Ling Yichuan: "..." If

he could, he especially wanted to explain to the GM.

He is a demon monk, what is the matter with me Ling someone?

But that is to say, if he was given a chance to appeal, he would not dare to apply.

After all, looking back, if you go back to the roots....

Maybe the 'character template fusion system' that is inexplicably bound to him has a big problem!

Is there a possibility.

This system, which itself is a script specifically designed to target the supernatural game Midnight Nightmares?

To put it more directly.

It's a plug-in!

This plug-in usually can't be detected, maybe it's just a fusion of personality, but it's actually very low-key, and there is no problem on the surface.

Only Ling Yichuan himself knows that he can get the advantage of information asymmetry, as well as the ability bonus brought by the hunter's personality.

And this demon monk is a little different.

For some reason, he can directly break through the setting of the game for the character by recalling the mental method in his memory, and directly use his former magical powers!

In this way, isn't it too high-profile, too slap in the face!

Obviously, Midnight Nightmare also has some similar means of stack detection or CRC detection, open and hang this matter, can not be too open, blatant!

Ling Yichuan decided not to use the 'Killing Buddha Sutra' and other magical powers in his memory for the time being.

So as not to produce any more moths.

Picking up the black skull helmet on the ground, he glanced at his current state.

"There are energy values left... 41%?

He silently calculated.

The Great Curse was used twice, 10 seconds and 5 seconds, which is a total of 15% of the energy value;

Then there are cassocks, the same 15%;

Tenryu poison palm 8%;

Calculated down, there should be 62% left, and there is a difference of 21% in the middle, which should be consumed extra after using the Killing Buddha Sutra just now.

Well, reasonable.

"There is actually 50% of the stamina left, which is good, it is much less than expected."

"It seems that those 12 bowls of noodles were not eaten for nothing."

"Adding 120 permanent endurance points has greatly reduced my physical exertion speed..." Otherwise

, according to the six-dimensional radar map of the demon monk, the endurance of this product is very bad, and this toss, the physical strength value must fall below 30%.

Ling Yichuan looked in the direction where the other two fled, which was the bamboo forest where the Zhai Hall was located.

His eyes narrowed slightly: "Since there is still spare strength... Just grab it.

"Can't get them back to good comfort."

He walked towards the bamboo forest.

At this time, Ling Yichuan noticed that a white mist quickly diffused out from the depths of the bamboo forest, obscuring his vision.

His first reaction was: "Dodge tracking skills? Immediately

afterwards, the same white mist poured in from all directions.

The white mist not only came close to the ground, but even climbed over the eaves of the temple and climbed the treetops, almost encircling it in all directions!

In the faint mist, large white lanterns floated closer, casting a layer of glow on the ground.

Ling Yichuan stood in the only open space in the middle of the white mist, and black eyes suddenly began to bloom all over his body!

The Demon Monk passive skill 'Hyakume' has been triggered again!

Right cheek, left cheek, neck, chest, back... All gave birth to pitch-black eyeballs without whites!

Ling Yichuan didn't move, and secretly thought in his heart: '

Baimu was triggered? What does this mean?

''There are prying eyes all around...'' It's

hidden in these white lanterns... What is it?

''Wait! Are these white balls lanterns? Ling

Yichuan noticed that the white lanterns floating in the mist were often in groups of two, and the amplitude of the up and down fluctuations was completely the same!

Could it be....

The peeping gaze is not hidden in the lantern?

These white lanterns... Eyes in themselves?!

How big are these monsters?!

Ling Yichuan sensed the danger and simply remained motionless.

The personality of the demon monk gives him a strong instinct to face danger.

It's like being stared at by a poisonous snake in the mountains.

People's first reaction is not to move.

If the viper judges that you have no intention of threatening itself, it will leave on its own.

Quiet, waiting.

Ling Yichuan was completely still, and had no intention of fighting with these white lanterns.

In 1v4 mode, some of the mechanics of the quest monster can be aimed at hunters.

For example, 'Puppet Maiden' Angela Belle, and 'Voodoo Shaman' Jetki Appima.

Even if the hunter's health is locked, his energy, stamina, and even san can be consumed.

And it can also be bound in such a way that he cannot stop the fugitive's actions, resulting in the defeat of the game.

In order to avoid this situation, Ling Yichuan adhered to the basic strategy of the enemy not moving, and I not moving.

About 2 minutes passed.

