Huang Silang froze for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

"Sister, you don't have a brain pump, do you?"

"Is it funny to make such jokes? I really want to call the police! This game is 100% problematic! I feel...... I almost died inside!

His sister's expression was also serious: "Who is joking with you!" People are at the door, see for yourself!

Huang Silang was stunned again.

"You're not kidding?"

At this time, there were footsteps walking in outside, the sound of hard leather shoes.

I saw two policemen wearing large-brimmed hats and blue uniforms walking over by themselves.

The two policemen looked very old, at most in their twenties, like young men who had just graduated.

They came to this entertainment room, looked inside, and saw Huang Silang, who was holding a trash can and his face was full of confusion.

"Is he the informant?"

One of the tall policemen asked.

As soon as these words came out, Huang Silang and his sister's brows furrowed, and they didn't make a sound for a while.

Seeing their strange reaction, the tall policeman also hesitated, and the short policeman cleared his throat and said:

"So what... If this is the informant, then we want to be alone with him for a while.

After that, the two policemen looked at Huang Silang and his sister.

His sister remained motionless and looked at them suspiciously.

The atmosphere suddenly seemed very delicate.

"What does that mean?"

The tall policeman muttered very unprofessionally: "Two deaf and dumb people? No way?

"Uh... I said two police uncles ... Two police officers. Seeing

that the atmosphere was gagging, Huang Silang timidly raised his hand and spoke:

"Are you mistaken? I didn't report it... Oh no, I should say, I wanted to report it, but I haven't had time to report it yet.

As soon as these words came out, the two police officers looked at each other.

"What's the situation?"

"Don't make it!"

They also looked at their GM tasks.

In front of the eyes of the two officers, a clear text glowing with blue light appeared out of thin air.

[GM mission: use the identity of the police officer to erase and reset the memory of the police officer 'Huang Silang', so as to heal the mental trauma caused by him in the game and avoid the expansion of the negative impact (click to expand for details)]

The two police officers stood there, clicked to expand the specific information of the task, and viewed it in detail.

This scene, in the eyes of Huang Silang and his sister, was particularly weird.

The two policemen suddenly stopped moving, their gazes moving up slightly, as if looking at something in the room that they couldn't see.

Huang Silang stood up, moved to his sister's side, and asked in a low voice,

"What's wrong with them?"

His sister frowned, staring warily at the two policemen who seemed to have suddenly died in their brains:

"Don't make it... But they may have problems! It's so weird.

A moment later, the two police officers finished reading all the pre-information given by the GM mission, and the two looked at each other in shock.

"Something went wrong? Is there a bug in the system?

"Impossible! The system has never been buggy!

Huang Silanghu asked suspiciously,

"What are you talking about?"

The short policeman secretly elbowed his colleague next to him.

The tall policeman hurriedly said: "Oh, nothing, we want to say... Maybe you made a mistake, it wasn't you who called the police... But since you said that you also have to call the police, then we will deal with it by the way, right? It's all coming anyway..." "

It's coming?!" I..."

Huang Silang exclaimed, "Two police officers! Even if you treat me as a fool, don't treat me as deaf! What kind of system is BUG you are talking about just now! Now it's a big lie? It's too much!

His sister picked up her phone and started dialing.

The short policeman noticed: "Madam, what are you doing, ma'am?"

"I'm going to call the police to check your identity."

His sister had already dialed 110, and her eyes became more and more vigilant:

"What is your alarm number, let me check it, right?"

"Don't make things so troublesome!"

The tall policeman said depressedly: "You have to call the police anyway, isn't it good that we came early?" It's really..." The

words and deeds of the two were really too suspicious.

Huang Silang's reason and intuition are fiercely fighting.

What the hell are they... Are they...??

Midnight Nightmare is a game that has always been mysterious, mysterious research and development technology, mysterious development... With countless doubts!

If even one percent of the conspiracy theories on the Internet are true, then these two people are likely to be people from the game company!

They even knew in advance that I was going to call the police!

Only the company that developed the game Midnight Nightmare can master such incredible supernatural powers!

So what the hell are they doing here?!

The more Huang Silang thought about it, the more afraid he became!

At this time, the short policeman had already stepped forward a few steps and tried to seize Huang Silang's sister's mobile phone.

"Aaaaaa Go away! Come on! I tell you, the old lady has practiced! The old lady's previous interest class was Muay Thai!

"Don't do it, don't you hear me!!" It doesn't matter if you are a cop or not! I sue you! Don't touch me!! You move me again and try!!

"Believe it or not, I struck my head with my front legs and kicked your Heavenly Spirit Cover!"

The short policeman ignored it at all, and snatched the mobile phone in the opponent's hand with a quick grab.

He looked down, and the screen showed that the person he was calling was 110

There was also an operator over there talking: "Hello, is there anything I can do to help you?" He

hung up directly.

The two fake policemen looked at each other.

"Hard come?"

"I can only come hard..."

Hearing this, his sister's eyes were shocked, and she was sure that she had met a robber pretending to be a policeman:

"Brother! Come on! I'll help you withstand them! You jump out of the window and run!

Huang Silang was also frightened, but when he heard this, he still couldn't help but complain:

"Silly beep you! This is the 20th floor!! The

two GMs pretending to be police officers, the 'game managers', both sighed and held out their hands.

On their originally empty wrists, a light suddenly outlined the shape of the watch, and then it became a real thing.

It's exactly the same as the special effects in the Midnight Nightmare game.

Seeing this, Huang Silang's spirit was once again stimulated, and he forgot to escape, just staring at their wrists blankly.

Smart people, sometimes that's not good.

A lot of things, it's easy to figure out.

Then, the worldview can easily collapse.

"Our world ... Is it also a game? He muttered.

The two GMs simultaneously pressed a button on the left side of the watch, and the dial suddenly stood up and turned into a scope.

【Name: Muscle relaxant launcher (watch type)】【

Type: GM prop

】【Introduction: This is a watch that can shoot muscle relaxants, and the effective shooting range is 10 meters. 】

【How to use: aim at any part of the human body with the dial and press the launch button on the side of the watch】

【Note: The design of this product is inspired by the classic horror anime "The Grim Reaper Elementary School Student is Coming! 》】

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