
Inside ward 1.

Boom! Knock knock! Bang bang!!

The metal arm of the 'Boxer exoskeleton' is hard, and the iron fist of the 'Iron Male Corpse' is even harder!

And the old man is old and strong, and the attack speed is quite fast!

In just a few moments, Zhang Wei and he punched him more than a dozen times!

It's a great fight!

People hurt too!

The surging countershock force made Zhang Wei's arms and scalp numb together!

The robotic arm even showed metal fatigue, and the metal at the junction of the fist and wrist appeared to varying degrees of deformation!

【Warning! Your equipment 'Boxer Exoskeleton - T1' has been 'damaged'! 】Zhang

Wei's eyelids jumped, and his heart was extremely distressed!

Equipment in a damaged state, if it continues to fight, will be completely scrapped!

Fortunately...... He has also realized the weakness of the other party.

Lungs suspended outside the body!

Obviously, when the 'steel male' inhales, the lungs and muscles bulge together.

In the logic of reality, the two are not necessarily related.

But here it is!

Although the monster is different from the last encounter, the set weakness core should not change.

The weakness of 'patients' is often related to their illness!


Zhang Wei roared, and finally found an opportunity and found a gap under the old man's iron fist attack!

He rushed up, grabbed the old man's forearms, and raised his steely arms high!

At this time, without the protection of his arms, the chest of the steel male corpse finally opened empty!

4 tender lungs that are constantly expanding/contracting!

The old man was expressionless, and his deep sunken eyes were full of heavy dead aura, without a trace of human emotion at all.

The moment his arm was pinched, he pressed his backhand on Zhang Wei's metal arm, and five black fingers like steel bars pierced deeply!

The basic strength of the 'Iron Corpse' was obviously higher than Zhang Wei, and even if his arms were raised, his arms were still pressed down in such a difficult situation!

The 'boxer exoskeleton' has already emitted electric sparks at the pressure on Zhang Wei's back, which is difficult to maintain!

Zhang Wei gritted his teeth and insisted while taking out his second attack suit from the equipment slot.

On his chest, a somewhat funny-looking [marbles launcher] suddenly appeared,

equipped with a huge glass marble!

[Name: Pinball Police's Pinball Launcher

] [Type: Mechanical Weapons (General)

] [Quality: Normal] [

Introduction: A pinball launcher that should only exist in cartoons, and the marbles shot are powerful, but the accuracy is limited.

The launcher can only store one marble, and if it runs out, it can spawn again after 10 minutes. 】

【How to use: Push your chest forward and your crotch hard! 】 【Features

: Hitting the trunk part of the target within 10 meters has a certain knockback effect. [

Note: As a children's toy produced by the 'Egg Toy Company' in 2032, he was protested online by many ministers together with the 'brain melon collapse finger exoskeleton' popularized in 2031. Zhang

Wei took the 'mechanical talent' route, so the equipment was all mechanical.

Due to the small number of mechanical creations available on the market, equipment such as [Boxer Exoskeleton] can be encountered but not sought.

He can only retreat to the second place, what to buy.

This pinball launcher... It's a pure work.

But at this moment's distance, this thing can indeed exert its power.

His whole person was hard, and he pushed forward!

The marbles in the launcher carry powerful kinetic energy! Suddenly shoot!

Hit the chest of the 'Iron Male Corpse'!

With a "bang", a delicate lung exploded like a balloon!

The swollen muscles on the old man's body instantly held back a lot.

At the same time, he was also repelled a few steps by the kinetic energy of the marble.

"The lungs ... My lungs..." The

old man lowered his head, and when he saw the pool of leaky rotten lungs hanging on his chest, an expression finally appeared on his wooden face.

An angry expression!

But while he was unprepared, Zhang Wei once again rushed over without talking about martial virtue and sneaked attack! The metal fist slammed into the old man's face!

He was repulsed again.

