Of course, it is necessary to clarify that ...

this is not medical malpractice.

Ling Yichuan did this intentionally.

five minutes ago, he casually quacked off Aisha's head.

Aisha died instantly.

Then, Ling Yichuan turned his head one hundred and eighty degrees, put it back on Aisha's neck, and then grabbed a 'Red Flow Worm' and threw it up.

this is to try the error tolerance rate of the red stream worm.

you know, the most difficult part of head replacement surgery is the reconstruction of the connection of the spinal cord.

even if these living corpses can replace other organs on their bodies at will, they cannot change their heads, because the connection of the spinal cord is too difficult and difficult!

millions of axons must correspond one-to-one, perfectly connected, and none of them can be wrong, what is the difficulty?

he wanted to see how far the Red Stream Worm could go.

which will determine whether he must refine the operation later when he changes the player's head, or whether it can be a little rougher.

result, the effect of the red stream worm is ridiculously good!

then he watched as these slender insects melted into the wound on Aisha's neck, reconnecting the inverted head to her neck.

At this time, Aisha is still just a corpse.

Immediately after, Ling Yichuan used Ripper's 3 skills [Spiritism] to reclaim Aisha's soul again.

just like that, the wife was resurrected again!

what a touching reunion!

hidden execution task was also successfully triggered!

[Execution Mission (hidden): In this operating room contaminated by the God of Red Stream, perform head replacement surgery for at least one 'fugitive'. 】

(Hint, kill the fugitive in this operating room, the body will not disappear immediately, after changing the head and resurrection, the fugitive will be transformed into a replica monster of the hunter faction.) <

p idx="21"> seeing this task, Ling Yichuan's first reaction was to think of CF's zombie mode.

I wonder if my skills and equipment will be available after the fugitive is resurrected?

Of course, he doesn't have time to think about it now.

sudden change made Ling Yichuan feel a faint unease.

"As if... Something is watching me? <

p idx="26"> he could feel a cold gaze coming from upstairs.

gaze seems to be able to penetrate everything, and reinforced concrete cannot be stopped.

Ling Yichuan's heart moved, turned around, raised his head, and looked in the direction where his gaze came.

that is the direction of the dean's office.

Ling Yichuan didn't see anything, but he quickly became excited!

[SAN value: 109

%] [115%]



I don't know how many seconds from the first second of looking at each other, Ling Yichuan has already laughed with sharp teeth, and his eyes are hot and almost burning!

familiar taste!

delicious taste!!

【Hint! The fugitives seem to be trying to summon the 'Saturday Baron'! Go stop them! (There are 25 seconds left in the interference time)】<

p idx="39"> Due to the increase in the SAN value and the acceleration of thinking, the countdown in Ling Yichuan's eyes became slower and slower.

and his mind is jumping wildly!

fragmented thoughts, as if unrelated thoughts, are spinning rapidly in all corners of the brain!


p idx="42"> – the barrier of the replica world can be torn apart?

Is this hint a game effect, or is it serious?

If serious, then....

Can the many gods mentioned in Midnight Nightmare be interfered with in different copies?

this Saturday Baron is okay, is Lulu okay?

If I put down a ritual here to summon Him, will He appear?


"50"> How did the fugitive do it, was it a hidden mission, or what summoning item was used?

Since the name 'Necromancer' appears in this copy, does it mean that this god is originally in this world?

Jeti Appima!

That's right! This Voodoo patient is haunting!

she was not controlled by me, she hid!

what does she want to do? Summon Baron Saturday to deal with me?


> where do they summon?

the direction of the line of sight... 5th floor? My office?

No! No, it's the dean's office!

is there time to stop it?

20 seconds left....

5th floor... That's right! Ugly stuff is there!


> the huge and complicated thoughts were instantly retracted, and Ling Yichuan ran out while opening the shared perspective of the paper man to check the situation above.

As for poor Aisha, she wanted to follow, but her perspective and body could not be coordinated, her eyes saw the direction her husband left, and her body wanted to rush over, but she hit the operating table in the opposite direction.

and then it was firmly grasped by the dozen pairs of slender white hands on the operating table.

pressed on it, unable to move.

