Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 83 Premonitions and...Do you long for power?

"Lord. Zana?"

In the deep and dark cave without any sunlight, a low and hoarse voice appeared, and ripples were sent out along the closed cave.

No one responded. The air was filled with a smell of decay and stench. Amid the crackling sound, two green lights as big as washbasins emerged, and the sound of scales rubbing against the ground rock wall made people's scalps numb.

"Why haven't the sacrifices I need been delivered yet?"

With a sullen roar, more green lights began to emerge. Through the darkness, you can see Turing, the former bishop of the original sect, with dark green eyes and a mature and handsome appearance, sitting on the ground. Under him are countless piles of skeletons. A dark green python surrounds him, and its body almost fills the entire cave!

As Turing became angry, the dark green python slowly opened its eyes as if it had awakened. A strange green light spilled out from it, illuminating the entire cave. You can see some half-human, half-snake monsters crawling on the ground and shivering on the ground where the bones are piled up.

In front of Turing, a black vortex quietly embedded in the air, with some dark red light shining through, and the scales of several basilisks that were illuminated gradually turned red, with tyranny and cruelty flashing in their eyes.


A huge snake tail fell from the sky and smashed the basilisks into pulp. Turing closed his eyes and sensed it, his face became even uglier: "Lord's breath is weak, he must have been seriously injured, and he is far away from me, but why can't I sense Zana, who is helping her?"

Originally, he had a good plan, and his subordinates were also talented. He even gathered two extreme strong men for him, and there were also wilderness witches and evil wizards. It should even be said that it was more than enough, but in the blink of an eye, he became a lonely man?

"I have staked everything on this. I must not stop, let alone fail!"

Turing's face gradually became ferocious, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes: "I will let those guys know that I am right, only me!"

"Go, find a suitable sacrifice for me!"

"Don't you want me to go crazy? Then I will go crazy for you!"

"Let's see who the final winner is!"


The giant python surrounding him roared to the sky, and the huge sound shook the rock wall, and even some soil and rocks fell from the top of his head. The countless crawling snake monsters on the ground seemed to have received an imperial decree, shrieking one after another, and swarming towards the back.


In the lower city, near a deserted courtyard outside the city, the abandoned well that was originally blocked and looked a bit old began to tremble.

"What is this?"

Malos' tone seemed to be extremely frightened, pointing at the dog in Luen's arms, his eyes dull.


Luen's answer was concise and to the point.

"Of course I know it's a dog, but..." Malos waved his arms in the air for a few times, and he didn't organize his words for a while, not knowing how to ask. Lu En was holding a dog in his arms, with pure white and smooth fur, all of which were the characteristics of a noble dog, but what the hell was that mouth full of knife-like fangs and obvious protruding muscles, a genetic mutation? Even if it was a wolf, it wouldn't look so hideous and terrifying. If it looked like this, who would dare to keep it at home, or even give it to his wife, daughter, or mistress? "Woo~" It seemed a little irritated by Malos's gaze. This white dog with some characteristics of a noble dog looked ferocious, lowered its head, opened its mouth slightly, and issued a low warning sound from its throat. "Quiet!" But after Lu En gently patted its head, the white dog's eyes suddenly changed, and it stretched out its tongue to chase Lu En's palm, which made Malos's eyes almost pop out. He had a vague guess in his mind, after all, he personally handed the dog cage to Lu En in the morning, but he was not sure, because this undoubtedly overturned his cognition.

"This dog, is it..."

He pointed at the white dog, hesitant to speak, just looking at the size and shape, he couldn't connect it with those furry little meat balls in the morning.

"Yes, this is what you gave me this morning, but I fed it something."

Seeing Malos's performance, Lu En smiled, like a fisherman who cast a net and bait, watching the swarm of fish.

He had no intention of cooperating with the Spirit Cult, and asked Malos for information because he was interested in these eroders and provided materials for the Spirit Eaters. Therefore, he didn't take Malos's request seriously at all. All the eroders were turned into food one by one to enhance his strength.

The most trustworthy person in this world is always yourself, especially for the traverser.

Even if Malos swore that the Spiritual Cult would definitely protect him as long as he completed the mission, Lu En didn't believe it. What if the Spiritual Cult went back on its word? What if the Red Gloves didn't want to? Lu En felt that he was not so stupid to pin his hopes on these.

After Lu En perfunctorily answered him twice, Malos seemed to understand something and didn't dare to ask again. However, Lu En could feel more and more gadgets. He didn't know that the Spirit Eaters had an extraordinary sensitivity to supernatural powers.

Lu En originally planned to strengthen his strength to a limit and then try to leave. Then he would use Malos's life as a bargaining chip to let him take care of Lu Guang and Xiao Kui. Lu En didn't believe that Malos was a trustworthy person, but he believed that as long as he was alive, Malos would be happy to be a trustworthy person.

Until he found a simpler method.

There are many things in this world that can make people risk their lives. It may be power, it may be money, it may be persistence or belief, but there is no doubt that power is one of them.

"I can give you extraordinary power!"

Lu En just stared into Malos's eyes and whispered something, causing the latter's pupils to shrink. Then he touched the white dog's head and added something.

“No side effects!”


Malos could no longer maintain his composure. He jumped up and stared at Luen with wide eyes, as if looking at a lunatic or a liar. It was like someone pointing at a fish in the water and saying it was a bird. It had gone against everything he knew. Cognitive common sense.

"No way!"

He repeated again that there is no extraordinary power without side effects in this world. Even in the original sect, didn't the top management lose control once? If it weren't for Lu En, someone else would dare to say such a thing in front of him. Malos promised , he will definitely beat the opponent until he doesn’t even recognize him.

"Listen clearly, it is supernatural power, not the power of evil spirits."

Lu En didn't take it seriously, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and put the white dog on the ground. Malos then discovered that the dog, which looked petite in his arms, was as tall as his calf when it stood up. Because of his attitude, it opened A mouth full of fangs stared at him.

"There are two more in my room. You can study and observe them carefully, but you only have one chance!"

Tomorrow was the deadline. No matter what, Lu En decided to try tonight, or he would be forced out by the Spiritual Religion Group, or he would forcefully rush out, or he would die on the road.

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