Zhang Wei seized the opportunity, grabbed another slippery lung on his chest, and pulled it off hard!

This lung was connected to the blood vessels and trachea in his body, and under the hard pull, it all collapsed!

Black blood spilled all over the place!

The old man's huge muscles atrophied again!

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up!

Really! These lungs are the weak point of this replica monster!

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

He rushed up with the old man's retreating steps, continuously throwing punches at his lungs!

"Am I!"


"Call you!"


"Rely on the elder!"


"Sell old!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the continuous heavy punches, all the lungs outside the old man's chest were blown up into rotten meat.

At the same time, his whole person has shrunk several times, and he looks like a weak patient with advanced lung cancer again.

"My lungs..." he stopped fighting back, but covered his chest and wailed.

"I said it! Top your lungs!! Zhang

Wei knocked down the weak old man, and this cyber-style suit thug rode on the poor old man like this, and smashed his heavy fists on his head continuously!

Finally, the head of the 'Steel Male Corpse' exploded like a watermelon, and the body did not move.

"Whew... Call...... I'm exhausted..." Zhang

Wei glanced at his physical strength, and it was a bit dangerous to have 31% left



He heard what seemed to be footsteps approaching behind him!

Before he turned around, his whole person was hugged by a pair of powerful arms!

At the same time, there is a strong smell of rancid rotten meat ... Got into his nose!

"Gag... What a thing!

Zhang Wei looked down and saw that the two arms holding him were obviously different in color, and there were two zipper-like stitching marks on them.


He instantly understood that holding his own behind him should be another replica monster!

Just as he tried to break free, a monster introduction appeared in front of him.

[Name: Living corpse of venereal disease

] [Type: Elite monster]

[Introduction: Xivel was a playboy who lingered in the flowers, and his too unrestrained X life infected him with a variety of dirty diseases, including AIDS.

Later in life, due to a complete collapse of his immune system, he was festering, rancid, and unrecognizable.

After coming back from the dead, Dr. Robert feared that he would feel inferior because of his image, and intimately sewed the human skin provided by two 'enthusiastic donors' onto his body.


Many of the viruses in Xavier's body have also mutated, and Dr. Robert calls the virus he now carries the HOV virus, which, like HIV, destroys the body's immune function.

But this variant virus is more transmissible, there is no incubation period, and the infection takes effect! 【

Note: "As a responsible andrist, I implore everyone not to use the exit of the human body as an entrance! It's really dirty there!! The

moment the monster introduction appears, the system prompt also follows.

【Warning! If your skin surface is not stained with more than 525 mg of 'STD Zombie' blood, you will immediately become infected with the 'HOV virus'. 【

After entering the 'infected' state, your 'immune system' will be destroyed in this game, and the injury will not be recovered.] 【

All healing skills and items will not be able to heal your injuries!】 【In

addition...the human skin draped on the 'venereal disease living corpse' is very delicate and easy to damage, so be careful to deal with it. Zhang

Wei's whole person instantly petrified, and he did not dare to move.

Seeing the prompt, he understood why this monster chose to hold himself.

"As long as I struggle, the living corpse will be injured..." "

His blood will get on me... I'm going to get infected..."

"Is it so disgusting???

Enduring the stench behind him, Zhang Wei quickly passed several plans in his mind, and then overturned them all.

This monster, he is really difficult to deal with!

'Unable to return blood' may seem like a small problem, but it is actually a big problem!

After thinking about it, Zhang Wei could only choose to trust his teammates!

He shouted:

"Lao Huang save me——!!


Zhang Wei's thinking is correct.

Although the mechanism of the monster of 'venereal disease living corpse' is disgusting, it is easy to solve as long as Huang Silang helps.

The detective's 1 skill 'Reasoning Deterrence' can control him.

Subsequently, as long as Zhang Wei broke free, he would not splash blood after killing after opening the distance.

However, Huang Silang was unable to protect himself at the moment, and he couldn't take care of him for the time being.

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