Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 765 A desperate competitor!

"Damn it!"


Countless ghosts were flying in the glorious hall. Along with angry roars, surging power exploded instantly. Before these ghosts could react, they were all annihilated.

A gray giant with layers of space around him like prismatic crystals stood in it. He wore a bone mask on his face, showing extremely furious eyes. He punched the void with a fist, and the terrifying power that exploded shook the entire building. The ground of the main hall and all the architectural decorations were all turned into white!

In the face of this terrifying power, even an ordinary copy world may not be able to withstand a punch, but the void in front of the giant is like a black hole that swallows everything. Once the raging power crosses a certain limit, it instantly turns into nothing. It seems that it never existed at all.

Under the laws of Skynet, even the peak power in this world, the being known as the "Lord of Oblivion", seems slumped and powerless. Even until this moment, he still doesn't understand what happened!

Scarlet World?

Dominate the trial?

Where did all this come from? !

The Forgotten Overlord admitted that he was making some plans against the Scarlet Authority. The original plan also included the intention to force the Scarlet World out in advance, but it was definitely not now, and it was definitely not in the form of two dominator worlds colliding!

No, this must not happen!

If two dominator-level worlds collide, the consequences will be too serious. The best result may be that both sides suffer, and the worst result may even lead to the dominator-level's fall!

Regarding the arrival of Lu En, the Forgotten Lord actually had some vague feelings, but he did not make any other actions, because he was the Lord, and the other party was just a human being, and a new person at that.

He only needs to sit on the throne of God, and loyal subordinates will naturally bring him what he needs. This is not arrogance, but order!

If He has to do everything himself, then why is there any need to form a force? Moreover, for them under the rules of Skynet, the master is not omnipotent.

But after all, this is the world of the Forgotten Overlord. Although they are forbidden to take action, with the order, one after another, the legions, tribes, guardians, or strong men similar to the Lone Ranger who surrendered to the Overlord all moved towards where Lu En was. The area is swarming with countless people!

Just as the world was in turmoil, figures gradually appeared in every corner of the forgotten world.

"This is the world where the Lord is being tested?"

A young man with a shaved head and wearing a guardian uniform looked up at the sky, and saw a dark figure rising up to cover the sky, and he was stunned.

"The position of dominance must be mine!"

Somewhere, a pale man stepped out confidently.

"What's going on? Am I dead?"

Beside the pool, a long-haired woman suddenly emerged from the water and looked around in confusion.

In a forest, several humans in black robes looked fanatical and gathered in a circle. They cut their wrists without hesitation and chanted mysterious spells. The space in front of them began to ripple.

One after another, human beings who have accepted the trial of domination have entered the world of oblivion. They are either fanatical, confused, or have unknown purposes. But what they don’t know is what kind of desperate competition they will face. opponent!

"Domination trial?"

After successfully bringing the entire demiplane and the scarlet world over, Lu En still maintained the form of a hundred-armed giant, with many eyes blinking in a certain regular distribution on his face. Ordinary people would have their sanity plummeted even if they took one look at him. .

This is a form that fits the scarlet authority. Luen stopped being obsessed with human appearance a long time ago, so he doesn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he feels that his various senses have been greatly improved.

Of course, this is based on having enough willpower to control. Otherwise, when ordinary people transform into his appearance, they would have long ago transformed into complete monsters, dominated by animal nature.

To be honest, Lu En was indeed surprised by the sudden appearance of the Lord Trial, but that was all, because the obvious fact is that most of the scarlet authority, that is, the demon mark in the Skynet mission, is still in the hands of In the hands of the blood gods of the scarlet world!

Among those who control the fragments of authority, the ones with the lowest strength are all demigods!

Under this situation, Lu En didn't think that anyone else besides himself could defeat these gods and seize the fragments of authority in their hands, and even he still needed to pay attention to strategy.

Even if Skynet relaxes the access restrictions for trials, let alone newcomers, even if all the guardians fill in from one to six rounds, it will not have much effect.

Therefore, the Domination Trial mission released by Skynet has no impact on Lu En, because he has no real competitors at all.

This has to be said to be an accident, because from the mission in the last dungeon world, Lu En can see that the ultimate goal of Skynet is to spread the authority of the Scarlet World to many dungeon worlds through some methods, and then complete it. Obtained by the guardian of the mission.

This process will inevitably be accompanied by the fall of the blood gods, just like the previous blood gods. Otherwise, it would be too difficult for the guardians to face demigods or even gods.

However, due to a series of variables caused by Lu En, this kind of thing that should not have happened has happened, and Lu En even saw the machinery and rigidity shown by Skynet in this.

By now, he was certain that Skynet, which seemed so powerful and omnipotent that it could be called the Creator, was just a set program, and the person hidden behind it should be the Nightmare Lord - the Lord of the Starry Sky!

Lu En was not sure whether he had been exposed to the other party's sight, and what was waiting for him, but at this moment, all he could do was to be brave and diligent!

"First use the fastest speed to become a dominant existence!"

Now that we have entered the game, we might as well go deeper. Lu En also jumped out. Crossed blood marks appeared on the palms of several arms. The sticky blood immediately came out. Then he pressed it on the summoning door, and immediately A blood vessel penetrated the wound and began to suck the blood from his body crazily.

Of course, what was flowing in Lu En's body now was not ordinary blood, but the materialized scarlet power. Therefore, after a short time, the entire Summoning Gate lit up with a dazzling light.

Using the Summoning Gate, Lu En's fishing and law enforcement operations went quite smoothly, and soon he received a response from another demigod-level existence in his mind.

"Who is calling the great Tisu!"

Suddenly, chaotic spiritual fluctuations were transmitted from the summoning door, and a group of heads that were entangled like intestines came out, exuding chaotic evil thoughts.


However, just as he poked his head out, before he had time to stretch out his body, the demigod named Tisu was shocked to see a hundred-armed giant quietly squatting behind the door, looking at him with eyes that were no less numerous than his own. , and his head suddenly became stiff with fear.

"The great Tisu suddenly has other things to deal with."

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