Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 93 Guess, who is the hunter and who is the prey? (Please recommend for collection~)

"Wow wow——"

The shrill cry of the baby resounded throughout the cave. A basilisk carefully grabbed him and quickly swam deep into the cave. Watching the huge green python crawl down, he placed the baby respectfully on the ground. .

"One hundred and thirty-eight should be enough."

A hand stretched out from the darkness, grabbed the baby and took it back. The crying suddenly stopped, and at the same time, strong power began to vibrate. The basilisk lying on the ground suddenly shivered and did not dare to raise its head.


Not long after, a young white skeleton was thrown out and landed at Turing's feet. A kind of determination and determination appeared in the latter's eyes. Looking at the dark red vortex that was gradually expanding in front of him, he slowly stretched out a hand. .

"Come on, come to this world, so many sacrifices are enough to attract a worthy person."



Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of a drum beating wildly in his ears. Then blood oozed out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and bulges and tumors appeared on his arms that had been submerged in the whirlpool. The speed begins to spread!

And if you look more carefully, these bulges and sarcomas are actually human faces, twisted and desperate, with their mouths wide open as if they are wailing and cursing, and countless inexplicable whispers and murmurs fill the cave. , the basilisk lying on the ground was trembling all over, and suddenly exploded, making a muffled sound like a drum!



The green giant python surrounding Turing opened its mouth and roared in pain, twisting its body wildly. Something seemed to be drilling into the body under the scales. The entire cave was shaking instantly, and earth and rocks fell from above.

"Bloody Drummer!"

Countless bloodshot eyes appeared in Turing's eyes. In an instant, his brain was filled with countless messages, countless knowledge that he could understand or could not understand, phenomena and even more terrifying and unspeakable things came one after another. At this moment, it was not him. Chasing power and knowledge, but these are chasing him!

His handsome and mature appearance expanded into a humanoid monster in an instant, and it was still expanding at a faster speed. The giant python behind him roared violently. Finally, it couldn't stand the pain anymore, its eyes showed a fierce look, and it opened its bloody mouth to kill him. Swallowed it in one gulp!


The sharp teeth penetrated his chest, and at the same time cut off his arm that was stretched into the whirlpool. A huge amount of blood spurted out, far beyond what a normal person could have, covering the entire ground and bleeding. Colorful waves.

At the bottom of his feet, covered by countless bones and soil, a deeply buried black box suddenly cracked open, revealing a dark green box that resembled both a jellyfish and countless tangled vines. It was lifelike and silent. It broke into several pieces.

The green python, whose eyes were red and in a state of madness, suddenly froze, as if it had suddenly solidified into a statue, its whole body was trembling, and suddenly one arm stretched out from its belly, and then another, grabbing it. The skin and flesh were torn apart like paper, and a tall and deformed figure slowly emerged. Countless blood was flowing and gradually merged with the python's wound. Only the ferocious face could be vaguely seen. Turing's appearance.

Boom, boom, boom!

Low and continuous knocking sounds continued to sound from his body. Each time, a bulge on his face suddenly appeared on his body, and then slowly subsided.

"I have arrived!"

A low, evil voice came from his mouth, revealing the fangs densely packed with blades. The being known as the Bloody Drummer moved his newly healed arm and looked at the shrinking vortex.

"Although it's only part of the performance, it's enough. No one can stop me from giving a grand performance!"

His eyes burst with intense light. He looked at the basilisk attracted by the python's painful roar, showed a cruel smile, and pointed at them: "Let's start with you!"

Boom, boom, boom!

His fingers seemed to have magical powers, and the basilisks in the direction he pointed suddenly exploded into clouds of blood mist one after another, making a dull knocking sound and blending into the surrounding blood waves.

"I would also like to thank this idiot for actually daring to hold a ceremony. To express my gratitude, I decided to grant you eternal death." The bloody drummer chuckled in a low voice, full of joy that the plan had succeeded, but then another A voice rang in his ears:

"What a coincidence? I didn't expect that the person who answered my call would be a suitable idiot!"

A huge head fell from the sky, with dark green pupils that were as tall as half a person, reflecting the figure of the bloody drummer, with a cold light shining in it: "Now, guess who is the hunter and who is the prey?"


After the spear made of flames penetrated the last person's head, the originally bustling exit area suddenly became quiet. In the face of death, many people showed their great potential and escaped with only their legs. In this area, the remaining people who were trapped or scared to the point of weakness also understood the importance of silence.

Malos hid behind a car with everyone, looking at Lu En's figure. In addition to worry, some envy and uncontrollable passion began to grow in his heart.

Power, this is the power that countless people dream of, the power that truly belongs to you!

He turned his head and glanced at Dabai, who was following Lu Guang closely. The latter glared back fiercely, and he gritted his teeth and made an important decision in his heart.

At this time, a battle is breaking out in the field!


Facing Lu En who was blaspheming his faith, the Grand Priest felt that it would be a sin to look at him more than once. Therefore, after solving the little trouble that disrupted the situation, he immediately raised his finger and launched an attack on Lu En.

He is not a master of close combat. Even if he is proficient, his current body does not allow for fierce fighting, so he pulls his finger, and some bright white threads emerge from his fingertips, and shoots towards Lu En with a whoosh!


But the moment he took action, Lu En also moved. He didn't know that the other person was Malos and the most mysterious person from the Three Gods Religion he introduced, but even if he knew, there would be no fluctuation in his heart. The ground was crushed by his foot, and he began to charge towards the Grand Priest. Four swords of judgment pulled out ribbon-like light and shadow in the air, and the one in his hand was erected in front of him.


The bright white light was extremely fast, and arrived in front of Lu En in the blink of an eye. The horizontal bar of the giant sword in Lu En's hand was easily penetrated, leaving a scorched black hole in Lu En's chest, and it sank into the ground with a pop!


The Grand Priest responded quickly. After realizing that high temperature and flames had no effect on Lu En, he began to pursue penetrating damage. However, he was destined to be disappointed. Even Lu En could survive a broken heart, let alone this minor injury. What? He held the Sword of Judgment without slowing down at all, and his chest had gradually healed.

The Grand Priest frowned, and one of his hands turned into magma-like bright white from the fingertips. He was about to stretch it forward when his face suddenly changed, and a ball of flame enveloped him with a roar. The next moment, the sky Like dumplings being dropped, countless black shadows fell from the sky, pulling out shrill wind sounds, like sharp arrows!

That is? !

Even Lu En couldn't help but be attracted to his attention. When he looked up, what he saw was a flock of crows gathering above Lucas, flying by in dense numbers. A strong sense of crisis suddenly arose!

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