[Feature 1: 'Butterfly Step' In the ring field, boxers can control the friction resistance under their feet and can perform highly maneuverable sliding steps. (For specific usage, please expand...)

[Feature 2: 'Home Field Advantage' Within the ring field, the 'Fight Combo' has no cooldown, and the 'Tiger Roar' feature is activated, and each punch hit can cause the target to 'stiff' for a certain period of time. 】【

Consumption: 15% energy value

】【Duration: 12 seconds】【Cooldown: 30 seconds】【

Note: The most important thing is to have fun and have fun! Don't try to cut people three ways! Foul! Pounce on the street! Standing

in the center of the ring, Luo Nan opened 2 skills 'Fighting Combo Boxing' at the same time!

4 simple boxing moves, from top to bottom, are listed on the right side of his field of vision.

Straight punches, swing punches, hook punches, jabs.

With regard to these four most basic punching techniques, he can fight as he wants, as long as it roughly corresponds, he can get a damage bonus of 2 skills.

On his fist, a phantom of a red fist appeared - this is the special effect of 'Fight Combination Fist'.

In addition to the boxing sleeve, there is an ink white tiger phantom with rough lines - this is an additional bonus 'tiger roar' feature.

Seeing Ling Yichuan's body fall, he first used an uppercut punch according to the standard of 'King of Fighters Set of Stream Killing Continuous Techniques'!

In the roar of the tiger, his fist smashed heavily on Ling Yichuan's back!


Ling Yichuan felt a pain in his back, the downward momentum was stopped, and his body instantly stiffened.

When he is hard-controlled, all his skill slots are grayed out and he cannot use any skills.

The demon monk's heart was on fire.

He still didn't say a word, under the black skeleton, his smile grew, and his narrow phoenix eyes were already round.

As soon as the hard control touches, the next punch arrives!

This time it's the right jab!

Ling Yichuan's body seemed to be out of the control of gravity, and he was stiff and flew backwards by this punch.

In the ring field, Luo Nan can quickly slide out several meters away with a little force under his feet.

Before he was about to land, he added another left hook.

He flew to the right.

"Hahahaha! Refreshing! Seeing

that the hunter in front of him, who made many people feel fearful, was like a rag, beaten back and forth by his own continuous moves, without even the slightest strength to resist, his heart was full of venting pleasure and a sense of accomplishment!

At this time, Bao Pingan and Ma Shen'ao both rushed to him.

Bao Pingan was also laughing: "Nice job!" That's it! Keep fighting! I'm coming to cut off his leg! "

He doesn't know how the demon monk's defense is, but looking at the appearance, he guesses... It is estimated to be very general.

Although after the version update, the 'talent' mechanism has introduced the 1v4 mode, but now the version has just been updated, even if Ling Yichuan wants to work the 'physique' talent, it has not yet achieved results.

So this demon monk must still be a normal demon monk!

And the hunter with average defense, in front of his 'green sword' that sharpens iron like mud, I am afraid that he will be cut off a leg if he can't get two blows!

If I could cut off both of his legs and kneel directly....

Post it on the forum, it is estimated that the number of comments will explode, right? Ha ha!

The so-called most terrible hunter, the founder of the frightening stream, is no more!

Hard control is the version answer!

As long as a few fugitives who are full of control join forces, there will be no hunters who cannot be abused!

Bao Pingan saw an opportunity, and when Ling Yichuan was shot upwards again, he swung his sword vigorously and slashed over!

However, the demon monk who had been lying in a stiff state suddenly moved!

His muscles instantly bulged, and he suddenly raised his legs, allowing Bao Pingan's sword to split the air!

Then step down harder!


Bao Pingan didn't figure it out for a while, just fine, how could the stiff effect played by Luo Nan suddenly ineffective?


Ling Yichuan stepped the sword body of the green sword with both feet, and the unprepared Bao Pingan was carried by the sword, and the whole rushed forward!

The next moment, the demon monk's hand gently touched his face.

Two powerful fingers slid towards Bao Pingan's eyes... And then slammed in!


[Your eyes have been seriously injured! ] Blinded!

Bao Pingan only felt a tingling pain in his eyes!

This pain sensation has reached the upper limit of the pain he has ever felt in the game!

Immediately, there was a blood red in front of him, and then it fell into pitch black.

Nothing but a lonely game interface, nothing can be seen.

"Groove! Groove! Groove! I'm blind! I'm blind! Mario! Pull me out! Pull me away first!

Bao Pingan lost his balance, instinctively bent down, lowered his center of gravity, and panicked his hands around him, spinning in circles in place.

Like a real blind man.

