Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 8 Candied Haws


The darkness in front of his eyes gradually faded away, and Barn's mind became active again, showing regret.

As a powerful extreme warrior, even if he doesn't use his powers, ordinary people are as fragile as chickens in his hands. This also gave rise to his pride and even arrogance. What qualifications do I have for an ant that will die if I touch it even slightly? Let me pay attention?

It was easy for him to kill two human beings. He could do it with just one punch, no, just one finger. But he had forgotten that human beings could become the masters of the world not by strength but by strength. It was wisdom, and what he didn't expect was that Brad would have such determination and courage.

These weapons and even explosives were used in the city center. This was already a fight to the death!

Fortunately, those guys didn't know that just destroying the heart and brain was useless. Barn was glad in his heart, but suddenly felt something was wrong. There seemed to be a pale human face in front of him?

A young man with black hair and black eyes was staring at him with horror on his face!

Where did this little devil come from?

Before the thought in Baan's seriously damaged mind could turn around, suddenly a young man's trembling shout came to his ears!




The next moment, a hot feeling like lava surged out from the young man's palm, spread quickly along the contact area, and swept through the whole body in the blink of an eye. In Lu En's eyes, the other person's body was quickly infected with a layer of... Dark red.


Baan's eyes suddenly widened, he opened his mouth and let out a low roar, and a large stream of strange gray air surged out of his mouth and dissipated in the air.

"My strength. My spirit!"

He wanted to struggle, roar, and beat the kid in front of him into a pulp with one punch, but he was horrified to find that his body, which had begun to regain consciousness, began to become cold, and endless darkness emerged in front of his eyes.


He stretched out all his strength to raise one hand, but just when he reached halfway, despair flashed in his eyes, and he dropped it with a bang, leaving a last short wailing sound!

Hoo, ho!

Lu En gasped for air, his heart beating wildly, and he held down Barn's body tightly, as if the other person would come to life again in the next second. He didn't take a step back until the heat in his palms dissipated and he felt something real in his palms. , but his legs were already sore and weak, and he sat down on the ground.

OK, successful?

He saw bright red blood gushing out from under Barn's body again and flowing out along the ground. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his hands.

A string of candied haws with a color similar to that of blood suddenly appeared in his eyes.


The piercing sirens were so close that Lu En reacted immediately, stuffed the candied haws into his schoolbag, then turned around and ran away with the schoolbag in his arms!

The surrounding scene quickly reversed. Lu En ran through two intersections, and suddenly a loud shout came from his ears:



Lu En screamed, and several vigilant policemen appeared from around the corner, pointing their pistols at him. He was so frightened that he immediately leaned against the wall.

"Okay, I'm a student, don't make a fuss!"

An older policeman relaxed his expression, put away his gun, and scolded Lu En with a stern face: "Don't think about watching the fun, go home quickly!"

"Wait a minute, open the schoolbag and take a look!" Out of professional habit, the old policeman still stared at Lu En holding the schoolbag and said to him.

Lu En opened his schoolbag without saying a word. Now everyone could see it clearly. Apart from a few books, only a bunch of candied haws were the most conspicuous. But what's so strange about students packing snacks in their schoolbags?

"Go home quickly, this place is not safe!" The old policeman completely put down his suspicions, waved his hand to Lu En, and led a few policemen to move forward cautiously again. Lu En wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and walked out of the narrow space quickly. The alleyway soon turned into the main street.

He knew that the place behind him would soon become a big whirlpool. Those gunmen who were unscrupulous in the city center, as well as the terrifying and inhuman strong men, neither of them seemed easy to mess with. They could crush them with one finger. Kill him.


Suddenly there was another roar not far away, and then there was a faint sound like exploding beans. Lu En knew it was the sound of gunshots. He looked up and saw black smoke rising into the sky in another direction near the city center. There was a sound coming along the wind. It was like roaring and screaming.

I'm going, it's not over yet!

Could it be that they are still those people?

Lu En's heart was throbbing and he couldn't help but click his tongue. No matter what the situation was, this time Lucas's federal official was slapped in the face. The subsequent reaction can be imagined. This is the rhythm of something big happening.

After stopping a public car going home, Lu En sat down with his schoolbag in his arms, feeling very relaxed. No matter what, he had already made an amazing harvest, and the rest had nothing to do with him.

But it looks like I’ll never see Jamie again, poor guy!

Lu En grinned, and a big stone fell in his heart.

Although there were riots in the urban area, this turmoil did not affect the order of the entire city. Lu En walked into the house in time before dark. As usual, Lu Guang was already busy in the kitchen, and Lu Xiaokui Sit on the sofa and watch TV.

"Brother, you are back!"

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Xiaokui turned her head and smiled at Lu En. Lu En's attitude towards her had changed a lot in the past two days, and she was no longer afraid and alienated from Lu En.

"Look, daddy gave me a birthday gift!"

She picked up a white rabbit doll from the side and showed it to Lu En as if it were a treasure. It was a rough-made stuffed animal with two eyes made of red buttons that were not even very symmetrical.

Despite this, Xiaokui is still as happy as a little bird in the forest. She can't stop smiling while holding the puppet.

"You're back, wash your hands and get ready to eat."

Lu Guang leaned out from the kitchen and nodded to Lu En, "Your sister celebrated her birthday yesterday, but I was too busy and came back late, so I will make up for her today."

Lu En sniffed his nose and smelled the rich aroma of food. It seemed that Lu Guang had indeed prepared the feast carefully.


He nodded, but in his mind he was thinking that he should also give Xiaokui some birthday gifts. He remembered that the young man was actually frugal and saved some money secretly, so he used this money.

After a rare feast, Lu Guang silently began to put away the table, while Lu En returned to his room and gently locked the door, mainly because he was afraid that Xiaokui would suddenly break in and find him eating secretly. , that would be very embarrassing.

Take out the candied haws from your school bag. The crystal clear sugar layer reflects a dark red luster under the light. It looks extremely tempting. It is hard to imagine that this is food made by the food spirit absorbing some mysterious substances.

No, in fact, food is just an appearance, so what is it inside?

Mysterious power?

According to my settings, candied haws should be one level higher than snacks such as candies, and the added attributes will be more than last time.

With this thought, Lu En stuffed the candied haws into his mouth with some anticipation, and bit into one. The sour and sweet taste was no different from the real thing, but after he finished chewing it, he felt a burning sensation. The feeling suddenly starts in the mouth and quickly spreads throughout the body.

A line of small words appeared in the corner of my eyes:

"Stamina +0.5"

"Strength +0.5"

"Agility +0.1"

"You gained a skill point!"

"You got some information!"

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