
After 5 seconds, consciousness returned, the petrification effect faded, and Lin Yue found that there was a lampstand in front of him, and on the left and right sides, there were two shadowless lamps for surgery shining on him.

The light was so bright that he couldn't help but squint.

He was already lying on the operating table.

Next to him, Ling Yichuan was tying a restraint belt for him.

"It doesn't matter if you have any props, or skills, use them as soon as you can... Otherwise, there may be no chance next.

Lin Yue struggled for a while and found that these binding belts were firmly tied.

You can't break free with strength alone.

Suddenly, there was a pain in his abdomen, and he wanted to get up to take a look, but found that his abs were completely weak, and the harder he worked, the more painful it was!

"Groove, what did you do?!"

Unable to exert force on his abs, he stretched his neck hard and looked down like a turtle.

I don't know if I don't look, I look at it and pee!

He saw that his abdominal cavity had opened!

At a glance, he even saw the stomach that was squirming!


Lin Yue's SAN value began to drop sharply!


Catalyzed by fear, his heart beats fast and his breathing becomes very rapid.

Ling Yichuan walked over, pushed his head down, pulled over a restraint belt, and fixed his neck as well.

"Don't look."

"Shhh... Breathe deeply and slowly.

He gently took off Lin Yue's riot helmet and touched his head with concern:

"Hyperventilation can cause respiratory alkalosis... Don't die before I execute, I'll be embarrassed."

"A good doctor doesn't let a patient die on his operating table."

However, Ling Yichuan's comfort did not reduce Lin Yue's nervousness.

Ling Yichuan's weird and persistent play of the ripper killer made him even more afraid!

This game is really real.

When the mental state is better, players can also give themselves psychological comfort, telling themselves that this is just a game, and everything in it should not be taken seriously.

This is a good form of self-hypnosis.

But when the stimulation is over, the mental condition deteriorates.

This approach does not apply.

They will gradually fall into a real nightmare and will not be able to tell themselves ... It's just a dream.

In fact, this is the immersion that players are talking about.

Seeing that Lin Yue's breathing became more and more rapid, Ling Yichuan sighed and looked around for available medical tools.

"Sedatives... Sedative...... Isn't there a sedative prepared here? "

He pulled on the counter, but he couldn't find a sedative.

Then, relying on Dr. Robert's memory, Ling Yichuan very professionally pulled over an oxygen mask and pressed it on Lin Yue's face.

But the tube of the mask was not connected to the oxygen machine, but blocked half with a thumb.

In this way, the oxygen mask becomes an oxygen barrier mask.

This can effectively limit the patient's ventilation and force him to repeatedly inhale carbon dioxide in the mask to correct hypocapnia.

When Lin Yue's breathing gradually slowed down, Ling Yichuan took off the mask.

I walked to the wall cabinet on the left side of the operating room, opened the drawer, and found the clothes, pants, shoes and hats that I needed to wear during the operation.

These things have no item hints, and when placed here, it seems to just enrich the background.

But Ling Yichuan almost didn't think about it, so he put them on.

Lin Yue on the operating table had already searched his stomach at this time, thinking of all means of survival!

He took out the [Decapitated Frisbee] again from the equipment slot,

but his wrist was already fixed, and there was no way to use this Frisbee to cut the restraint belt on his body.

The wrist shook hard, but the frisbee fell to the ground.

Ling Yichuan heard the sound and glanced back while wearing a mask.

"No other means?"

Lin Yue sweated coldly, took two deep breaths, and then shouted:


Ling Yichuan, who was "fully armed", walked back, "Shout, shout louder, and call your patients over." "

Actually, Ling Yichuan is also the end of the strong crossbow now.

Having used [Blood Fury Burst Muscle] 3 times, he now has a heart loss of up to 90%, a lung loss of 60%, and a muscle loss of 60% of his right arm, and now

this skill is gray and can no longer be used.

Unless he replaces a heart.

That's why most players prefer to fight the chase stream with a ripper.

Simply give up 1 skill, run a marathon with physical strength all the time, brainless and happy.

Happy to lose.

In the critical stream style, at least one organ needs to be replaced in an average of 3 times.

It's too much trouble.

Hearing him say this, Lin Yue paused slightly.

Then he shouted even louder:

"Ah Wei save me——!! I was arrested to cover you——!!! You're a conscientious thing——!! "

Just in case, Ling Yichuan can only start as soon as possible.

He was very methodical and planned to remove the other kidney first.

Since Lin Yue was lying straight now, he couldn't start from behind, so Ling Yichuan could only enter through his abdomen forearm...

Of course, it's not that difficult.

Soon, he took the other kidney and put it in a protective bag containing lactated Ringer's liquid.

Then Ling Yichuan turned on the life support device and connected a vascular access path he had picked up to it.

This life support device is multi-functional, with an artificial heart, artificial lungs, and artificial kidneys.

To put it bluntly, now it is dialysis for him, replacing the original kidney function of this body with a machine.

"Don't be afraid, it'll be almost fine."


Lin Yue let out a mournful cry from his throat.

Watching the "doctor" constantly busy in his abdominal cavity, taking out a liver for a while, holding out a spleen for a while....

His current SAN value is constantly declining!

The scariest thing is....

The Ripper behaved too professionally!

During the execution process, his life points did not drop much!!

When he saw Ling Yichuan walking away holding a heart, Lin Yue's SAN value had dropped to 14%, entering the [Deep Fear] state.

The status interface disappears and everything becomes incredibly real.


[Task requirements: rational use of the 'cardiopulmonary circulation equipment' in the operating room, remove at least 3 major organs of the human body while the 'organ donor' is alive; after the end

, turn off the 'extracorporeal circulation equipment'] [Number of organs (3/3)] [

Now, you can turn off the 'extracorporeal circulation equipment'. The

task requires that the organs be harvested are 3.

Ling Yichuan picked a little too much... He almost emptied everything in Lin Yue's body.

But he's still not over.

Ling Yichuan looked at these organs in the protective bag, and then looked outside the operating room.

The 'lawyer' player never came to the rescue.

Also, he himself is in a bad state, and it is also a rational choice not to come to the rescue.

That being the case....

Ling Yichuan immediately used Ripper 2 skills.

[Name: Organ Replacement

] [Type: Skill (Character Exclusive)

] [Level: Grade D] [

How to use: Open your own abdominal cavity, or cut off the damaged limb, and then take the organ that needs to be replaced within a certain distance, you can skip the professional process of organ transplantation and directly complete the replacement. 【Feature

1: 'New products are durable goods' replaced organs, will not be lost again in a short period of time. 【Feature

2: 'Organ gain' will produce different gain effects according to the different qualities of the replaced organs. 【

Consumption: 15% stamina; 10% energy value

] [Cooldown time: 5 minutes] [

Note: When surgical medicine is developed enough, the human body is no different from the computer assembly machine, where you want to change... When we get to this point, it is not far from the mechanical ascension. 】

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