Neither Mashenao nor Ronan could take care of him for the time being.

Both of them looked at Ling Yichuan at this moment in shock.

The shirtless demon monk actually left the ground with his feet off the ground at this moment... Levitation in front of them.

The parts of his body that were not covered by human skin robes, the muscles were still swelling, getting bigger and bigger, and the twisted knots on them burst out!

And under his skeleton helmet, there were countless red worm-like spots moving downstream, and finally froze.

"What is this? Demon monk skills?

Luo Nan was stunned, "How does it look like the spell mark of the second pillar attacked??"


Shenao found a blind spot: "In the stiff state, can I use skills?"

Luo Nan was shocked: "Yes, it seems that it can't!" Ma

Shenao: "Then how did he use it?"

At this time, they heard the scripture whispered in Ling Yichuan's mouth.

He read very softly, so they hadn't noticed it just now.

What he read was:

"Look at the ghosts and bodhisattvas at ease, walk as deep as Boromi, see the emptiness of the five internal organs, and see the heads of the five ghosts..." Ling

Yichuan was reciting the 'Killing the Buddha Sutra' scripture in the memory of the demon monk!

Killing the Buddhist scriptures works together again.

Not only did his resistance greatly increase, but it also seemed to have restored some of his demon monks' other abilities.

For example....


Ling Yichuan casually took off the black skull helmet and threw it on the ground.

At this moment, his face was covered with blood worm lines, the blood lotus on the top of his head was extremely gorgeous, and his eyes were as black as demons, leaving only two rounds of dark golden eclipse pupils.

A trace of confusion appeared in Ling Yichuan's eyes, and he looked at his hands.

In the palm, two blood lotuses opened.

"Bugs again... And the bugs are getting bigger..."

Ling Yichuan, who had already been demonized, looked at the stunned two with those eclipse pupils, stuffed his blood-stained index and middle fingers into his mouth, and sucked them before saying,

"You beat me so much..."

"Now... Forget the game, I'll let the demon monk play with you for a while. Ling

Yichuan closed his eyes and tried to completely put away his personality.

"What are you listening to him!"

Bao Pingan closed his bleeding eyes and shouted, "Help me aside!" I have to heal my wounds with the 'Boiling Heart Method'!"

Ma Shen'ao was obedient, and although he was very uneasy now, he still ran to Bao Pingan's side and dragged him to run away.

Luo Nan turned around and shouted, "You guys retreat first!" My Highness!

When he turned his head back and looked at Ling Yichuan, he found that he was standing close to him, grinning wickedly, revealing a mouthful of good teeth.


"Are you special..." I

don't know why.

Luo Nan felt that the demon monk in front of him seemed to be no longer that person...

Just by looking at each other, Luo Nan's SAN value began to drop rapidly, and his body began to tremble.

"Scare Lao Tzu, huh! me! "

He raised his fist again, wearing a fierce finger tiger! The phantom of the fist sleeve appears!

Just now he has been within the range of the 'Ring Field', so his 2 skill 'Fight Combo Punch' has no cooldown and can be used at any time!

It's just that the demon monk didn't even give him a chance to punch!

Due to the close distance, the demon monk directly hugged him into his arms with his thick arms, clasped his hands behind his back, and suddenly strained!


Luo Nan's arm was instantly broken! The air in the lungs was all squeezed out!

The demon monk in the state of muscle brother enjoyed rubbing Luo Nan's cheek with enjoyment, and said softly:


"The host told me from a young age that monks can't have skin-to-skin kisses with other people... It was a mistake in the precepts, and the Buddha would blame it.

"Even if you are too close to a man, you can't."

"But they never told me what kind of mystery was hidden in the Guanyin Hall that didn't let me enter."


"Later, I violated all the rules and precepts..."

Luo Nan was rubbed with goosebumps, and was creeped out by the demon monk's tone, trying to break away, he stared at the demon monk's gentle face full of blood streaks, and angrily reprimanded:

"Get out of the way for Lao Tzu!!"

The demon monk pursed his lips and smiled, facing his face, his small mouth was slightly open, very charming.

It's just that...... His mouth slowly opened wider, getting bigger and bigger, so big that it was already beyond the limit that his upper and lower jaws could accommodate!

He had a good tooth, gradually became sharper and longer, and finally turned into a dense mouth of quenched sharp teeth!

From Luo Nan's perspective, he saw that the demon monk's upper jaw and throat eyes had grown sharp teeth!

He stared at the sharp teeth that were getting closer and closer in disbelief, and only felt that his body and mind were about to be sucked in...

"Don't! Other!! No!! "


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