Not knowing what came to mind, Sun Weina quickly took out a dark yellow silk map and unfolded it.

After seeing the name of this pond, she was more sure of her guess.

"Sure enough, there is a problem."

Sun Weina's first reaction was to go!

A girl, in the middle of the night, was followed by a perverted stone statue in a strange temple full of enchantment...

What a penetrating person!

I dare not think about the plot in the back!

And Sun Weina couldn't guess what this thing was!

The last time she played the Demon Monk Quest, there were three more conventional youkai, but if this stone statue is also a youkai, she really can't guess what kind of monster it is.

Perhaps, the version update will be more difficult?

This time the quest monsters may be some more difficult monsters?

She walked against the wall, intending to get away from the strange stone statue as soon as possible.

Pond in the middle.

The angry King Kong maintained a high-flying posture of clenching his left hand into a fist and his right hand.

His face is like a mask of puppet play, black face and fangs, angry eyes, very bluffing!

It's just that if someone who knows a little bit about Buddhism sees this guy, they will definitely be a little stunned.

He looks like a statue of a king or a statue of King Kong.

But who is it?

The four heavenly kings and the eight kings all have their own characteristics and are armed with weapons.

This one... Empty and shapely, but without specific characteristics and weapons, it is like a poor imitator.

At this time, seeing Sun Weina in the distance leaving, his huge stone eyes also moved slightly.

Always follow her.

Line of sight locked.

Sun Weina stopped and turned back sharply, and he retracted his gaze again, pretending that nothing had happened.

If there is a person near the stone statue at this moment, you can see that his body is wet... Still dripping, as if it had just crawled out of the water.


Sun Weina hid in the shadows, staring at the stone statue in the shell with slightly irritated eyes.

She originally wanted to walk, but just after taking a few steps, she was once again behind her like a man... The stone statue is still peeking at itself.

Sun Weina changed her mind a little.

This stone statue is like a lewd man who likes to follow girls.

This kind of thing usually has little strength.

If the stone statue has enough attack power, then whatever he wants to do, he can already do it, without having to follow him all the time.

This stone statue, at present, seems to have the most commendable ability to track skills.

If his sense of hearing or smell is sharp enough, I won't be able to get rid of him even if I use 'stealth stealth' again."

In that case, either simply solve this thing completely?

Sun Weina held the 'Evil Vajra Bridge' in her hand.

People tend to be like this....

Hold a sharp weapon and have killing intent!

When she decides that the stone statue is not a powerful character, she tries to solve the tail behind her once and for all!

Sun Weina stared at the stone statue and began to move forward.

Even if you can't kill it.

I'm going to force him to show his original form!"

Otherwise, it's really uncomfortable!

For her, a thief is meant to hide in the dark forever, and don't play when stared at.

After walking a few steps and walking under the moonlight, she felt a strong sense of insecurity again.

Overhead, a flock of vultures that stay up late are circling, as if ready to swoop down and make a bite of supper.

Behind him, there is a group of monks who stay up late reading and have tentacles in their eyes.

In front of him is a trailing stone statue of unknown origin.

Looking back at the Tibetan scripture pavilion, he saw that it was still silent inside, and he let go of some psychological burdens a little.

Turning his head to look at the angry King Kong again, he was still there.

Sun Weina had an intuition.

If you take your gaze off the stone statue, the stone statue will disappear.

So she stared deadly, her eyes not blinking, and she held the King Kong Bridge in her hand, as if holding a saber.

Step by step.


The pressure gradually came to the stone statue.

On the forehead of the stone statue, fine droplets of water began to ooze out.

It's like sweating.

His right foot moved slightly by half an inch, obviously wanting to run, but Sun Weina stared too closely and did not dare to run.

Sun Weina came to the edge of the pool, and her feet were a little harder.

The 'nitrogen ejection shoes' burst out a compressed nitrogen gas, and her slender body suddenly jumped, crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and fell in front of the stone statue.

The stone statue does not move.

The handmade stone shells are large, like a small floating island in a pond.

Sun Weina circled around the stone statue and carefully examined and observed the details of the stone statue.

Finally stopped behind the stone statue.

The triangular pointed blade of the diamond bridge rests at the waist of the stone statue.

"Why follow me?" Sun Weina asked coldly.

The stone statue trembled all over and made a clear and childish voice like Zhengtai.

"Don't, don't kill me!"

"I, I, I, I, I... I recruit anything! "

The camouflage of the stone statue faded like a wave of water, and it turned into a big paper man wearing a gray robe with miserable white skin!