"I... I'm not...... patient..."

"I am... Doctor...... Family...

" she explained weakly to the operating table.


5th floor.

When the breath of the necromancy world penetrated the hospital, all the "patients" were alarmed.

In the temporary storage room of medical waste, [pica living corpse] was originally in the trash can full of medical waste, constantly rummaging through something.

bury your head in the hard work.

he is a very thin young man, all thin, only his belly is unusually large!

like refugees who ate too much Guanyin soil in the famine years.

but he eats not soil, but all kinds of medical waste.

broken ampoules, gauze with blood and pus remaining, latex gloves, and even syringes ....

his hands were already filled with needles from syringes.

it hurts to watch.

he ate it while dripping a strong acidic liquid from the corner of his mouth, corroding the ground into several deep pits.

suddenly, he stopped as if he had been inspired by something, and then Huo Ran got up!

turn your head and rush out!

two more patients have also walked out of the ward.

one is a [bone enhancement corpse] poked out of the bones

> his arms gave birth to dense knife-like bone pieces, forming two sharp large knives!

the other is [Gigantism Living Corpse] IDX="91"> he is more than three meters tall and must bend over and land on the ground like an orangutan to walk here.

these three boss-level replica monsters let out their own roars at the same time, and quickly rushed towards the direction of the dean's office!

by the wall, there is a thin paper man, carrying AK on his back, touching the wall and quietly walking forward.

he heard a roar, glanced back, and was so frightened that he quickly made way for the three bosses!

he is left and right, like a pet dog straying into a running bison herd, and a person who does not lose his mind will be trampled to death!

"Hair... What happened? "

paper man covered his chest, and the aftermath of the shock.

"I was so scared that my heart was jumping out... Ah, I don't seem to have a heart. <

p idx="99"> but then he also sank his face and looked in the direction of the dean's office.

"I always feel that something dangerous has appeared there, as if it is a very bad and very bad person..."

"101"> "It won't be bad for the owner, right?!"

thinking of this, he plucked up his courage again, picked up the gun, and ran over against the wall!


in a darkroom.

Huang Silang and Zhang Wei both heard the roar that seeped outside, and looked in the direction where the sound came from in amazement.

"The monsters on the 5th floor are out?"

"Aren't they regional monsters?" How could he suddenly leave his territory? Triggered by what?? "

Jeti Appima was still dancing witch dance, shaking the sacrificial bell, she heard the roar, and her face suddenly changed:

"Fast!" Get out and block these living corpses! "

"The necromancy world is open, these living corpses can feel it!" They will instinctively stop us! Their souls don't want to return to the Nether!! "

"Block them!" Buy a little time!! <

p idx="112"> "If the ceremony is interrupted, the time for the Saturday Baron to exert influence will also be shortened!" It is likely that before anything can be done, the gap in the door of the Necromancer Realm is closed again!! "

Hearing this, Huang Silang and Zhang Wei did not hesitate and decisively drilled out.

Lu Ye could not squat, he fell to the ground, constantly pumping.

3% of health left

Huang Silang and Zhang Wei just rushed out of the dean's office, when they saw several oncoming replica monsters, they were startled by their hideousness and ugliness!

"Gan! You see if my reasoning is exactly the same! <

p idx="118"> Huang Silang called: "Strength type, play with knives, and can spit strong acid!!" <

p idx="119"> Zhang Wei scolded: "Don't show off your insignificant IQ!" Fight it! "

[pinball launcher] reappeared on him, he took a rough aim, and thrust his crotch hard!

big marbles, shoot out in an instant!

shot the biggest target in front - the living corpse of gigantism!

his head was beaten, a hole was cracked, and he touched the blue and black blood stain on his forehead with his hand, and he slowly raised his head.

his expression gradually became hideous, and his eyes were cracked and roared!


he used his hands and feet together, and rushed over!

Huang Silang used his hand as a knife and instantly split a crescent-shaped knife light!


