to act cautiously.

Huge claws stepped on the gravel, making a creaking sound. The black dragon supported Lu En and began to move in a direction. After reaching the bottom of the valley, Lu En's senses gradually became clearer and he was able to detect the secret effects on him in a certain area. attraction.

This is the mutual induction between the authority fragments, but this induction is two-way, which means that while Lu En can sense the other party, the other party can also sense Lu En's existence.

Surprisingly, it was calm along the way.

Lu En could sense that there were countless pairs of coveting eyes in the darkness, but the owners of these eyes never appeared or attacked him, and instead allowed the black dragon to advance with great force.

It didn't take long for Lu En to see a group of buildings nestled in the darkness on the raised rocky land at the bottom of the canyon, slowly revealing its true appearance as Mount Lu.

The structural style of these buildings is very different from what Lu En has seen in this world. They adopt tall column structures and have soft arches, giving people an epic and shocking feeling.

However, as he got closer, Lu En discovered that although these buildings were brilliant, they were also extremely dilapidated. Almost none of them were complete. Some of the collapsed columns were almost comparable to those of the Black Dragon. This shows that during the complete period, this building complex was How glorious it would be.

Lu En only came to a conclusion after carefully looking at it a few times.

This is definitely not something that humans in this world can build!

Not to mention the structure and style, it is absolutely impossible to carry out such a huge project at the bottom of this nearly 5,000-meter canyon according to the technological level of this world. Even if necromancers and blood mages are added to the We can't do it together.

Of course, the more obvious feature is that the traces of dilapidated buildings are obviously more than a thousand years old. Some areas are severely weathered and have almost completely disappeared.


Suddenly, the walking black dragon stopped, roared from its throat, and arched its back.

This was a sign that the black dragon felt threatened, because right in front of it, three humans wearing gorgeous robes appeared, one man and two women. Except for their excessively white skin, they were all handsome men and beauties.

"O child of destiny who has arrived, my Lord has already met your arrival!"

Seeing the black dragon stop, the man standing at the front came out and said in an aria tone: "Come with us, whatever you want to know and get, my lord has already prepared it for you. ”

"Your coming to this world is not an accident, but a complete arrangement of fate!"

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