Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 89 Come on, let’s hurt each other! (Please recommend for collection~)




A strong roar came from the closed helmet. The sword was filled with flames and magma. The figure dressed like a knight of the Second Dynasty seemed to only say this sentence. The flaming giant sword rose and fell, smashing a ball at Lu En's feet. A big hole.

This kind of power is almost as powerful as a bomb!

Lu En's eyelids twitched wildly and he backed away wildly, but he avoided the direction of Lu Guang and Xiao Kui. The latter saw such a terrifying monster suddenly appearing and knew that he would only become a burden to Lu En. Hiding far away.

Although he didn't know what was going on in the world and why his son suddenly became like this again, Lu Guang still hugged Xiaokui tightly and escaped. He believed that Lu En would not harm them. If there was something to hide from them, That's for their own good too.


The gravel carrying a lot of force splashed on Lu En's face. The figure known as the Judgment Knight in the Three Gods Cult withdrew his giant sword. A wall fell with a scraping sound, and some of the masonry in the crack had been burned. flushed.

Similarly, some tiny sparks also flew out from the cracks on the Judgment Knight's body and quickly turned into ashes.

This guy is a bit difficult to deal with.

Lu En bared his teeth and felt a little sore in his balls. The opponent's strength and speed were not weak, but it was acceptable to Lu En. It was at the level of an ordinary dean. However, the high temperature and flaming giant sword carried by the opponent was... Really difficult to deal with.

The giant sword, flowing with flames and magma, felt like its temperature had risen a lot just by looking at it. If he was really struck by the sword, Lu En felt that even he would not be able to bear it, and he might turn into two pieces of coke.

However, it is just more difficult to deal with.

The flame knight chased Lu En down a street in one breath, destroying buildings along the way. However, he failed to hit him with his sword, and instead showed him many flaws.


Lu En leaned down and lifted up a large piece of wall that had fallen to the ground. Then he squeezed it with both hands and grabbed it hard. This cement board, which was larger than the door panel, was probably close to a ton. In his hands But it's a light weight.

"Try this trick!"


The next second, Lu En let out a low roar, and the cement slab hit the Judgment Knight with great force and a whirring sound. The latter's eyes suddenly glowed red, and he did not even dodge, holding the flaming giant sword. Hard steel on the front!


The cement board was split open by his sword, and the fragments flew everywhere. A rolling shutter in the street next to it instantly turned into a pockmarked face, and screams came from inside. However, the huge force also made the Judgment Knight involuntarily take two steps back and stamp on the ground. Make deep footprints.

"Okay, I respect you as a man!"

Lu En chuckled and realized that this guy seemed to have some problems with his IQ. Or maybe he had no IQ at all except sabotaging and shouting slogans. More importantly, he had no other means of attack.

You can't blame me for being shameless. After all, you were the one who committed the foul first and your whole body was covered in flames and lava. No one in their right mind would choose this way in close combat under such circumstances.

Bang bang, two fists turned into a demolition team, and a cement slab appeared in Luen's hand again, and he threw it at the charging Judgment Knight!

"Eat my hidden weapon!"


For the Judgment Knights, no matter what was in front of them, they would only choose to fight, so they did not hesitate to swing the giant sword to chop the cement board into pieces, and their steps were stopped again.

After doing this several times, the distance between him and Lu En not only did not get closer, but step by step, he became further and further away from Lu En. The flames lingering on the giant sword were not as strong as before, but only Some small flames.


There was another loud noise, but it was different from before. This cement board hit a car on the street hard, and the two mixed together to form a pile of debris. Lu En looked at the flames sideways with a look of surprise. Knight, for the first time, the opponent did not try harder, but chose to avoid it.

Are you enlightened?

Lu En raised his eyebrows, holding a cement board in his hand, and threw it towards the Judgment Knight. The latter dodged to the side without hesitation, and the cement board hit the ground and broke into countless pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the Judgment Knight rushed towards Lu En at a rapid speed, with the flaming giant sword raised high!


"You can't change the sentence!"

Lu En took a deep breath, and his body expanded rapidly. Cyan blood vessels appeared on the surface of his body, and exploded under his feet. Instead of retreating, he advanced forward, facing the Judgment Knight head-on.

It was too late to hide at this point, Lu En could only choose to face the hard steel!


The flaming giant sword was filled with frightening heat, and seemed to be split into two. However, four dark red arms suddenly appeared above Lu En's head, and they all grabbed the flaming giant sword. Two of them instantly It was cut off by Melt, but the remaining two pieces were firmly grasped by the sword!

The next moment, Luen's fist hit the face of the Judgment Knight. The fully enclosed helmet creaked and a punch mark was made, causing the opponent to lean back!


Lu En punched again, this time a huge dent was made directly from the front of the helmet, and a large group of sparks emerged from the gap in the helmet. The judgment knight's eyes flashed red, and he gave up the giant sword decisively, and also punched down. On his chest!


The sound of flesh being roasted sounded, and along with the aroma of barbecue, a large piece of flesh on Lu En's chest was instantly scorched. The severe pain made his eyes become ferocious. He stretched out his hands to grab the opponent's helmet, and pushed it toward the center with force. When they were closed, there was a heart-breaking crunching sound. The dark red helmet of the Judgment Knight was squeezed into a discus by Luen with brute force!

Regardless of whether it was the head or something else protected inside, it was destined to be impossible to survive. Balls of sparks and black smoke violently poured out from Luen's hands. The Judgment Knight was shaking all over, grabbing Luen's shoulders with both hands, trying to make a move. There was a final struggle, but when Lu En's left heart turned dark red, everything came to an end.

A few seconds later, the armor that had lost its heat and luster fell to the ground like scrap metal, shattering into countless pieces of iron slag. Lu En looked at his palm, which was chapped in flesh and blood, and even bones could be seen in it, and spat fiercely. Take a bite!

"We are hurting each other and seeking death!"

The vitality stored in the body surged rapidly, and countless bloodshot eyes sprouted to repair his wounds. Even Lu En could survive a broken heart. These injuries looked horrifying, but they were not fatal in fact, but they were really painful.

A small box was placed at his feet, with a smiling and kind grandfather printed on it.

"You got Kenda Chicken Fried Chicken Legs (abnormally spicy)!"

Lu En estimated that the food refined this time should be mainly for physical strength or strength. He has reached the limit of both of these items, but he still decided to eat it later because based on his experience, he should gain skills or abilities this time. point.

This is all good stuff.

"One, two"

The Grand Priest of the Tritheist Cult standing on the top of the building looked down at Lucas, muttering to himself from time to time. After a while, two dim lights of fire fell on his palm, and he grabbed it.


Suddenly, he felt something in his heart, but after a while, there was still no fire coming out, and his expression suddenly changed.

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