Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 779 Missing memory, shocking truth!

This is really a big deal for the snake!

If the Forgotten Snake appeared in front of Lu En now, this would probably be what he wanted to say the most.

Because after going back in time and tracing back to the source, the final result of the traceback turned out to be that Lu En was already dead, and he could not die anymore!

This is simply something that has never happened, because everything that exists must have traces, but Lu En was clearly a dead man a long time ago, so who is Lu En now?

The gray-white space around him trembled slightly, as if the machine had malfunctioned and a cassette had occurred. Lu En could even feel that the force that maintained the time retrieval was gradually collapsing and being annihilated.

Looking back at Lu En's past from Lu En's present, we found that he had died long ago and could not have a future at all. These two completely contradictory conclusions led to chaos and conflict within the Forgotten Power, and the scene was frozen for a long time. In the case of the young man who committed suicide by taking poison, there is no way of looking back.

Come on, don't give up!

From a God's perspective, Lu En felt anxious for the other party, because he had always been curious, how did he travel through time?

Is it an accident or other factors? Now that he has this opportunity, he is eager to find the answer!

Perhaps feeling the encouragement of Lu En, the power of forgetfulness is still persisting. Although cracks have appeared in the gray space around him, Lu En can still feel the turbulent power flowing, trying his best to move the timeline forward. A moment passes!

Finally, at a certain moment, the scene in the field changed.

A faint shadow appeared beside the young man at an unknown moment. Although there was only an outline floating in the air and all the facial features were blurry, Lu En recognized him at a glance. It was him from before!

The programmer named Shen Jun who originally lived an ordinary life on Blue Star!


Is this before or after?

Lu En suddenly reacted and thought of another thing. The power of forgetfulness can be traced back. In other words, before the young Lu En died, he had already appeared next to the other party? !

Numerous thoughts flashed through Lu En's mind instantly, and the surprise in his heart was indescribable, because he had always thought that he had traveled through time after the young man died and resurrected his body, which meant that the young man died before and he traveled through time behind.

But now it seems that when the boy was still alive, he had already appeared next to the other person, and looked at the other person quietly with a strange gesture!

How can this be?

Lu En's strong willpower instantly completely analyzed every memory and thought in his mind, but the result was that he had no impression of it at all. There was no such part in his memory at all!

Backtrack, keep backtracking!

Lu En couldn't help but start to roar in his heart, his thoughts were agitated, and he wished he could personally replace the power of forgetfulness and see all these memories that he had no impression of clearly and completely!


There was no need for Lu En to remind him that after finding a breakthrough, the chaotic conflict within the Force of Oblivion was immediately eliminated. Powerful power surged, pushing back the previous scenes one by one, almost inch by inch.

And Lu En finally saw what happened in the memory that he had no memory of before he woke up after traveling through time.

He saw the young man sitting on the familiar chair and looked at the poison on the table hesitantly. It seemed that at this time, he had not made up his mind to commit suicide until the poison was removed from his chest. On the black amulet, a faint shadow emerged quietly.

That was Shen Jun from before and Lu En now!

Lu En saw that when he first appeared, his face was still very clear, but on it, he saw an unprecedented coldness and evil. He saw a strange smile outline at the corner of his mouth, and gently put his mouth In the young man's ears, it seemed to be telling something.

He saw himself gently holding the boy's palm with his illusory arm, letting him hold the poison tightly in his palm, and finally made up his mind to drink it all!

He saw himself showing an evil smile as if his plot had succeeded, just like the villains in movies or novels, watching helplessly as the young man fell down, struggling painfully on the ground, and finally pacing gently, standing next to the young man's body. .

Did I instigate him to commit suicide?

This was not the resurrection of the dead as expected at all. Instead, he instigated the young man to commit suicide and then took over his body. At that time, his state seemed to be that of an evil spirit? !

Lu En was mentally prepared, but he was still shocked by what he saw, because it completely overturned his previous speculation. Was the death of young Bacon actually due to him?

That black pendant, that black amulet, what's hidden in it is actually me? !

This was something Lu En never expected. Of course, objectively speaking, even if he understood that he had played a disgraceful role in this process, he actually didn't make many waves in his heart. At most, he was surprised. But on the other hand, he was It was something Lu En felt was more serious.

Because regarding this memory, Lu En didn't even have the slightest impression in his mind!

This is completely unbelievable. Even if he borrows a corpse to resurrect his soul, or even goes a step further, he somehow becomes an evil spirit and then takes over the boy's body. However, this part of the memory should not disappear out of thin air, let alone that he has now become He has an existence at the level of the Ancient One, and if there is even the slightest clue, it is absolutely impossible to hide it from him.

Unless some force, or myself, separated this part of the memory!

If he was an ordinary person before time travel, he would definitely not be able to do this, but if he becomes an evil spirit, then splitting memories is undoubtedly possible.

If this is the case, then the black amulet is most likely to retain these memories.

amulet! ! !

What about the amulet? ! !

As if an electric current suddenly surged through his heart, Lu En suddenly took a breath of air because he realized something terrifying.

He forgot about that amulet!

Yes, he forgot. Not only did he forget it after reviving the corpse, but he also forgot about it at the time. Not only did he not think of it afterwards, but he did not remember the existence of the amulet afterward, or even when he was just sorting out his memory. It was as if there was something somewhere in the dark. A force that made him ignore it unintentionally!

After realizing this, when Lu En sorted out his memories again, he was shocked to find that he couldn't remember where the amulet went!

The devil is often hidden in the details!

The horror in Lu En's heart at this moment could not be described in words. He just stared blankly at the time and continued to look back. He saw Jamie handing the black amulet to the boy, watching Turing hand the amulet to Jamie, and watching Turing. An amulet and a black book were found from an ancient tomb, and the surrounding walls and buildings were full of mottled traces of time.

How long have I traveled through time?

At this time, Lu En had to start thinking about this issue seriously.

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