Bang! The explosion-proof shield was heavily on the ground, and the riot stick was raised high, and he blocked in front of Ling Yichuan with an extremely reliable defensive posture.

Lin Yue knew that Zhang Wei's skill required a certain amount of casting time, so he blocked in front to gain time.

Very much with a fleshy consciousness!

Although this hunter player seems to have no intention of attacking, but...

Who knows?

This guy acts treacherously, elusively, and can only wait for it!

And Ling Yichuan.

Most of his body is still on the ceiling, only his head is exposed.

His shoulders and neck were being burned by the residual hot ventilation ducts, which were sizzling, and even produced some aroma of roasted meat...

Slightly painful, very cool.

Looking at this heavily armed man, he still looked relaxed, like a slut watching the fire from the other side.

"I'll start counting, you better run now."

Slut Ling kindly reminded:

"When I count to 10, I will come to chase you, this is the last notice."

Ling Yichuan did not play cards according to the routine, and Zhang Wei, who formulated this rescue plan, was a little hesitant at the moment.

He also wanted to run quickly, just...

Huang Silang's bandages have now begun to ooze blood, and it is obvious that such bandaging still cannot completely stop his bleeding.

Lao Huang's health is still slowly declining.

There is only one line left in the blood bar, and now if it is not treated, I am afraid that he will be immortal if he takes two steps.

"You just come according to plan!"

Lin Yue didn't dare to turn back, kept staring at Ling Yichuan, and shouted,

"This product is cheating us!" He must be waiting for the skill to cool down! Just now in the ventilation duct, he must have used 1 skill, right?

As soon as he said this, Zhang Wei suddenly sobered up!

Oh, yes!

This surnamed Ling is bluffing!

Ripper Killer's 1 skill 'Blood Fury Burst Muscle' has just ended, and if he doesn't have a reliable universal skill to attack them, then he can only delay time and wait for cooldown!

I was almost crippled!

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei's self-confidence also swelled again, and he looked at Ling Yichuan and smiled coldly, "It's

not us who should escape now, right?"

Ling Yichuan's hanging head tilted, looking puzzled, "Oh?

Zhang Wei decisively turned around and said to his mummy brother: "Give me your hand!" Huang

Silang sat on the operating table and flicked his shoulders.

His hands are like gummy candy without bones.

"Sorrowui... I may not be able to do anything now, so you can see how much to do it. "

His tendons and tendons have long been cut off.

"I'm really miserable with you, how can I play like this..." Zhang Wei grinned, with a look of disgust.

Huang Silang couldn't help but say: "When I slow down, I will designate to pee to let you follow your current virtues..."

Zhang Weigang was poked blind in one left eye, two front teeth were also broken, and his speech was a little leaky, and he didn't look much better than Huang Silang.

Heavenly eunuch laughs at eunuchs, fifty steps laughs a hundred steps.

Zhang Wei didn't fight with him again, and grabbed his soft palm.

Ten fingers clasped!

In an instant, the two of them lit up with a shimmer at the same time.

Above their holding hands, a white cross representing healing appeared, jumping and jumping.

[Name: Brotherhood

] [Type: Healing Skill (General)

] [Level: E] [

Introduction: This is a self-sacrificing act of blood donation, which can divide half of your life to your teammates. 【

How to use: Hold hands, ten fingers clasped. 【

Casting time: 8 seconds

】【Consumption: half health

】【Cooldown: 30 minutes】【

Remarks: Blood type? What blood type? I talk to you about feelings, you talk to me about blood type?? In the idealistic world, all the rules can be twisted.

Ling Yichuan glanced at the prompt that 'fear hypnosis' was about to take effect, and began to time:

"1... 2...... 3..." Zhang

Wei and Huang Silang were also meditating nervously.

1...... 2...... 3......

They meditate on the 'brotherhood' spell casting time.

8 seconds of time, never been so long and torturous as it is now.

The skill effect between the two of them, the white cross, also gradually had red floating up from below.

This represents their "transfusion" progress!

Lin Yue still maintained a vigilant posture, his hand holding the shield and stick was slightly sweaty, his throat was shrugged, and he swallowed spit.

He was nervous too!

Somehow, Ling Yichuan's face was slightly distorted in his eyes... Even the color tone of the entire operating room began to fluctuate and change....


Lin Yue then discovered that his SAN value had actually dropped to 48% unknowingly!

What's the situation?!

“5...... 6...... 7..." Ling

Yichuan was still counting.

When he counted to 8, 'Brotherhood' was finally done!

Huang Silang's blood volume jumped all of a sudden!

Zhang Wei's health dropped from 60% to 30%, and Huang Silang's health increased from 4% to 31% (players can't see their own health value, but the value is still objective, because the detective is a little flesh than the lawyer, and the blood volume is also higher, so Zhang Wei's 30% of the blood volume is only 27% to Huang Silang)

His health instantly returned to above the serious injury line!

The physical injuries have also recovered a lot!

'Detective' Huang Silang's spirit was shocked, and he felt that he could do it again!

His jaw and tongue have basically recovered, and his limbs have regained some control.

"Haha! I, Huang Shiro, am back!

He pulled off the bandages and shouted,

"Children! Pip up! The wind is tight! Let's take a step back and then think long-term! "

Saying that, without waiting for Lin Yue to raise an objection, he decisively used the detective's running skill - 'Race against time'!

A wind swept in, wrapping around their bodies and making them lose weight suddenly.

Ling Yichuan was still counting:

"9... 10..." He

raised his eyes, his smile flashed, and in a pair of heterochromatic eyes, there was only a coldness.

"It's time."

At this time, Huang Silang had just rushed out a step.

Just one step.

[The time limit for 'fear hypnosis' has arrived, and within 10 minutes, your SAN value drops by more than 50%, and forced hypnosis takes effect! ]

There was still a joy of escaping death on his face, and there was a hint of mockery towards Ling Yichuan.

Then smiled and closed his eyes.

Fall headlong.


Zhang Wei and Lin Yue were about to run away with him, when they suddenly found that their bodies sank again, and a prompt flashed in front of their eyes:

[Teammate Huang Silang's skill 'race against time' was interrupted. The

two looked at Huang Silang, who fell to the ground, in amazement at the same time, as if he had been hit by thunder.

"What's going on!?" Lin Yue roared.

"Don't make it!" Zhang Wei shouted: "It is estimated that he has already been recruited!" This Shabi didn't tell us!

Actually, Huang Silang didn't want to say it.

Purely just forgot.

The skill of [Fear Hypnosis] was really painless and painless, without any discomfort, and he had almost ignored that he had been marked by this skill.

And this kind of moisturizing and silent skill, Ling Yichuan has more than one.

The effect of [Fear Aura] was also ignored by them.

Just now, he used the aura of fear on the ventilation duct, and the area it shrouded was not limited to it.

In an entire operating room, for 60 seconds, the three escapees were immersed in the aura of fear and continued to fall....

On the one hand, this weakened their spirits, and on the other hand, it also ensured that [Fear Hypnosis] could successfully launch Huang Silang.

"I gave you a chance."

At this time, Ling Yichuan finally moved.

Under his head and feet, he slowly slid down the ceiling like a snake.

The doctor's white coat was scratched by the pipe exit, revealing his corpse-like blue-gray body, full of stitches.

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