Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 771 The Controller of the Power of Death! (Thank you for your donations)

In the Scarlet World, the one who obtains the least fragments of authority is less than one thousandth, and his strength is even lower, not even reaching the level of a demigod. Tisu is a typical representative.

In the Scarlet World, there are the most such divine creatures, followed by the demigod-level existences above. The combined proportion of authority occupied by the two will not exceed 15%, and more than one-third of the remaining authority is concentrated on the same individual!

This existence is the most powerful existence in the Scarlet World, the Blood Abyss Giant!

This is a terrifying creature whose strength has broken through the boundaries of the gods and reached the level of the Ancients. Since the appearance of the Scarlet World, most of the time it has been sleeping in the bottomless blood abyss. When it occasionally wakes up to forage, it will cause great panic in the whole world. It is a well-deserved world overlord!

However, compared with the blood gods, the Blood Abyss Giant's thinking is more chaotic and closer to the Ancients, so after feeling the drive from the dark, it actually woke up directly from its slumber, and then quickly passed through the world rift and descended to the forgotten world.

As for the Blood Abyss Giant who had rarely awakened, the first thing he did after waking up was naturally to look for food. However, due to the opposition of the world, the food that appeared in front of him seemed unpalatable, so he immediately broke out in a strong mood after getting up.

For such an existence, there is no need to deliberately carry out destructive behavior. His existence itself will cause a devastating blow to the surrounding environment and even other creatures. Wherever he passes, it can no longer be described as clean, but it is simply a change of heaven and earth!

The Blood Abyss Giant's unrestrained terrifying power radiation, while fiercely confronting the entire Forgotten World, also evenly tore countless surrounding materials into pieces, becoming a white land in various senses.

As the base camp of the Forgotten Overlord, this world is obviously not a desolate one, but a place where many races live, and civilizations have been developed and cities have been built. The destructiveness of the Blood Abyss Giant is even greater than that of the other blood gods combined!

Under the premise that the Overlord cannot take action, the Forgotten World itself also has a good strength. Seeing that the Blood Abyss Giant is about to approach the largest city in the Forgotten World, the forces gathered by many parties finally successfully intercepted it.

After Luen appeared, the first thing he saw was that the sky and the ground were densely packed with countless monsters. There were mainstream flesh-winged creatures with tentacles on their jaws, giant creatures floating in the sky like blue whales, and fully armed guardians, with an extremely powerful momentum.

But the effect they played was almost zero.

The truth is always cruel. Numbers do not equal strength. In front of the terrifying blood abyss giant, these monsters almost disappeared piece by piece, not even leaving corpses, but monsters continued to rush from all directions, and then were beaten to death piece by piece.

Luen's sudden appearance also opened up another piece of "pure land" among countless monsters.


The monsters on his side, at the moment he appeared, were like fleas that were crushed, making a series of sounds, and all the bones and flesh on their bodies turned into blood and fell on the ground, and then were greedily absorbed by the pale earth, stained with cruel blood.

Unlike the annihilation of the Blood Abyss Giant, the dissolution caused by Luen's appearance can cause more instinctive fear in the creatures, and soon, actively or passively, his vision in front of him became clear.

At the same time, Luen also saw clearly the few beings who really fought against the Blood Abyss Giant.

One-third of the authority fragments are almost a smaller version of the Ancient One, so each of those who can fight against it is as powerful as a god, exuding a powerful aura, and the area of ​​​​the battle is even more like a pot of porridge.

Whether it is space or even time, or different world rules, all of them have formed a chaotic state under the collision of power. Any creature that touches it, as long as it does not reach the level of a god, will be annihilated in an instant.

There are only three people fighting against the Blood Abyss Giant, two of which are in auxiliary corners, one is a flesh-winged monster wearing a crown, and the other is a simple-style guardian, who only launches attacks in the gaps between the Blood Abyss Giant's attacks, and then immediately retracts, appearing to be extremely cautious.

The main force in the middle of the confrontation attracted Lu En's special attention, because this was actually a pale human, and his body shape and appearance were exactly the same as those of ordinary people. However, every attack would leave deep scars on the surface of the Blood Abyss Giant.

This human's means of attack was to summon a large black shadow, and then combine it into various shapes, either attacking or defending, to steadily intercept the footsteps of the Blood Abyss Giant.

The moment Lu En sensed this human, a certain fragment of authority in his consciousness suddenly jumped up, as if it was directly activated, and was about to break away from Lu En's control and fly towards this human.

The power of death!

Lu En's expression suddenly moved, and he looked at this human, but the other party also turned his head in surprise and looked at Lu En.

This human was actually the owner of the power of [Death]!

And judging from the strong attraction Lu En felt, the power of death he controlled was at least more than 50%, which was why he could directly sense the fragment of the power of death hidden in Lu En's will!


However, the next moment, Lu En took action boldly, tearing apart the space and grabbing the opponent directly!

No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find anything, and it won't take any effort at all!

Lu En also felt a little happy in his heart at this moment. If the scarlet authority is related to his present and whether he can successfully escape from this starry sky hatchery, then the death authority is related to his future!

The transformation of life and death, the way of reincarnation, is the path he will choose in the future!

However, to understand the mystery of this, it is obviously not that simple, and it can even be said to be extremely complicated. Therefore, Lu En needs to make a reference, and what else is a better reference than the authority of death?

So Lu En took action and changed his target, from the blood abyss giant to this human being who controls the power of death!


The originally chaotic situation was made even worse for the three of them because of Lu En's sudden attack, because Lu En's timing was right at the moment when the Blood Abyss Giant launched its attack, which instantly formed a dangerous pincer attack.

The barrier of the world was completely torn apart, revealing the scene outside the world, and caused a siphon effect, sucking in countless monsters around. Lu En's many arms had already covered the opponent from all directions like a dragnet!

"Death is mine, and I will have eternal life!"

The next moment, jet-black streams of light shot out from between the gaps in his palms, and a figure floated out of it, as if between existence and non-existence. With a wave of his hand, a huge scythe fell towards Lu En. down.

"I grant you death!"

Wow, thank you Mr. Jaffore for the 10,000 reward, thank you book friend 20200202142028548 for the 8,000 reward, Thanks (ω)!

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