"129"> If this skill is in a confined space, it can be constantly refracted until it hits the target.

but at such a close distance, there is no need to refract, straight to hit the body of the living corpse of gigantism!

knife bloomed, and dozens of knife marks appeared on the living corpse in an instant!

but that doesn't kill him directly.

"The monsters on the 5th floor are awesome, we don't have to kill them, just hold them for a while!" Huang Silang shouted.

"Are you specifically making up for your weak chicken skills!"

Zhang Wei silently put on the boxer exoskeleton and posed until dawn:

"Come on!" Ugly beeps! I can spend a whole day with you! "

The three boss-level monsters were so eye-catching that the two of them ignored a carrion not far from the door.

there were no bodies here.

then the body suddenly moved.

he climbed into the dean's office with an AK!

After entering, the body changes back to the appearance of a paper man.

the attribute of the paper man is 'underworld', and the sense of the necromancy world is also strong.

he hardly needs to look for it, he knows where the problem is.

he opened the hidden safe door, he got in with a nervous face, and then saw the bloody scene inside.

Paper man: "Ah!! "

a scream that frightened Jeti Appima as well.

saw a strange paper man standing at the entrance, her black and white eyes were round, "What is this?!" <

p idx="148"> Paper man nervously raised his muzzle: "I'm ugly!" Are you a bad person? <

p idx="149"> Jetki Appima was stunned for a moment: "Huh? "

At this time, Lu Ye's health was completely cleared and he closed his eyes.

the surrounding green candles suddenly flew high, and the burning straw baron slowly turned his head and looked at the paper man.

paper man glanced at them and decisively pulled the trigger on Jetki Appima!

a dozen bullets, nothing accurate to rush over.

three of them hit Jetki Appima's chest and two went through the head.


> the sacrificial bell fell from her hand and finally rang.

she threw herself to the ground with her eyes open.

exactly the same as Dean John next to him, like a martyred couple.

With the death of the leader, the ritual was obviously affected, and the candle and the green fire on the straw duke suddenly fell!

however, the Duke did not leave on Saturday.

the little skeleton under the top hat looked at the paper man, and in the green flame, the skeleton seemed to be a little distorted, as if making a disgusted expression.

a voice from the netherworld said:

"wrong soul..."

The next moment, all the green flames flew up, instantly converged in the middle of the dark room, and condensed into a figure outlined by green fire!

the figure has only the edges outlined by the flames, and has no entity.

A skeleton gentleman wearing a top hat, evening dress, and a cane.

this is a doppelganger projection lowered by the Baron on Saturday.

he took a step, and the figure suddenly appeared, almost instantly in front of the paper figure, leaving many green flame afterimages behind him.

Baron Saturday grabbed the paper man by the neck and lifted him high.

"wrong soul... You shouldn't stay in the living world! "

paper man was scared half to death, and the existence in front of him seemed to have a kind of spiritual suppression on him!

but insisted on firing a shuttle bullet.


the dozen or so rounds left in the magazine, all passed through the silhouette of the Saturday Baron, leaving a twisted crater in the wall.

Baron reached out and burrowed directly into the body of the paper man!

the current expression of the paper man is: (ΩДΩ)

> "Come out!"

a loach-like twitching soul was dragged out of the body of the paper man!

you can vaguely see the face of a beautiful Shota.

Baron Saturday's left hand waved, and a glittering spatial rift appeared.

he domineeringly threw the soul of the paper man into that gap!

"Go down!"

the soul of the paper man, was thrown over, he was full of horror!

his silent cry!


he felt a repulsion behind him, and his soul was bounced before he could touch the rift.

his soul is like a balloon that has fallen to the ground, bounced up by Duang, and then slowly floats up....

paper man: ???

Baron Saturday had already turned around to leave, and seeing this, he stopped in amazement.


the soul of the paper man floated there, also stunned.

a projection, a soul, just looked at each other awkwardly for a moment.

then the paper man began to try to save himself.

his soul swims into his shell in a breaststroke position, inch by inch.

Baron Saturday looked blankly.

stared blankly.


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