Sun Weina was frightened: "Don't move! The

ugly thing kept the movement of the stone statue, crying with a sad face: "I didn't move!" Don't move! Hurt! "

Yes, that's right, the guy who followed Miss Burglar all the way like a lewd man... It is Ling Yichuan's paper man doppelganger.

The words were 20 minutes ago.

After Ling Yichuan left the hall, he released the paper man again and acted separately with him.

His idea was simple and reasonable.

He is responsible for chasing down the fugitives, and the paper man is responsible for using his unfortunate luck to collect randomly refreshed equipment and items on the map.

What about ugly things, they also have their own ideas.

As a netherworld, his perception of demon qi is not weak, and with his empty hands, he only feels that this temple is full of terrible threats!

Don't dare to go anywhere!

Just when he was anxious about his incompetence, Sun Weina, who suddenly appeared halfway, was like a beacon!

Since you are incompetent and can't complete the task of your master, then at least keep an eye on a bad guy and provide a vision as before!

Therefore, the ugly thing used his increasingly exquisite tracking skills to always be far behind this woman walking on the wall.

There was no obstruction in this section of the road just now, it was more difficult to track, so the ugly thing had to swim in the water and disguise it as a stone statue.

He also observed carefully.

When the woman in black walked over, she did not look at this side of the pond, whether there was a stone statue here, she should not know.

At least not sure!

The ugly thing didn't expect that his elaborate disguise would actually be recognized so quickly!

He was sad.

Sun Weina whispered, "Turn around!" The

paper man's body did not move, his head spun around, and a drawn face looked at her bitterly.

His pale and gloomy face made Sun Weina slightly frightened, and took a step back: "Oh, I'll go!" What are you?!

"I'm ugly."


The ugly thing couldn't help but say:

"Can I ask... How did you find me? I'm obviously disguised great..."

His reaction made Sun Weina think that this guy should not be a replica monster, but more like an NPC who came to the mission like a yellow-skinned man...

Therefore, Sun Weina did not rush to attack, she was funny and a little scared and said:

"First of all, this place is called the mussel fairy pond."

"Do you know what a mussel fairy is? Can you explain why an angry Vajra statue is poked in the mussel shell of the mussel fairy pond? "


Sun Weina scanned up and down at the strange posture that the ugly thing was still maintaining.

He clenched his left hand into a fist, his right hand soared into the sky, and his chest was held high, which made people feel inexplicably déjà vu... But certainly not the statue of the king or the Vajra statue in the temple.

She couldn't help but smile and said: "Your posture is not like the king or King Kong in the temple, but like singing a model play..."

"Ahhh... So that's it..." The

ugly thing was annoyed.

It turned out that it was still lost in the skill of disguise is not enough!

Keep up the good work next time!

"What the hell are you? Why follow me? Sun Weina asked again.

The ugly thing didn't know how to answer, so he simply told the truth:

"I'm going to help my master keep an eye on you."

Sun Weina frowned: "Who is your master?" "

Ugly thing:" My Lord Ling Yichuan. "


Sun Weina was furious, and was almost fooled by this innocent paper man, thinking he was an NPC!

It turned out to be some kind of monster summoned by the hunter!

With the force of her hand, the 'Evil King Kong Bridge' stabbed into the waist and eyes of the paper man!

"Ah it hurts——!"

The ugly thing covered its waist and eyes, trying to escape in the scream, but was grabbed by Sun Weina!


The characteristic of 'Evil Vajra' is 'Evil'.

However, any existence judged by the Buddha Gate to be 'Evil Dragon' or 'Evil Sect Crooked Way' will suffer high damage from the Buddha's Sumiqi!

On the back of the ugly thing, two penetrating wounds appeared, and a circle of black shadows flashing with golden light debris appeared around the wound, spreading and enlarging like poisonous gas!

For paper people, ordinary physical penetrating injuries would have been insignificant.

But these two wounds made him feel a piercing pain... Even if he has no heart and no bones.

"Aaaah! Ahhh! Ahhh!! It hurts! Hurt!!

He covered his waist and screamed loudly to try to push the woman in black away, but Sun Weina was not moved at all.

"What a weak paper man... It seems that it is not a combat type.

She quickly came to a judgment.

Just about to poke a few more times and completely bring it to the result ... Sun Weina suddenly saw a billowing white mist above the pool.

"What's the situation?!"

Just as he was about to leave the middle of the pool, when he turned around, he saw that the ground and bridge around him had been occupied by white mist... This sudden strange fog had instantly surrounded her in the middle of the mussel fairy pond!

Dozens of swaying white lanterns, looming from the mist, floated precariously over.

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