The "white lanterns" in groups of two slowly receded into the depths of the dense fog and gradually disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the dense fog also quickly faded, just like the low tide.

"Whew... Finally gone.

Ling Yichuan breathed a sigh of relief: "This mechanism is also quite strange, I wonder if these 'white lanterns' will also harass the fugitives?"

"If they can't withstand the pressure and launch a counterattack, will they be killed?"

He had a strong intuition.

These large numbers of "white lanterns" are difficult to kill by simple violence.

After such a dozen forks, the two escapees who fled to the bamboo forest did not know how far they had run, and Ling Yichuan did not want to chase.

He turned to look at the majestic Great Hall behind him and decided to go here first.

As the largest main hall in the temple, there is a lot of space inside, and the probability of hiding good things is also very high.

Originally, most of the monks in this Fanyin Temple were also sealed into the clay Buddha statues here by demon monks.

Including the abbot.

Exactly, go see them too.

Walking to the front of the hall, casually breaking the 'empty door' in the middle, Ling Yichuan crossed the threshold and entered the hall.

This does not look at the unknown, a look at the ouch lying groove!

"Lying down... Mitabha! Ling

Yichuan's eyes widened, looking at the mess in the hall in shock!

In the Daxiong Treasure Hall, the three statues of the Three Buddhas sitting at the main entrance, the front body has been demolished!

From face to body, it is all demolished! Only a silhouette remains sitting there!

The same goes for other Buddha statues!

Medicine Buddha, three-body Buddha, and various statues of bodhisattvas have all been stripped off from the front!

The adobe stained with dark red blood inside the Buddha statue is revealed!

"What about the poor monk's brother? And the abbot of the poor monk?? Ling

Yichuan hurriedly stepped forward to check!

I saw that inside the clay Buddha statue, there was still a lot of dried blood and wisps of shredded flesh

... These are all traces of the monks who were once imprisoned here.

But where have they gone now?

Came out on your own?


Unless the background of the game modifies the strength of these monks, according to the spell imposed on them by the demon monks, these monks can only stay in the Buddha statue without life or death until the day when the incense of the temple is completely cut off!

"Footprints... Footprints! If they had gone by themselves, there would definitely be education on earth!

Ling Yichuan hurriedly looked at the ground, looking for footprints that should exist.

Not to mention, he found a few faint blood footprints.

On the side of the footprints, there are also some strange black slimes, dotted with a large range.

He first touched the bloody footprints.

System Tip:

[These footprints appear to have been left by humans, not demons.] 【

Will they be the missing monks in the temple?】

Ling Yichuan ignored this part of the hint and instead twisted a little black slime on the ground with his fingers.

He opened his thumb and forefinger, and the mucus elongated between his fingers.

"Very Q-bomb."

"Bounce the bullet, bounce away the crow's feet."

After playing for a while, seeing that the system never prompted, he stopped his childish movements.

Then suddenly stuff the mucus into your mouth and smack the taste.

"Fishy ... Bitter...... With a hint of sweetness. "

A taste that has never been tasted before."

"It's a bit like Banlangen... Could it be that the third type of monster in the Fanyin Temple is a group of Banlangen who have cultivated for thousands of years? "


The northernmost side of Fanyin Temple, the second floor of the Tibetan scripture pavilion.

Sun Weina, a 'thief' dressed in black, was lying on the eaves at this moment, poked a hole in the paper window, and secretly looked inside.

In the scripture cabinet, a few oil lamps were lit.

Through the faint light inside, he saw that there were many monks inside, standing in rows and uniformly.

It looks like terracotta.

Are these monks alive or dead? What are they doing?

Sun Weina had a trace of doubt in her heart.

To be honest, this scene looks quite weird.

I adjusted the position and poked a hole in the window again.

This time, Sun Weina saw what these monks were doing.

They were reading the book quietly and silently, holding the scripture in their hands.

Knowing what they were doing, the weirdness became more and more intense.

Because Sun Weina saw... Although these monks were all wearing clean monk robes, their heads were all blurred with flesh and blood, just like ...

It's like they've all been skinned.

Moreover, they obviously hold the scriptures in both hands, but from time to time the scriptures automatically turn a page....

What is turning the page? Mindfulness?

Sun Weina adjusted the position and angle again and poked the third window hole.

She saw it.

In the eyes of an old monk, a slender black tentacle stretched out, quickly turned the pages of the scripture, and then retracted it.

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