The miserable green candlelight shone on the already terrifying face of the black woman, adding a bit of evil nature.

Several people were frightened.

Especially Zhang Wei.

He was scared half to death by Ling Yichuan before, and his SAN value could barely recover to 25%, and the negative state of [mental abnormality] had not been eliminated.

Being touched by Jetki Appima's sudden rotten face, he was so frightened that he directly hallucinated and let out a high-pitched cry like a screaming chicken!


'Special Forces' Lu Ye's eyes were quick and covered his mouth.

And Jetki Appima shrunk back after saying this.

Lu Ye looked at Huang Silang and asked silently.

Huang Silang gritted his teeth: "It's coming, what are you afraid of!" Get in!

After that, he got into it with a short body.

Lu Ye slapped Zhang Wei twice in the back, trying to help him sober up.

However, it was of little use, and Zhang Wei said with a trance: "My SAN value is too low... There are a lot of hallucinations in front of me, a little troublesome..." Lu

Ye: "What hallucinations do you see?" Zhang

Wei: "I see the black head on your nose smiling at me

..." "Are you special..."

Lu Ye sighed: "I obeyed you!" Just spoil something good for you!

He took out a delicate small white porcelain bottle from the prop bar, pulled out the wooden cork, poured a few drops of green liquid into the palm of his hand, and then wiped it on Zhang Wei's upper chin with his thumb.

Oh, that's called people.

【Name: Essence

Wind Oil Essence】【Type: Psychotropic Drugs】

【Function: Pour out an appropriate amount of Wind Oil Essence and wipe it on the person, which can accelerate the recovery of SAN value. 【

Note: Do not try to rub the wind oil essence on strange places, it will hurt.】 Zhang

Wei only felt that a coolness was suddenly released from the person and rushed straight to his brain!

The SAN value suddenly rushed from 20% to 30%, and then continued to increase slowly.

[Mental abnormality] state lifted.

The illusions in front of me also disappeared naturally.

Zhang Wei shook his head vigorously and gasped a few breaths: "Boom! Refreshing! You actually hid such a good thing and didn't tell us?

Lu Ye said angrily: "Just bought!" Very expensive! But isn't this still for you? Stop beeping, let's go inside!

He pushed Zhang Wei to bend over and walked in.

The inside was more spacious than they expected, and it was a very standard apartment-style single room.

There were beds, TV and seemed to be a bathroom.

It is indeed a dark room that is very convenient for cheating.

Of course, that was before.

Right now...... It's full of eerie atmosphere.

The few people who had just walked in saw the position in the middle of the dark room at first glance, smearing a huge cross with blood.

It's like a cross bullseye for aiming.

The blood cross had dried up and darkened, appearing reddish and black.

On the lower left and bottom right of the cross, in the position of the three quadrants and the fourth quadrant, two female corpses wearing nurses' uniforms knelt.

They raised their heads high, their mouths wide open, their last expressions before they died... It's panic.

'Detective' Huang Silang covered his nose and went around the front of the nurse's corpse, and saw that there was a striking opening on the necks of the two.

"I was killed by a slit throat... Hmm

..." The smell of corpses here made him a little unbearable, "It seems that the blood cross on the ground was painted with their blood..."

Zhang Wei and Lu Ye did not respond, they were completely immersed in this strange atmosphere, unable to say anything commotion.

There are more than these two corpses here.

There was also a shirtless white-haired old man who had stripped off his shirt and pants, wore only a bitter tea seed, and his whole body was crawling on the ground.

His hands and feet were twisted like twists, and there were dozens of knife cuts on his back, which seemed to have been tortured and killed.

"This dead cool gentleman... Wouldn't it be the president of St. John's Hospital? Lu Ye asked with an ugly face.

"Yes, that's him."

Answering him was Jeki Appima, who was kneeling reverently to the center of the Blood Cross.

She slowly placed the black candle in her hand on the golden candlestick in front of her.

Such candles, there are 5 more around.

6 candles, 6 swaying green candle flames.

Jiki Appima raised her head, and her half-melted face against her pale left eye, which was obviously blind, looked extremely oozing.

"They're all for this ritual... Died to summon Baron Saturday..." Following

her line of sight, the three looked ahead.

Above the wall-mounted television, a cross-iron nail was knocked in, on which hung a small person more than a dozen centimeters.

The villain's body is made of straw, and the head is an ultra-small human skeleton with a black top hat on his head.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but say: "This thing is like Brooke's figure. Jetki

Appima rolled her eyes at him with her left side, "This is a voodoo doll made in the image of Baron Saturday." Huang

Silang tried to touch it, but Jiji Appima just looked at him and did not stop him.

[Name: Saturday Baron's straw figure]

[Type: Plot props (cannot be brought out of this copy)] [

Introduction: Ordinary voodoo dolls, usually woven with animal bones and straw, but this doll is different, the skull used on it is a human skull... Aborted baby skull. [

Note: It is not so much that he looks like Brooke of One Piece, but that Brook looks like him... Even if he is just a new god, he is far older than people think.

