Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 757 Found it!

"No problem, let's go!"

In an elegant community, a man in a windbreaker walked at the front, took back the instrument in his hand, signaled Lu En to get into a black car, and then walked away.

On a floor in the community, the real Stike stood on the balcony, watching helplessly another identical version of himself leaving with the Black Mandala man, and his heart was still filled with an incredible sense of absurdity.

It was really not discovered? !

Although he is just a newcomer to Black Mandala, Stike also knows that in addition to fingerprints and pupils, Black Mandala will also make some extraordinary distinctions in internal confirmation of identity, and the last item is actually the real confirmation.

Fingerprints, pupils, and even genes may be faked, but on a transcendent level, everyone is unique and there is no possibility of substitution!

Stike still remembers the guy responsible for testing him vowing to say this when he first archived the test, but the scene that just happened in front of him was a naked slap in the face.

A stranger turned into his appearance, and then hid it from the inspectors of Black Mandala, and would also go to meet the mysterious leader in his place.

You don't need to think with your brain to detect the conspiracy and danger.

For such an unknown strong man, Stike suspected that the other party came prepared. The reason why he wanted to see the leader of Black Mandala was not just to have a heart-to-heart chat, right?

What's even more frustrating is that no matter what the other party does, he will most likely be the one to bear the blame in the end. This is simply too scary, and it's scary to think about it.

Stike knew that the best way to clear himself now was to inform Black Mandala and reveal the existence of Lu En, but thinking so, Stike still stayed at home obediently.

On his neck, there was a bloody mark the size of a thumb. The dense blood threads derived from it disappeared, but Stike knew that these blood threads were connected to every part of his body. As long as the other party had a thought, he would Turned into an exploded mass of minced meat.

As for whether it was true or false, Stike didn't want to use his own life to verify it. Between his own life and the lives of others, he finally chose to keep his own.

If the other party really does something in front of your face, the worst possible outcome is to have plastic surgery yourself!

Stike gritted his teeth and felt cruel secretly.

"Put it on!"

After getting in the car, Lu En was handed black sunglasses, and after he put them on, the car quickly started and left the place.

The man in the trench coat who came to pick him up was sitting next to him, looking at Lu En with an obviously undisguised gaze, showing curiosity and doubts, which could be said to be unscrupulous, but strangely, Lu En did not Any reaction to this.

Because the sunglasses he wore were specially modified and contained extraordinary power, they could temporarily block all a person's senses. Instead, they shielded them from an extraordinary level. Therefore, what Lu En should be showing now is that he is in a world without any sense. The state of sound in a dark room.

Of course, Lu En actually exuded perception and could see the car driving several times on the street, some of which were repeated routes. He seemed to be confirming whether there was someone following him. After confirming that there was no one behind him, he drove to a certain area in the south of the city.

There are several large seafood markets in the southern part of this coastal city. The car drove into the underground parking garage of a certain market, and then Lu En was helped up, walked into the elevator, and went directly to the second underground floor.

Of course, this is selling dog meat on sheep's head. After the elevator door opened, Lu En discovered that the underground was not a warehouse for storing seafood, but was built into a place similar to an experimental base. People coming and going were wearing similar clothes, and they were obviously black. An important base for mandala.

During the walk, Lu En also discovered that some buildings clearly exuded the smell of extraordinary power, and there were occasional roars coming from them. However, due to the restrictions of the world's rules, extraordinary fluctuations would be quickly eliminated when they reached a certain range. .

Lu En's final destination was an ordinary room, in which stood a figure with his back to him and his hands behind his back.


After taking off his sunglasses, Lu En immediately pretended to be confused and surprised, and scanned the surroundings with his eyes.

This was a very typical secret room, and apart from the man in the trench coat standing next to him, Lu En was the only one left with his back to him, and the distance between them was only four or five meters.

"You only have five minutes to tell your purpose!"

The figure with his hands behind his back suddenly spoke, but what came out was a cold mechanical voice.

"Are you the leader?"

A look of surprise appeared on Lu En's face.

"Tell me something!"

The leader spoke succinctly and spoke in an indifferent tone.

"That's the thing."

Lu En suddenly smiled and turned his head slightly, as if he saw a surprised face through the wall.

"found it!"

Suddenly, Lu En moved. At first it seemed light, but in fact he punched out with a violent force. Before the man in the trench coat standing next to him could react, he was hit against the other wall, and his body was covered in blood and flesh against the wall.

Then Lu En punched out again, and with a bang, the wall on his side was broken open, revealing various scenes outside.


At this time, behind Lu En, a strong wind suddenly appeared. The leader, who had his back turned to him, silently rushed towards him. What was revealed in front was a stiff metal face!

In other words, the "leader" who met him was originally a robot that was secretly controlled.


However, in front of Lu En, this was basically child's play. He kicked out without even looking back, and the menacing robot instantly fell apart and exploded into a pile of sputtering parts.

"There are enemies!"

Some members of the Black Mandala who discovered Lu En had just issued a warning when they found that Lu En had disappeared in front of their eyes. Then their eyes were filled with blood, and then turned into deep darkness, and they knew nothing.


Taking a step out of the room, Lu En shook his arms to shake off the sticky blood. Then he tipped his toes, and spiderweb-like cracks suddenly appeared on the ground. He jumped up like a big bird!


All the obstacles that blocked his progress along the way, whether they were people or objects, were all torn into pieces by him without mercy. He opened up a standard straight passage through the entire underground second floor. It took only a short time until he used his ferocious claws to tear it apart. Behind the silver-white metal wall, most people still looked at him with blank expressions.

However, Lu En's eyes were firmly fixed on a large white ball of light floating out of thin air in the center of the crowd.

"Skynet space!"

Lu En's figure flashed directly into the crowd, and sharp and tough blood-colored filaments suddenly emerged from every pore of his body, crisscrossing and filling the entire room.

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