Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 750 Be good and call me daddy!

Among the weathered buildings, only one hall is still intact. From the outside, it is obviously often cleaned. Although it is dilapidated, it is extremely clean.

And now Lu En is being guided by three people through these ruins, walking slowly, and listening to the handsome man whispering in his ear.

"After coming to this world, my Lord suffered an unprecedented heavy blow. Even gods will fall because of this injury."

Unexpectedly, Lu En's process of going down to the bottom of the valley was surprisingly simple, and the road to finding the ruins of the temple was also smooth. There were even three people waiting for him here, not to stop him, but to welcome him.

These three people claimed to be the priests of the blood god, and invited Lu En to meet their gods. Of course, due to his large size, the black dragon could only stay outside.

Lu En had no opinion on this.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, the black dragon is the most powerful one among them, but in Lu En's eyes, the powerful is always only himself, and he has absolute confidence in himself.

So he also showed the qualities of a qualified visitor, patiently and carefully listening to the words of the three priests.

"But my Lord had already anticipated all this, and had seen through the true meaning of fate, predicting your coming, the Son of Destiny who will bring change to the world, the incomparably powerful Son of Slaughter!"

The handsome male priest walked in front of Luen, a little ahead, while the two beautiful female priests followed closely behind Luen, standing on both sides. Although their expressions and behaviors were impeccably submissive, they looked like a cage that trapped Luen.

"You came to this world because of fate. Fate has destined you to accept the power of our Lord and become a true god!" The male priest said little, but revealed a lot of information. Lu En asked the first question along the way: "In other words, your purpose is to guide me to inherit the power of the Blood God?" "That's right!" The male priest nodded, "This is the choice of fate. You don't need to doubt us. If we have bad intentions towards you, you would not have come here at all." At this point, the male priest smiled proudly. Starting from his feet, a scarlet light suddenly gushed out along the cracks on the ground, outlining one mysterious pattern after another, covering the entire building complex, all of which exuded a powerful aura. "This is the palace of the gods. Only those who are recognized by the gods can enter. Otherwise, anyone who wants to break in will only fall into death."

"But death is not necessarily the end of life!"

Lu En looked at these interlocking magic circles with interest. There is no doubt that this is the product of a high-level magic civilization. The original power may really be able to resist ordinary gods for a moment, but now, it is good enough to play one percent of the effect.

These priests are proud of it, but Lu En not only has no fluctuations in his heart, but even wants to argue.

"In front of my Lord, even death should be feared!"

Perhaps stimulated by Lu En's words, the male priest turned back and stared at Lu En.

Tsk tsk, what a big tone, I didn't dare to say that in my heyday!

Lu En smiled indifferently and motioned the other party to continue leading the way.

The unsuccessful conversation also caused the subsequent journey to remain silent all the way, until the few people stopped again, they were already standing in front of a huge portal.

This is a gate that seems to allow giants to pass through. The reliefs on the walls on both sides have been weathered for the most part, and some vague scenes can be vaguely seen, telling a series of scenes such as the birth, battle, and banquet of a certain god.

One of them attracted Lu En's attention.

It was the first picture at the beginning, telling the origin of the Blood God, who was born from the blood of the creator of all things, the Supreme God of Gods, who cut his wrist. Lu En's focus was not on the Blood God, but on the God of Gods.

The huge and majestic body, the layers of wings, and the countless arms growing out of the torso all gave Lu En a strong sense of déjà vu.

The Scarlet Lord!

"We are here. Only you can enter this hall. The power of our Lord is stored in it. Only the truly chosen son of destiny can obtain the inheritance of our Lord."

The male priest said something that Lu En felt was extremely second-year, and then he took the two female priests and stepped back to stand beside him.

Lu En withdrew his gaze from the relief, his face calm, and he stepped into the hall without hesitation.

The next moment, in the eyes of the three priests, a dazzling scarlet light burst out from the hall, obscuring their vision, and also cheered up the three priests, who immediately knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly.

For Lu En, it was like stepping into a quagmire. The air in the hall was filled with materialized scarlet power. As Lu En entered, it immediately broke some kind of calm and began to rush towards him frantically.

Waves of surging scarlet power were injected into his body, and then transformed into magic power. The total amount of magic power in Lu En's body instantly rose and began to surge at an astonishing speed.

"You are here!"

Inexplicably, a gentle voice emerged in his heart. This was the most beautiful voice in his memory, but it was not Lu En's memory, but the memory of this body.

This was the voice of his mother in the memory of the young Bacon that Lu En possessed.

"Go, child, master the power I left for you, and you will become a new god."

The gentle voice continued to sound, and at the same time, in the center of the hall, a beautifully carved golden bracelet gradually emerged from the air and flew towards Lu En.

"Put it on, my child, and you will become a god!"

The bracelet floated in front of Lu En, and then he grabbed it. The voice in his heart was suddenly amplified countless times, accompanied by a strong desire.

"Put it on, put it on, put it on"

However, Lu En ignored these influences and just played with the bracelet for a moment, and finally threw it out again.

"Is that all?"

His expression and tone all revealed a feeling of disappointment.

This sudden change seemed to make even the voice stunned for a moment, but Lu En shook his head: "I originally thought there would be something new, but I didn't expect it was still the same old thing. When I used my power to seduce others, you were not born yet. Woolen cloth!"

"To say you are a god is to praise you. If that's all, then I will unilaterally declare the end of this game, Blood God."

Lu En spoke calmly.

"How presumptuous, you actually blasphemed the gods!"

Suddenly, a roar emerged. This was also a voice that Bacon remembered deeply. It came from his father who had a very strict discipline on him. In the past, he would have been on tenterhooks unconsciously when hearing this voice.

"It seems that those priests were right. You are indeed going to die soon. You can only play these little tricks. It is simply a shame."

Lu En showed a hint of pity at the right time: "If I keep reading, I can't help crying. Forget it, let me help you get rid of it!"

Lu En opened his hands, as if he was hugging something, and a bloody figure slowly emerged from behind, with overlapping wings and chains. Ru Lin's arms continued to stretch, making the same hugging gesture.

"Be good and call me daddy!"

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