[Name: Remote

control of Studio 2] [Type: Story props (copies cannot be brought out)] [

Introduction: With this remote control, you can open the electronically controlled lead door of Studio 2. [

Note: What you can't get is always in turmoil... People are always eager to find out where the doors are closed, what is hidden inside? Unlike

other departments with open doors, the lead door of Imaging Room 2 is always closed.

This made the four escapees of the bureau also wonder for a while, they had never found a way to enter the No. 2 imaging room.

In fact, some props are self-shielding.

If a few of them searched here, they would never find this remote control.

This plot prop is specially prepared for the ripper killer, and only he can find it.

The contrast room itself is nothing special, just like taking X-rays and doing MRIs, it is a place to take radioactive pictures and do physical examinations.

But Ling Yichuan was very clear in his heart.

Contrast Room 2... It's not the same.

Memories from Dr. Robert the Ripper, begin to roll.

The contrast room is just a pretense!

There...... It's actually an operating room.

Not a general operating room, but an extra-large laminar flow ultra-clean operating room involving head replacement surgery!

Extremely high specs!

There is also a life support system designed and manufactured for head replacement surgery!

That thing... It can ensure that the body without a head can also be temporarily "alive".

"Myself" originally jokingly called that thing a human flesh cabinet.

This matter was not only Dr. Robert wanted to study, the entire hospital was secretly doing this at that time.

Of course, the reasons are complex.

All that can be said is... The above allows, their hospital to do cutting-edge field experimentation.

But this cannot be done with fanfare, only on the sly.

It cannot be known to ordinary citizens of the city of Marcel.

Ordinary people can't accept the change of head.

But it later failed.

Go down in flames.

The gap between theory and practice is the difference between clouds and mud, and head replacement surgery is not just about sewing one head onto another body.

Living people are very troublesome.

The first is the problem of neural connections, the neural connections between the spinal cord and the brain are so numerous that they simply cannot accomplish this feat in the short time the brain survives.

Not to mention that the brain and body will have a continuous rejection response in the future....

It is probably equivalent to the fact that these expert professors and senior doctors have planned a long march of millions of miles, and the materials, food and grass are all prepared.

As a result, as soon as I walked out of the house, I found that there was an abyss in front of me.

Can't get by.

Not to mention that they can't fill such a big ravine, even a giant of light the size of Ultraman can't fill it, what's more, throwing an entire Ultraman of the M78 Nebula into it won't help.

It's that big, so deep pit.

So after only one attempt, the entire St. John's Private Hospital gave up on it.

Room 2, which has since been closed.

As if to seal this clumsy and cruel medical attempt.

"Since there are such props as a hint... This shows that there must have been some kind of change in the No. 2 imaging room. Ling

Yichuan couldn't wait to go over and take a look.

However, just after taking two steps, he realized his current situation again.

"There is only one exit here, and as long as the fugitive finds the 6-digit code, they will escape."

"If I go to Studio 2 now, they will probably escape directly..."

"I don't know how many passwords they have found now."

Just as he was entangled, a figure hurriedly broke in, with a faint smell of corpses.

"Daddy... I see them! "

The person who came was the eldest daughter of the Ripper.

Ling Yichuan pulled the corners of his mouth, trying to show a fatherly smile, but it looked a lot like a ghost father.

"Nicole, where do you see them?"

"The 3rd floor... Clap...... The place where the film was made.

Nicole said very well: "It was originally two people, and then there was another one, and there were three people."

Ling Yichuan asked, "What else do you see?" What were they doing?

Nicole's blue-gray face showed a thoughtful expression:

"They are looking at the puzzle on the wall... I didn't understand, but I heard them say two numbers.


numbers..." Ling Yichuan muttered, "They have already obtained at least two numbers of escape codes..."

Paper Man Fei also rushed in, "I saw another bad guy with a pistol also got two numbers!" Now they have 4!

Ling Yichuan frowned, "Then it's only the last two digits... The last escape code should be on the 5th floor..."

Suddenly, he noticed the skull-faced helmet on the paper man's head and exclaimed, "Where did you get this helmet?" "

Picked up!"

The paper man excitedly took off his helmet, held it in both hands and handed it over, and when Ling Yichuan took it, he said happily: "The ugly

thing was actually discovered by that bad guy very early on, and it almost scared me to death..." "

But I didn't run away, but kept dealing with him!"

"Later, when I still couldn't sneak close, I thought about looking around first to see if there was anything as important as the 'Elemental Stone', and remove it first!" Let the bad guys not find it! "

I went to an anatomy room and there were a lot of stuff there, and I rummaged through it and thought this one was the most special! I'll get it! "

The paper avatar is not a player, so he can't see the item introduction.

Equipment picked up purely by feeling.

After Ling Yichuan took it, he found that the helmet that "himself" had used was now a universal equipment!

And it seems to be a very good equipment!

[Name: Black Skull Helmet of the Ripper Killer

] [Type: Head-mounted armor (can bring out copies)

] [Attribute: Fu] [Quality: Rare] [

Introduction: When Dr. Robert hunted everywhere in the City of Gray Mist, in order to prevent his true face from being seen, he has been wearing this full-coverage boron carbide mixed gold helmet.

Since then, contaminated by the power of Eresnu, the 'god of killing and suffering', his helmet has even more evil powers. 【Feature

1: 'Bloodthirsty Gaze' When your gaze passes through the black eyepiece of the skeleton eye socket and looks at the prey, the prey will be shocked by fear, instantly suppress its SAN value by 3%~10%, and make it appear a 'palpitation' state that lasts for 15 minutes.


Feature 2: 'Breathing intimidation' When you breathe hard, the part of the gas mask will act as an amplifier, making your breathing sound echo in a large area of surrounding space, forming a terrifying echo.

The fugitive cannot locate you with sound, but in this threatening breathing sound, they will feel the approaching oppression and slowly reduce the SAN value.

The closer the distance, the louder the breathing, and the more the SAN value decreases.

(Expires when the fugitive's SAN value drops to 50%)]

[Note: In addition, there is a feature that is not worth mentioning... The gas mask of this thing is really anti-virus, and it is very hard. 】

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