Huang Silang said to Zhang Wei: "You also come to see the introduction of the item, I suspect that this remark is flexible to change... It seems to hear your complaint..." Zhang

Wei also came over and touched it, "Lying groove, really eh." "

Jeki Appima has not stopped them.

Apparently, Voodoo is still quite enlightened and does not shout anything "heretic!" Desecrate! Hang them!

With a hint of stoic madness, she whispered,

"Dr. Robert is still outside, right? You probably want to kill him too, right? If yes... Help me complete my ritual.

Huang Silang asked, "You tell us first, what's going on here, are you also a living dead now?" Why did the dean bring you here? What kind of ceremony are you going to have? "

Players who love to play detectives are always obsessed with solving mysteries and understanding NPC backstories.

As an NPC, Jetki Appima is also very cooperative.

In the grim green light, she

said, "Since you found this place, you should know that I am a voodoo shaman, right?"

"In fact, it would be more accurate to say 'mambo'..." (Voodoo priestesses are called 'Mambo' and male priests are called 'Ngong'.)

"I am now a living corpse, standing at the crossroads of life and death."

Speaking of this, she looked down at the blood cross under her.


Through the narration of the NPC, the three quickly understood the simple story background.

Jeki Apima was originally a voodoo 'Mambo' in a distant country, her hometown was very poor, medical conditions were very limited, and she relied on their sacrifices to treat people.

But the occult healing witchcraft has extremely limited effect.

So, an international medical aid organization came to her hometown to provide humanitarian assistance.

One of them was named John. It was then that Rayner's doctor met her.

Dr. John originally did not believe in witchcraft, until he witnessed "miracles" many times, and then asked Jeki Apima to make an evil attempt.

He asked Jetki Apima to kill his own brother through voodoo dolls.

It was for this reason that he was given the position of director of St. John's Private Hospital.

Later, hearing that Jetki Appima was also suffering from a chronic illness, Dean John arranged for her to come here for treatment, and also thought that he would use her witchcraft to help him do other things.

For example, let the beautiful nurse in the hospital volunteer to do something shameful with him and never betray him.

It would have been perfect.

Modern medicine and the occult complement each other, and his dealings with Jeti Appima maximize their respective interests.

Until the idle egg hurts Jieji Appima, he takes care of a fatal business.

Speaking of this, the black woman Mambo's expression began to become a trance:

"I was originally just kind... I really didn't expect... Dr. Robert is a natural medium. "

An extremely powerful medium!"

"With his talent alone, he can forcibly pull back the souls of the dead who have not yet crossed the River Styx from the Necromancy Realm!"

"Even, after he was killed, his soul was actually able to return to his broken body on his own and resurrect himself!"

Lu Ye, who had no interest in the backstory, couldn't help but interject:

"Then have you beaten him?"

Jiki Appima shook his head: "I am far from his opponent... I just relied on the special nature of 'Mambo', and after being resurrected by him, I was not controlled by him.

Looking at the bodies of the dean and nurse, Huang Silang asked,

"Are they all ritual sacrifices?" You said earlier that if you want Baron Saturday to see it, he will take away all the souls that do not belong to the world, does it mean that as long as the ceremony is successful, the ripper will be directly killed on the spot? Jiki

Appima shook his head:

"It seems that this place is sealed by some force, and Dr. Robert's soul is extremely powerful, even if Baron Saturday notices here, he may not be able to take him directly..."

"Moreover, although he is powerful, the patients in the hospital who were resurrected by him are not so powerful."

"Once the ritual is successful, these patients become quiet corpses again... Including myself. Huang

Silang said to the two:

"I understand, this ceremony is the hidden mission mentioned in the forum!" As soon as the ritual is completed, the entire map replica monsters directly burp the whole thing!

"As long as the monsters on the 5th floor die, we can find the final code in minutes and escape successfully!"

The two of them listened with excitement!

"After completing this task, we can blow for a year!"

"That's how the ripper is weakened! It's not that hard! We just didn't find this clue before! Jeki

Appima looked at them with a smile:

"So... What price are you willing to pay to complete the ceremony? "

Life ... Still is...... Suffering?

Several people were stunned, and Huang Silang asked, "What do you mean?" Do we have to sacrifice ourselves?

"Of course."

Jeki Appima pointed to the candles around him and said:

"This ritual is only a little close, see the candle flame on those violet candles?" I need to make them burn to the length of one palm. "

As things stand... I also need you to sacrifice one life, or all three of you to sacrifice some degree of suffering. Speaking

of which, the three saw that the system gave a prompt:

[Jiki Appima needs you to make a decision.

【Option 1: Sacrifice a life, after death, you will enter the watch mode, and the corpse will remain in the game until the end of the game.] [

Option 2: Accept the pain torture of Jiki Appima, because she will use voodoo dolls to increase your pain, and the pain limit set by the game will also rise. 【Warning

, option 2 may cause you to suffer unexpected pain that you have never experienced in this game, please choose carefully.】 】Seeing

the prompt, the three people were directly dumbfounded!

"What do you mean?"

Huang Silang was stunned: "This game can also make 'overrun pain'? Who can eat this?? "

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